Dem Pa Governor 'Channels' CNN: On-going Looting, Rioting, Cars Running Over Police Are 'Mostly Peaceful Protests'


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015

Pennsylvania Democrat Governor Wolf Calls
Mass Rioting and Looting “Peaceful Protests”
— 30 Stores Looted, Reporters and Police

Attacked on Night #2

The “mostly peaceful” Black Lives Matter protesters rioted, looted and attacked police in Philadelphia on Monday night after police shot a black man who was threatening them with a knife.

The BLM believes the cops are to blame.

30 businesses looted, over 30 police injured - 1 run over by a car...12 hospitalized, reporters attacked, whites targeted by BLM, thugs/looters controlled the streets...and this 'domestic terrorist' facilitator Democrat is claiming all of this is part of the 'Mostly Peaceful Protest'.


Television Psychic Miss Cleo Dies From Cancer At Age 53 | HipHopDX

'Honey, you don't even have to
call me to tell you that's some
bullshit right there!"

Wolf is nuts. It’s so peaceful he has now called in the national guard. I surmise only to keep more votes from bleeding off dems if it continues so close to the election. Otherwise he’d probably give them free reign.

Pennsylvania Democrat Governor Wolf Calls
Mass Rioting and Looting “Peaceful Protests”
— 30 Stores Looted, Reporters and Police

Attacked on Night #2

The “mostly peaceful” Black Lives Matter protesters rioted, looted and attacked police in Philadelphia on Monday night after police shot a black man who was threatening them with a knife.

The BLM believes the cops are to blame.

30 businesses looted, over 30 police injured - 1 run over by a car...12 hospitalized, reporters attacked, whites targeted by BLM, thugs/looters controlled the streets...and this 'domestic terrorist' facilitator Democrat is claiming all of this is part of the 'Mostly Peaceful Protest'.


View attachment 407837
'Honey, you don't even have to
call me to tell you that's some
bullshit right there!"


When the time comes democratic party governors such as Wolf will commit genocide against their state populations if they are ordered to do so. I harbor no illusions that these "people", these chief executives of many states are completely in the pockets of China and the United Nations. On public, live, national television they are overtly rooting for and enabling mass destruction of their largest cities by waves of criminals. What's worse is (we watched rioters loot a Walmart) the police have obviously been ordered to not interfere much in looter/rioter activities. NO ONE is coming to help us when this madness swallows our own communities; NO ONE.
Wolf, the other Democrats running cities that have been looted/burned, & CNN remind me of 'Baghdad Bob'....telling how American blood flows like rivers and they will never enter Baghdad...and right down the road behind him are US tanks and troops rolling down the street.


Pennsylvania Democrat Governor Wolf Calls
Mass Rioting and Looting “Peaceful Protests”
— 30 Stores Looted, Reporters and Police

Attacked on Night #2

The “mostly peaceful” Black Lives Matter protesters rioted, looted and attacked police in Philadelphia on Monday night after police shot a black man who was threatening them with a knife.

The BLM believes the cops are to blame.

30 businesses looted, over 30 police injured - 1 run over by a car...12 hospitalized, reporters attacked, whites targeted by BLM, thugs/looters controlled the streets...and this 'domestic terrorist' facilitator Democrat is claiming all of this is part of the 'Mostly Peaceful Protest'.


View attachment 407837
'Honey, you don't even have to
call me to tell you that's some
bullshit right there!"

Those were not his words.

Pennsylvania Democrat Governor Wolf Calls
Mass Rioting and Looting “Peaceful Protests”
— 30 Stores Looted, Reporters and Police

Attacked on Night #2

The “mostly peaceful” Black Lives Matter protesters rioted, looted and attacked police in Philadelphia on Monday night after police shot a black man who was threatening them with a knife.

The BLM believes the cops are to blame.

30 businesses looted, over 30 police injured - 1 run over by a car...12 hospitalized, reporters attacked, whites targeted by BLM, thugs/looters controlled the streets...and this 'domestic terrorist' facilitator Democrat is claiming all of this is part of the 'Mostly Peaceful Protest'.


View attachment 407837
'Honey, you don't even have to
call me to tell you that's some
bullshit right there!"


When the time comes democratic party governors such as Wolf will commit genocide against their state populations if they are ordered to do so. I harbor no illusions that these "people", these chief executives of many states are completely in the pockets of China and the United Nations. On public, live, national television they are overtly rooting for and enabling mass destruction of their largest cities by waves of criminals. What's worse is (we watched rioters loot a Walmart) the police have obviously been ordered to not interfere much in looter/rioter activities. NO ONE is coming to help us when this madness swallows our own communities; NO ONE.
The police commissioner did give the police orders to disperse rioters and looters, but not to arrest them. He actually was previously employed in Portland.

Pennsylvania Democrat Governor Wolf Calls
Mass Rioting and Looting “Peaceful Protests”
— 30 Stores Looted, Reporters and Police

Attacked on Night #2

The “mostly peaceful” Black Lives Matter protesters rioted, looted and attacked police in Philadelphia on Monday night after police shot a black man who was threatening them with a knife.

The BLM believes the cops are to blame.

30 businesses looted, over 30 police injured - 1 run over by a car...12 hospitalized, reporters attacked, whites targeted by BLM, thugs/looters controlled the streets...and this 'domestic terrorist' facilitator Democrat is claiming all of this is part of the 'Mostly Peaceful Protest'.


View attachment 407837
'Honey, you don't even have to
call me to tell you that's some
bullshit right there!"

Those were not his words.
We all know the Burning Looting & Murders are being perpetrated by extreme right wing organizations like Patriot Prayer, bible study classes & police unions. C'mon man!

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