Dem Congressman say's Pelosi 'making a mistake' by not taking Trump's $1.9 trillion stimulus deal


Diamond Member
Feb 22, 2013
A trillion here, a trillion there, pretty soon, you're talking about some real money.

Democratic Congressman Says Pelosi 'Making a Mistake' by Not Taking Trump's $1.9 Trillion Stimulus Deal

Representative Max Rose, a New York Democrat, criticized Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi on Tuesday, arguing that she was "making a mistake" by not accepting the White House's latest $1.9 trillion COVID-19 stimulus deal.

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A trillion here, a trillion there, pretty soon, you're talking about some real money.

Democratic Congressman Says Pelosi 'Making a Mistake' by Not Taking Trump's $1.9 Trillion Stimulus Deal

Representative Max Rose, a New York Democrat, criticized Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi on Tuesday, arguing that she was "making a mistake" by not accepting the White House's latest $1.9 trillion COVID-19 stimulus deal.

I got to admit, I am at a loss on this stimulus thing. I cannot say who should be offering or who should be accepting or why. I absolutely cannot wrap my head around a number as big as 1,900,000,000,000. I believe last year GDP was around 21.427 Trillion (notice I didn't bother to type that out long hand). The numbers are too big. Maybe I lack imagination. I am insulated from direct effects of the economy, as I planned to be. Had more skin in the game when Bush economy crashed after the party.
Have not seen what they plan to spending it on or who they plan to give it to. A lot of people to dip a finger into a pie that large. I don't know whether helping the people damaged or just further slopping the hogs at the trough. They discuss this crap daily and I say, oh, that's interesting, hope they get it figured out. They will get something figured out. Like anything talking about spending that much, I am sure there will be crap I do not like and regard as irresponsible, yet will be hailed as a victory by both sides. I like win/win solutions for the sides in contention, but they often do not address that when all is said and done, they will probably piss off a lot of the stake holders that sit and say Oh, that's nice, with no idea what is in the bill until it comes out or is put into 3 or 4 hundred pages of Washington speak.
I got no idea where this rambling BS post is going except to say, I realize something probably needs to be done, don't know what (economically), hope they get it right, but figure the Democrats and the Republicans will work together to FK it up massively for what they perceive as political benefit and the benefit of their special interests, more than any thing else.
Fittingly democrats have fucked themselves worse than leaving an incriminating laptop at a repair shop.

When President Trump is reelected and it's time to talk Stimulus- you'll have to do it on HIS terms! Same with your leader Xi, when he wants to talk trade, he'll have to do it on President Trump's terms.

Best thing would be for the DnXi to relocate to Wuhan

Win Win!
Its a political ploy and everyone knows it.

i gotta hand it to the Dems, I didnt think they would be able to drag this out from March to the elections. Impressive.
Love it that one of her own kind is against her,priceless.
A trillion here, a trillion there, pretty soon, you're talking about some real money.

Democratic Congressman Says Pelosi 'Making a Mistake' by Not Taking Trump's $1.9 Trillion Stimulus Deal

Representative Max Rose, a New York Democrat, criticized Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi on Tuesday, arguing that she was "making a mistake" by not accepting the White House's latest $1.9 trillion COVID-19 stimulus deal.

I hope that corrupted, no good bitch is right behind Schiff

Domino rally
A trillion here, a trillion there, pretty soon, you're talking about some real money.

Democratic Congressman Says Pelosi 'Making a Mistake' by Not Taking Trump's $1.9 Trillion Stimulus Deal

Representative Max Rose, a New York Democrat, criticized Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi on Tuesday, arguing that she was "making a mistake" by not accepting the White House's latest $1.9 trillion COVID-19 stimulus deal.

I got to admit, I am at a loss on this stimulus thing. I cannot say who should be offering or who should be accepting or why. I absolutely cannot wrap my head around a number as big as 1,900,000,000,000. I believe last year GDP was around 21.427 Trillion (notice I didn't bother to type that out long hand). The numbers are too big. Maybe I lack imagination. I am insulated from direct effects of the economy, as I planned to be. Had more skin in the game when Bush economy crashed after the party.
Have not seen what they plan to spending it on or who they plan to give it to. A lot of people to dip a finger into a pie that large. I don't know whether helping the people damaged or just further slopping the hogs at the trough. They discuss this crap daily and I say, oh, that's interesting, hope they get it figured out. They will get something figured out. Like anything talking about spending that much, I am sure there will be crap I do not like and regard as irresponsible, yet will be hailed as a victory by both sides. I like win/win solutions for the sides in contention, but they often do not address that when all is said and done, they will probably piss off a lot of the stake holders that sit and say Oh, that's nice, with no idea what is in the bill until it comes out or is put into 3 or 4 hundred pages of Washington speak.
I got no idea where this rambling BS post is going except to say, I realize something probably needs to be done, don't know what (economically), hope they get it right, but figure the Democrats and the Republicans will work together to FK it up massively for what they perceive as political benefit and the benefit of their special interests, more than any thing else.

