Democrat Principles Move South


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
One of those insoluble political and psychological puzzles is the movement of escapees from the People's Republic's of New York, New Jersey, Connecticut to states like Virginia and the Carolinas, .....

....and they bring the reasons they left Liberalville.....with them!

Today is the birthday of the godfather of 'moving Democrat doctrines South....'


Jefferson Davis, in full Jefferson Finis Davis, (born June 3, 1808, Christian county, Kentucky, U.S.—died December 6, 1889, New Orleans, Louisiana), president of the Confederate States of America throughout its existence during the American Civil War (1861–65). After the war he was imprisoned for two years and indicted for treason but was never tried.

Let's remember where those Democrat principles led......

1. The Democrats are, and have always been, the party of slavery, segregation, and second-class citizenship, the party that stood in schoolhouse doors to block black school children….until Republicans sent in the 101st airborne

2. It is the party of Jefferson Davis, the KKK, Planned Parenthood, concentration camps for American citizens, and restrictions on free speech.

3. It is the party of Mao ornaments on the White House Christmas tree, and of James Hodgkinson, and of Communist Bernie Sanders, of pretend genders.

4. The Democrat Party is the oldest racist organization in America, the trail of tears, the author of Jim Crow and the bigotry of low expectations, filibustered against women getting the vote and killed every anti-lynching bill to get to Congress

5. The Democrat Party is the number one funder of the Islamic Revolution in Tehran….to the tune of $100 billion to the Ayatollahs….and gave Hezbollah the go-ahead to sell cocaine in America.

6. It is the party of anti-Semitism and Louis Farrakhan, and of the first Cabinet member ever to be held in contempt of Congress.

7. It is the party that admits its future depends on flooding the country with illegal aliens, and telling them to vote.

8. It is the party that couldn't suck up to the Castro Brothers enough, and treats the Bill of Rights like a Chinese menu..

9. The Democrats got us into the Civil War…Jefferson Davis .... Woodrow Wilson, WWI….FDR, WWII……Truman, Korean War….VietNam, JFK and LBJ…..yet they want to weaken our military.

10. The Democrats are the party that looks at the mayhem their gun laws have produced in Chicago, ……and this is their model for the nation.

11. I should mention that the Democrat Party was used as a model by Adolph Hitler and the Nazi Party….another ‘feather’ in the party’s cap?

12. The Democrat Party is now running on full-blown anti-white racism.

13. It's the party of felons, destroyers, rioters, over law-abiding actual citizens
As I've said many, many times, and it's more true now than when I first said it years ago on twitter as a signature....

As I've said many, many times, and it's more true now than when I first said it years ago on twitter as a signature....


I believe we saw that in the streets this week.

It is the party of death, destruction, and riots.
Every pervert, illegal alien, felon, tweaker, lazy, liar, hypocritical, incompetent, back stabbing, corrupt and violent piece of low life garbage is welcomed into the democrat party's welcome open arms.
As I've said many, many times, and it's more true now than when I first said it years ago on twitter as a signature....


I believe we saw that in the streets this week.

It is the party of death, destruction, and riots.
Every pervert, illegal alien, felon, tweaker, lazy, liar, hypocritical, incompetent, back stabbing, corrupt and violent piece of low life garbage is welcomed into the democrat party's welcome open arms.

So it seems.

"Leaked Memo Confirms What We Already Knew About Democrats And Illegal Immigration

… a leaked document from the Center For American Progress (CAP) Action Fund shows what most of us have always known, but what Democrats like to pretend isn’t their reality.

Namely, the memo, in great detail, maps out how Democrats are relying on illegal immigration to prop up their political future.

“The fight to protect Dreamers is not only a moral imperative, it is also a critical component of the Democratic Party’s future electoral success,” reads Palmieri’s memo,…”
Leaked Memo Confirms What We Already Knew About Democrats and Illegal Immigration
One of those insoluble political and psychological puzzles is the movement of escapees from the People's Republic's of New York, New Jersey, Connecticut to states like Virginia and the Carolinas, .....

....and they bring the reasons they left Liberalville.....with them!

Today is the birthday of the godfather of 'moving Democrat doctrines South....'

View attachment 344941
Jefferson Davis, in full Jefferson Finis Davis, (born June 3, 1808, Christian county, Kentucky, U.S.—died December 6, 1889, New Orleans, Louisiana), president of the Confederate States of America throughout its existence during the American Civil War (1861–65). After the war he was imprisoned for two years and indicted for treason but was never tried.

Let's remember where those Democrat principles led......

1. The Democrats are, and have always been, the party of slavery, segregation, and second-class citizenship, the party that stood in schoolhouse doors to block black school children….until Republicans sent in the 101st airborne

2. It is the party of Jefferson Davis, the KKK, Planned Parenthood, concentration camps for American citizens, and restrictions on free speech.

