Democratic Senators Threaten SCOTUS: Do As We Say, Or Else...

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Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Democratic Senators Threaten SCOTUS: Do As We Say, Or Else...

Democratic Senators Threaten SCOTUS: Do As We Say, Or Else...
August 14, 2019 ~By Guy Benson
Beth touched on this yesterday, but I think the extraordinary nature of what's happening here needs to be highlighted repeatedly. In an effort to bully the Supreme Court, a group of Senate Democrats are warning that if the conservative justices refuse to "heal" the court -- in this case, "healing" constitutes declining to take up a specific gun rights case -- the Court will face a "restructuring." This is nothing less than a threat against the independent judiciary by hardcore partisans:

Several high-profile Senate Democrats warned the Supreme Court in pointed terms this week that it could face a fundamental restructuring if justices do not take steps to "heal" the court in the near future. The ominous and unusual warning was delivered as part of a brief filed Monday in a case related to a New York City gun law. Sens. Sheldon Whitehouse, D-R.I., Richard Blumenthal, D-Conn., Mazie Hirono, D-Hawaii, Richard Durbin, D-Ill., and Kirsten Gillibrand, D-N.Y., referenced rulings by the court's conservative majority in claiming it is suffering from some sort of affliction which must be remedied. "The Supreme Court is not well. And the people know it," the brief said. "Perhaps the Court can heal itself before the public demands it be 'restructured in order to reduce the influence of politics.'"​

The short-term goal here is to prevent SCOTUS from even taking up a Second Amendment-related matter:

The Democratic senators' brief was filed in the case of New York State Rifle & Pistol Association, Inc. v. City of New York, which dealt with legal limitations on where gun owners could transport their licensed, locked, and unloaded firearms. They are urging the court to stay out of the case brought by the NRA-backed group, claiming that because the city recently changed the law to ease restrictions, the push to the Supreme Court is part of an "industrial-strength influence campaign" to get the conservative majority to rule in favor of gun owners. If the court still decides to hear the case, a ruling against New York City could prevent other cities and states from passing similar gun control laws.
Imagine getting routed so thoroughly after your last spasm of overreach, yet openly plotting new forms of overreach, even as the party that's actively routing you is still in charge. This speaks to the arrogance and radicalism of the Democratic Party, which has placed several of its most unserious Senators on the upper chamber's judiciary committee. I'll leave you with some still-resonant words from Sen. Lindsey Graham, as well as some pointed advice from the Left's favorite SCOTUS justice:

Does anyone think the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrats will not stack the Court if given another chance?
Dems ONLY love the Supreme Court when they run it, the second its out of their hands they want the Supreme Court gone. What part of "Co-Equal Branches of Gov't" do these leftist hacks not understand?
Co-Equal? They'll have none of it! It's why the Supreme Court of the US isn't supreme or a court, as Lincoln understood in rightly ignoring/rejecting the Dred Scott opinion from a merely COEQUAL branch, the way the Founders intended for the weakest branch of government that doesn't represent the people and was supposed to issue opinions according to reason, unlike today where so many like those for abortion, 0bamacare and sodomy are mindless and insane.
In my lifetime it has never been more clear that a tyrannical group of Senators and House members are intent on destroying the Constitution and rule of law than the cabal that openly threatened to subvert the balance of powers by corrupting the SCOTUS. Should the attempt be actualized it will be sedition in action and must be dealt with as such. Sedition inevitably leads to violence as day follows night. We must oppose such attempts with everything we have or we will lose our liberties more quickly than we can imagine. That is the nature of the threat these despots pose to us and our families.
Then again, it only adds to the sedition attempt of the coup d' etat of the president of the United States beginning 2016.
American citizens in accordance with the U.S. Constitution freely elected Donald J. Trump yet, the Progressive Marxist Socialist rejected the election.
The PMS/DSA are no longer attempting to hide that they want to be total and complete dictators. They would be king, but for the Democratic process, and now, because they are not satisfied with the Democratic process, are opting to do yet another anti-democratic move to take control of the United States Government. For two and a half years they tried a silent seditious bloodless coup to take down the president, and destroy Constitutional Democratic and have still not been held accountable for their treasonous actions. They are now entering into yet another totally seditious plan. For several years now, the Democrats have been operating outside of the process. When are the PEOPLE going to stop fearing the name calling and elect representatives of the people for the PEOPLE?
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