Once the conversation surrounding a singular bill starts using the word 'trillion', it almost becomes comical in it's use. Then when the conversation shifts to "it's not enough", you have to wonder what planet we're now living on.
A trillion here, a trillion there, pretty soon, you're talking about some real money.

Democratic Congressman Says Pelosi 'Making a Mistake' by Not Taking Trump's $1.9 Trillion Stimulus Deal

Representative Max Rose, a New York Democrat, criticized Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi on Tuesday, arguing that she was "making a mistake" by not accepting the White House's latest $1.9 trillion COVID-19 stimulus deal.

I got to admit, I am at a loss on this stimulus thing. I cannot say who should be offering or who should be accepting or why. I absolutely cannot wrap my head around a number as big as 1,900,000,000,000. I believe last year GDP was around 21.427 Trillion (notice I didn't bother to type that out long hand). The numbers are too big. Maybe I lack imagination. I am insulated from direct effects of the economy, as I planned to be. Had more skin in the game when Bush economy crashed after the party.
Have not seen what they plan to spending it on or who they plan to give it to. A lot of people to dip a finger into a pie that large. I don't know whether helping the people damaged or just further slopping the hogs at the trough. They discuss this crap daily and I say, oh, that's interesting, hope they get it figured out. They will get something figured out. Like anything talking about spending that much, I am sure there will be crap I do not like and regard as irresponsible, yet will be hailed as a victory by both sides. I like win/win solutions for the sides in contention, but they often do not address that when all is said and done, they will probably piss off a lot of the stake holders that sit and say Oh, that's nice, with no idea what is in the bill until it comes out or is put into 3 or 4 hundred pages of Washington speak.
I got no idea where this rambling BS post is going except to say, I realize something probably needs to be done, don't know what (economically), hope they get it right, but figure the Democrats and the Republicans will work together to FK it up massively for what they perceive as political benefit and the benefit of their special interests, more than any thing else.

What should be done is a stripped down stimulus bill that contains relief directly related to COVID. The Republicans wanted this, the Democrats didn’t. They want pork. They really just don’t want Trump to have anything positive before the election. They don’t care one iota about the American people, but they can trick many of them easily enough is the MSM.
Pelosi is gambling ( with American lives ) that Democrats have a Blue Wave November 3rd, so she can mandate the American voter spoke and it is either her way or wait until January 21st 2021 before Her, Schumer and Harris negotiate a bigger spending package...

Unfortunately she might get her wish of winning but if the Democratic Party were wise they would jettison the old hag and get a new Speaker to teach her a lesson not to hold the American Public hostage while trying to get votes!
Pelosi is just doing what Democrats always do. She's doing her best to keep people poor and pissed off. She doesn't want to help the people. She wants them to suffer and then get the MSM to blame Republicans for it. Trump is trying his best but Pelosi holds all the cards. It's up to her and so far she has failed suffering Americans, many say on purpose. Stick with Trumpy. No games
A trillion here, a trillion there, pretty soon, you're talking about some real money.

Democratic Congressman Says Pelosi 'Making a Mistake' by Not Taking Trump's $1.9 Trillion Stimulus Deal

Representative Max Rose, a New York Democrat, criticized Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi on Tuesday, arguing that she was "making a mistake" by not accepting the White House's latest $1.9 trillion COVID-19 stimulus deal.