3. It is the party of Mao ornaments on the White House Christmas tree, and of James Hodgkinson, and of Communist Bernie Sanders, of pretend genders.

4. The Democrat Party is the oldest racist organization in America, the trail of tears, the author of Jim Crow and the bigotry of low expectations, filibustered against women getting the vote and killed every anti-lynching bill to get to Congress

5. The Democrat Party is the number one funder of the Islamic Revolution in Tehran….to the tune of $100 billion to the Ayatollahs….and gave Hezbollah the go-ahead to sell cocaine in America.

6. It is the party of anti-Semitism and Louis Farrakhan, and of the first Cabinet member ever to be held in contempt of Congress.

7. It is the party that admits its future depends on flooding the country with illegal aliens, and telling them to vote.

8. It is the party that couldn't suck up to the Castro Brothers enough, and treats the Bill of Rights like a Chinese menu..

9. The Democrats got us into the Civil War…Jefferson Davis .... Woodrow Wilson, WWI….FDR, WWII……Truman, Korean War….VietNam, JFK and LBJ…..yet they want to weaken our military.

10. The Democrats are the party that looks at the mayhem their gun laws have produced in Chicago, ……and this is their model for the nation.

11. I should mention that the Democrat Party was used as a model by Adolph Hitler and the Nazi Party….another ‘feather’ in the party’s cap?

12. The Democrat Party is now running on full-blown anti-white racism.

13. It's the party of felons, destroyers, rioters, over law-abiding actual citizens
Too bad there's not a two thumbs up. :yes_text12::clap::thewave:
As I've said many, many times, and it's more true now than when I first said it years ago on twitter as a signature....


I believe we saw that in the streets this week.

It is the party of death, destruction, and riots.
Every pervert, illegal alien, felon, tweaker, lazy, liar, hypocritical, incompetent, back stabbing, corrupt and violent piece of low life garbage is welcomed into the democrat party's welcome open arms.

So it seems.

"Leaked Memo Confirms What We Already Knew About Democrats And Illegal Immigration

… a leaked document from the Center For American Progress (CAP) Action Fund shows what most of us have always known, but what Democrats like to pretend isn’t their reality.

Namely, the memo, in great detail, maps out how Democrats are relying on illegal immigration to prop up their political future.

“The fight to protect Dreamers is not only a moral imperative, it is also a critical component of the Democratic Party’s future electoral success,” reads Palmieri’s memo,…”
Leaked Memo Confirms What We Already Knew About Democrats and Illegal Immigration
Funny how we've all known this for years, as actions speak louder than words, but it takes a "memo" to make it a fact...


As I've said many, many times, and it's more true now than when I first said it years ago on twitter as a signature....


I believe we saw that in the streets this week.

It is the party of death, destruction, and riots.
Every pervert, illegal alien, felon, tweaker, lazy, liar, hypocritical, incompetent, back stabbing, corrupt and violent piece of low life garbage is welcomed into the democrat party's welcome open arms.

So it seems.

"Leaked Memo Confirms What We Already Knew About Democrats And Illegal Immigration

… a leaked document from the Center For American Progress (CAP) Action Fund shows what most of us have always known, but what Democrats like to pretend isn’t their reality.

Namely, the memo, in great detail, maps out how Democrats are relying on illegal immigration to prop up their political future.

“The fight to protect Dreamers is not only a moral imperative, it is also a critical component of the Democratic Party’s future electoral success,” reads Palmieri’s memo,…”
Leaked Memo Confirms What We Already Knew About Democrats and Illegal Immigration
Funny how we've all known this for years, as actions speak louder than words, but it takes a "memo" to make it a fact...



Democrat principles were born in the South. Several generations of Southerners registered democrat through the 20th century because Lincoln was a republican. The KKK was a southern democrat political tool used by democrats through the 20th century. FDR appointed a (former) KKK member to the Supreme Court and Justice Black wrote the majority opinion exonerating FDR for placing American citizens in concentration camps for the crime of being Japanese.
Democrat principles were born in the South. Several generations of Southerners registered democrat through the 20th century because Lincoln was a republican. The KKK was a southern democrat political tool used by democrats through the 20th century. FDR appointed a (former) KKK member to the Supreme Court and Justice Black wrote the majority opinion exonerating FDR for placing American citizens in concentration camps for the crime of being Japanese.

Ernest Hollings, Richard Russell, Sam Ervin, Albert Gore, J. William Fulbright, and Robert Byrd all voted against the 1964 Civil Rights Act…and all remained Democrats.

But, lest one think that only Southern Democrats were inclined against civil rights, the following Democrats were far from Southerners and all voted against allowing the 1957 civil rights bill on the calendar: Senators Wayne Morse of Oregon (a favorite target of Senator Joe McCarthy), Warren Magnuson of Washington, James Murray of Montana, Mike Mansfield of Montana, and Joseph O’Mahoney of Wyoming.

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