Democrats: Being anti Trump isn't enough


Diamond Member
Jun 26, 2016
As an Independent, I try to see things from both sides. I've been a bit critical here of President Trump (and justifiably so) but now it's the Democrat's turn: Democrats...If you folks think that just being anti Trump is going to get your party back into power, you're sorely mistaken! Yes, Trump and the GOP have gotten off to a rocky start, but unpopular as they may be you folks on the left wing are even more unpopular. You folks have to solve a number of difficult problems soon, or you're simply going to remain on the sidelines:

* You claim to be for the working class, but your policies are aimed primarily those in the tech field, those with college degrees, minorities, and select areas of business such as green energy, leaving less educated people struggling.

* Your headlong pursuit of diversity have left many white voters feeling marginalized or abandoned

* Your candidates have no message, your entire party looks tired and boring.

* 8 years of President Obama did little or nothing to help the plight of the blue collar white voter

* Your major candidates spent little or no time in the coffee houses, bars, or restaurants of the rust belt and the South. You made speeches to these folks, but you didn't listen to them!

* Your entire campaign in 2016 from the Presidential race right down to the State and local races was of a political party with it's nose in the air, and an uncaring attitude regarding the white working class.

* Too many of your voters from the previous 2 elections simply didn't bother to vote in 2016. As Bill Clinton once said: "Getting 50 Democrats to agree on a course of action is like herding 50 cats!" You still have not solved this.

So, Democrats: Stop blaming Donald Trump for your problems. Donald Trump and the GOP may not have been very good candidates, but they were good enough to whip your butts, and unless you start solving the problems listed above, they'll do it again!

The voice of the Independent has spoken! :bye1:
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As an Independent, I try to see things from both sides. I've been a bit critical here of President Trump (and justifiably so) but now it's the Democrat's turn: Democrats...If you folks think that just being anti Trump is going to get your party back into power, you're sorely mistaken! Yes, Trump and the GOP have gotten off to a rocky start, but unpopular as they may be you folks on the left wing are even more unpopular. You folks have to solve a number of difficult problems soon, or you're simply going to remain on the sidelines:

* You claim to be for the working class, but your policies are aimed primarily those in the tech field, those with college degrees, minorities, and select areas of business such as green energy, leaving less educated people struggling.

* Your headlong pursuit of diversity have left many white voters feeling marginalized or abandoned

* Your candidates have no message, your entire party looks tired and boring.

* 8 years of President Obama did little or nothing to help the plight of the blue collar white voter

* Your major candidates spent little or no time in the coffee houses, bars, or restaurants of the rust belt and the South. You made speeches to these folks, but you didn't listen to them!

* Your entire campaign in 2016 from the Presidential race right down to the State and local races was of a political party with it's nose in the air, and an uncaring attitude regarding the white working class.

* Too many of your voters from the previous 2 elections simply didn't bother to vote in 2016. As Bill Clinton once said: "Getting 50 Democrats to agree on a course of action is like herding 50 cats!" You still have not solved this.

So, Democrats: Stop blaming Donald Trump for your problems. Donald Trump may not have been a very good candidate, but he was good enough to whip your butts, and unless you start solving the problems listed above, he'll do it again!

The voice of the Independent has spoken! :bye1:

What exactly do you expect the Democrats to do? They can't even bring a bill for a vote. The republicans wanted control, and they got it. It's all on them.

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