I got to admit, I am at a loss on this stimulus thing. I cannot say who should be offering or who should be accepting or why. I absolutely cannot wrap my head around a number as big as 1,900,000,000,000. I believe last year GDP was around 21.427 Trillion (notice I didn't bother to type that out long hand). The numbers are too big. Maybe I lack imagination. I am insulated from direct effects of the economy, as I planned to be. Had more skin in the game when Bush economy crashed after the party.
Have not seen what they plan to spending it on or who they plan to give it to. A lot of people to dip a finger into a pie that large. I don't know whether helping the people damaged or just further slopping the hogs at the trough. They discuss this crap daily and I say, oh, that's interesting, hope they get it figured out. They will get something figured out. Like anything talking about spending that much, I am sure there will be crap I do not like and regard as irresponsible, yet will be hailed as a victory by both sides. I like win/win solutions for the sides in contention, but they often do not address that when all is said and done, they will probably piss off a lot of the stake holders that sit and say Oh, that's nice, with no idea what is in the bill until it comes out or is put into 3 or 4 hundred pages of Washington speak.
I got no idea where this rambling BS post is going except to say, I realize something probably needs to be done, don't know what (economically), hope they get it right, but figure the Democrats and the Republicans will work together to FK it up massively for what they perceive as political benefit and the benefit of their special interests, more than any thing else.
I understand what youre saying.
Though the numbers say one thing (debt) while Trump was in office this first term, the fact is, he's had a plan he was working on to start eliminating our debt. All these deals he made (especially China) were going to start reducing the debt in time.
This is one of the main reasons that the China virus hits on purpose and of course we have to spend more.
Trump has stopped most of the finacial bleeding and if the China virus hadnt been released on the world, we were going to be finacialy heading in the right direction once the money started fully flowing in, as the results from all these deals.
This is why I believe Trump will make China pay for what they did.
I bet a dollar to a dog biscuit, that Trump left us an out with the contractual deal he made with China, so that Trump will renegotiate next term, and Trump will be holding leverage against China.
I believe we will be doing just fine in time, as we begin to rebuild our own great country.
A trillion here, a trillion there, pretty soon, you're talking about some real money.

Democratic Congressman Says Pelosi 'Making a Mistake' by Not Taking Trump's $1.9 Trillion Stimulus Deal

Representative Max Rose, a New York Democrat, criticized Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi on Tuesday, arguing that she was "making a mistake" by not accepting the White House's latest $1.9 trillion COVID-19 stimulus deal.

I got to admit, I am at a loss on this stimulus thing. I cannot say who should be offering or who should be accepting or why. I absolutely cannot wrap my head around a number as big as 1,900,000,000,000. I believe last year GDP was around 21.427 Trillion (notice I didn't bother to type that out long hand). The numbers are too big. Maybe I lack imagination. I am insulated from direct effects of the economy, as I planned to be. Had more skin in the game when Bush economy crashed after the party.
Have not seen what they plan to spending it on or who they plan to give it to. A lot of people to dip a finger into a pie that large. I don't know whether helping the people damaged or just further slopping the hogs at the trough. They discuss this crap daily and I say, oh, that's interesting, hope they get it figured out. They will get something figured out. Like anything talking about spending that much, I am sure there will be crap I do not like and regard as irresponsible, yet will be hailed as a victory by both sides. I like win/win solutions for the sides in contention, but they often do not address that when all is said and done, they will probably piss off a lot of the stake holders that sit and say Oh, that's nice, with no idea what is in the bill until it comes out or is put into 3 or 4 hundred pages of Washington speak.
I got no idea where this rambling BS post is going except to say, I realize something probably needs to be done, don't know what (economically), hope they get it right, but figure the Democrats and the Republicans will work together to FK it up massively for what they perceive as political benefit and the benefit of their special interests, more than any thing else.
I understand what youre saying.
Though the numbers say one thing (debt) while Trump was in office this first term, the fact is, he's had a plan he was working on to start eliminating our debt. All these deals he made (especially China) were going to start reducing the debt in time.
This is one of the main reasons that the China virus hits on purpose and of course we have to spend more.
Trump has stopped most of the finacial bleeding and if the China virus hadnt been released on the world, we were going to be finacialy heading in the right direction once the money started fully flowing in, as the results from all these deals.
This is why I believe Trump will make China pay for what they did.
I bet a dollar to a dog biscuit, that Trump left us an out with the contractual deal he made with China, so that Trump will renegotiate next term, and Trump will be holding leverage against China.
I believe we will be doing just fine in time, as we begin to rebuild our own great country.
Hasn't actually stopped much of the bleeding, as a matter of fact has been adding to the national debt at about the same rate as Obama did or more, digging out after the Bush crash. Difference is, the economy was stablilzed and growing when he turned it over, so until Covid, trump was blowing money and raising debt during solid GDP years instead of paying as he went. This is born out looking at US National Debt by Year – Polidiotic a site that tracks national debt from the beginning of the country.
As for the deal with the Chinese, that set targets of what China would spend, they have been missing their committments by 28-40% as the balance of trade has continued to flow in their favor. They are not even living up to the agricultural targets that were supposed to bring relief to American farmers after Trump destroyed their markets with tariffs on incoming goods that you and I pay (not China) and China cut American agriculture in return on the trump tariff war. Once buyers leave a supplier for greener pastures it is hard to get them back, as new commitments are made and built on with new suppliers in the intervening time.
This Covid thing is an economic ball buster. Still do not know what the economic effect of the upcoming stimulus. Can't say I know the economic effects of the last stimuli, much less the one to come. Suspect the Dems will have to stabilize the economy again, like after Bush, but like Don says, "It is what it is". They will most likely do it like they did last time in true Keynesian fashon (since supply side econ does not seem to help main street), they will continue to run the presses with the support of the Fed. Have nothing against the Dems in general, (economically) but do wish some Dem besides Nancy was in charge of the House, as Califonia big spending makes me a bit queasy. Republicans beat up on the Dems for the last 4 to 8 years over the slow growth recovery. I hope this is another slow growth recovery (low on inflation) as that is best for stability of the economy and my personal outlook included.
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A trillion here, a trillion there, pretty soon, you're talking about some real money.

Democratic Congressman Says Pelosi 'Making a Mistake' by Not Taking Trump's $1.9 Trillion Stimulus Deal

Representative Max Rose, a New York Democrat, criticized Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi on Tuesday, arguing that she was "making a mistake" by not accepting the White House's latest $1.9 trillion COVID-19 stimulus deal.

A trillion here, a trillion there, pretty soon, you're talking about some real money.

Democratic Congressman Says Pelosi 'Making a Mistake' by Not Taking Trump's $1.9 Trillion Stimulus Deal

Representative Max Rose, a New York Democrat, criticized Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi on Tuesday, arguing that she was "making a mistake" by not accepting the White House's latest $1.9 trillion COVID-19 stimulus deal.

I got to admit, I am at a loss on this stimulus thing. I cannot say who should be offering or who should be accepting or why. I absolutely cannot wrap my head around a number as big as 1,900,000,000,000. I believe last year GDP was around 21.427 Trillion (notice I didn't bother to type that out long hand). The numbers are too big. Maybe I lack imagination. I am insulated from direct effects of the economy, as I planned to be. Had more skin in the game when Bush economy crashed after the party.
Have not seen what they plan to spending it on or who they plan to give it to. A lot of people to dip a finger into a pie that large. I don't know whether helping the people damaged or just further slopping the hogs at the trough. They discuss this crap daily and I say, oh, that's interesting, hope they get it figured out. They will get something figured out. Like anything talking about spending that much, I am sure there will be crap I do not like and regard as irresponsible, yet will be hailed as a victory by both sides. I like win/win solutions for the sides in contention, but they often do not address that when all is said and done, they will probably piss off a lot of the stake holders that sit and say Oh, that's nice, with no idea what is in the bill until it comes out or is put into 3 or 4 hundred pages of Washington speak.
I got no idea where this rambling BS post is going except to say, I realize something probably needs to be done, don't know what (economically), hope they get it right, but figure the Democrats and the Republicans will work together to FK it up massively for what they perceive as political benefit and the benefit of their special interests, more than any thing else.

Once the conversation surrounding a singular bill starts using the word 'trillion', it almost becomes comical in it's use. Then when the conversation shifts to "it's not enough", you have to wonder what planet we're now living on.
A trillion here, a trillion there, pretty soon, you're talking about some real money.

Democratic Congressman Says Pelosi 'Making a Mistake' by Not Taking Trump's $1.9 Trillion Stimulus Deal

Representative Max Rose, a New York Democrat, criticized Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi on Tuesday, arguing that she was "making a mistake" by not accepting the White House's latest $1.9 trillion COVID-19 stimulus deal.

I got to admit, I am at a loss on this stimulus thing. I cannot say who should be offering or who should be accepting or why. I absolutely cannot wrap my head around a number as big as 1,900,000,000,000. I believe last year GDP was around 21.427 Trillion (notice I didn't bother to type that out long hand). The numbers are too big. Maybe I lack imagination. I am insulated from direct effects of the economy, as I planned to be. Had more skin in the game when Bush economy crashed after the party.
Have not seen what they plan to spending it on or who they plan to give it to. A lot of people to dip a finger into a pie that large. I don't know whether helping the people damaged or just further slopping the hogs at the trough. They discuss this crap daily and I say, oh, that's interesting, hope they get it figured out. They will get something figured out. Like anything talking about spending that much, I am sure there will be crap I do not like and regard as irresponsible, yet will be hailed as a victory by both sides. I like win/win solutions for the sides in contention, but they often do not address that when all is said and done, they will probably piss off a lot of the stake holders that sit and say Oh, that's nice, with no idea what is in the bill until it comes out or is put into 3 or 4 hundred pages of Washington speak.
I got no idea where this rambling BS post is going except to say, I realize something probably needs to be done, don't know what (economically), hope they get it right, but figure the Democrats and the Republicans will work together to FK it up massively for what they perceive as political benefit and the benefit of their special interests, more than any thing else.
I understand what youre saying.
Though the numbers say one thing (debt) while Trump was in office this first term, the fact is, he's had a plan he was working on to start eliminating our debt. All these deals he made (especially China) were going to start reducing the debt in time.
This is one of the main reasons that the China virus hits on purpose and of course we have to spend more.
Trump has stopped most of the finacial bleeding and if the China virus hadnt been released on the world, we were going to be finacialy heading in the right direction once the money started fully flowing in, as the results from all these deals.
This is why I believe Trump will make China pay for what they did.
I bet a dollar to a dog biscuit, that Trump left us an out with the contractual deal he made with China, so that Trump will renegotiate next term, and Trump will be holding leverage against China.
I believe we will be doing just fine in time, as we begin to rebuild our own great country.
Hasn't actually stopped much of the bleeding, as a matter of fact has been adding to the national debt at about the same rate as Obama did or more, digging out after the Bush crash. Difference is, the economy was stablilzed and growing when he turned it over, so until Covid, trump was blowing money and raising debt during solid GDP years instead of paying as he went. This is born out looking at US National Debt by Year – Polidiotic a site that tracks national debt from the beginning of the country.
As for the deal with the Chinese, that set targets of what China would spend, they have been missing their committments by 28-40% as the balance of trade has continued to flow in their favor. They are not even living up to the agricultural targets that were supposed to bring relief to American farmers after Trump destroyed their markets with tariffs on incoming goods that you and I pay (not China) and China cut American agriculture in return on the trump tariff war. Once buyers leave a supplier for greener pastures it is hard to get them back, as new commitments are made and built on with new suppliers in the intervening time.
This Covid thing is an economic ball buster. Still do not know what the economic effect of the upcoming stimulus. Can't say I know the economic effects of the last stimuli, much less the one to come. Suspect the Dems will have to stabilize the economy again, like after Bush, but like Don says, "It is what it is". They will most likely do it like they did last time in true Keynesian fashon (since supply side econ does seem to help main street), they will continue to run the presses with the support of the Fed. Have nothing against the Dems in general, (economically) but do wish some Dem besides Nancy was in charge of the House, as Califonia big spending makes me a bit queasy. Republicans beat up on the Dems for the last 4 to 8 years over the slow growth recovery. I hope this is another slow growth recovery (low on inflation) as that is best for stability of the economy and my personal outlook included.
I guess u hate Trump so much you ignore he gave us the healthiest economy in 50 years.
A trillion here, a trillion there, pretty soon, you're talking about some real money.

Democratic Congressman Says Pelosi 'Making a Mistake' by Not Taking Trump's $1.9 Trillion Stimulus Deal

Representative Max Rose, a New York Democrat, criticized Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi on Tuesday, arguing that she was "making a mistake" by not accepting the White House's latest $1.9 trillion COVID-19 stimulus deal.

I got to admit, I am at a loss on this stimulus thing. I cannot say who should be offering or who should be accepting or why. I absolutely cannot wrap my head around a number as big as 1,900,000,000,000. I believe last year GDP was around 21.427 Trillion (notice I didn't bother to type that out long hand). The numbers are too big. Maybe I lack imagination. I am insulated from direct effects of the economy, as I planned to be. Had more skin in the game when Bush economy crashed after the party.
Have not seen what they plan to spending it on or who they plan to give it to. A lot of people to dip a finger into a pie that large. I don't know whether helping the people damaged or just further slopping the hogs at the trough. They discuss this crap daily and I say, oh, that's interesting, hope they get it figured out. They will get something figured out. Like anything talking about spending that much, I am sure there will be crap I do not like and regard as irresponsible, yet will be hailed as a victory by both sides. I like win/win solutions for the sides in contention, but they often do not address that when all is said and done, they will probably piss off a lot of the stake holders that sit and say Oh, that's nice, with no idea what is in the bill until it comes out or is put into 3 or 4 hundred pages of Washington speak.
I got no idea where this rambling BS post is going except to say, I realize something probably needs to be done, don't know what (economically), hope they get it right, but figure the Democrats and the Republicans will work together to FK it up massively for what they perceive as political benefit and the benefit of their special interests, more than any thing else.
I understand what youre saying.
Though the numbers say one thing (debt) while Trump was in office this first term, the fact is, he's had a plan he was working on to start eliminating our debt. All these deals he made (especially China) were going to start reducing the debt in time.
This is one of the main reasons that the China virus hits on purpose and of course we have to spend more.
Trump has stopped most of the finacial bleeding and if the China virus hadnt been released on the world, we were going to be finacialy heading in the right direction once the money started fully flowing in, as the results from all these deals.
This is why I believe Trump will make China pay for what they did.
I bet a dollar to a dog biscuit, that Trump left us an out with the contractual deal he made with China, so that Trump will renegotiate next term, and Trump will be holding leverage against China.
I believe we will be doing just fine in time, as we begin to rebuild our own great country.
Hasn't actually stopped much of the bleeding, as a matter of fact has been adding to the national debt at about the same rate as Obama did or more, digging out after the Bush crash. Difference is, the economy was stablilzed and growing when he turned it over, so until Covid, trump was blowing money and raising debt during solid GDP years instead of paying as he went. This is born out looking at US National Debt by Year – Polidiotic a site that tracks national debt from the beginning of the country.
As for the deal with the Chinese, that set targets of what China would spend, they have been missing their committments by 28-40% as the balance of trade has continued to flow in their favor. They are not even living up to the agricultural targets that were supposed to bring relief to American farmers after Trump destroyed their markets with tariffs on incoming goods that you and I pay (not China) and China cut American agriculture in return on the trump tariff war. Once buyers leave a supplier for greener pastures it is hard to get them back, as new commitments are made and built on with new suppliers in the intervening time.
This Covid thing is an economic ball buster. Still do not know what the economic effect of the upcoming stimulus. Can't say I know the economic effects of the last stimuli, much less the one to come. Suspect the Dems will have to stabilize the economy again, like after Bush, but like Don says, "It is what it is". They will most likely do it like they did last time in true Keynesian fashon (since supply side econ does seem to help main street), they will continue to run the presses with the support of the Fed. Have nothing against the Dems in general, (economically) but do wish some Dem besides Nancy was in charge of the House, as Califonia big spending makes me a bit queasy. Republicans beat up on the Dems for the last 4 to 8 years over the slow growth recovery. I hope this is another slow growth recovery (low on inflation) as that is best for stability of the economy and my personal outlook included.
I have a lot to learn about what deals have been made, what is projected to come in from these deals, regardless of, and in respect to, spending and GDP.
With all due respect, I have complete confidence that with Trumps experience in the financial world, combined with people like Steve Manucian, Larry Kudlow, other economic advisors, and their entire staff, will far outweigh the opinions projected on this forum.
A trillion here, a trillion there, pretty soon, you're talking about some real money.

Democratic Congressman Says Pelosi 'Making a Mistake' by Not Taking Trump's $1.9 Trillion Stimulus Deal

Representative Max Rose, a New York Democrat, criticized Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi on Tuesday, arguing that she was "making a mistake" by not accepting the White House's latest $1.9 trillion COVID-19 stimulus deal.

A trillion here, a trillion there, pretty soon, you're talking about some real money.

Democratic Congressman Says Pelosi 'Making a Mistake' by Not Taking Trump's $1.9 Trillion Stimulus Deal

Representative Max Rose, a New York Democrat, criticized Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi on Tuesday, arguing that she was "making a mistake" by not accepting the White House's latest $1.9 trillion COVID-19 stimulus deal.

I got to admit, I am at a loss on this stimulus thing. I cannot say who should be offering or who should be accepting or why. I absolutely cannot wrap my head around a number as big as 1,900,000,000,000. I believe last year GDP was around 21.427 Trillion (notice I didn't bother to type that out long hand). The numbers are too big. Maybe I lack imagination. I am insulated from direct effects of the economy, as I planned to be. Had more skin in the game when Bush economy crashed after the party.
Have not seen what they plan to spending it on or who they plan to give it to. A lot of people to dip a finger into a pie that large. I don't know whether helping the people damaged or just further slopping the hogs at the trough. They discuss this crap daily and I say, oh, that's interesting, hope they get it figured out. They will get something figured out. Like anything talking about spending that much, I am sure there will be crap I do not like and regard as irresponsible, yet will be hailed as a victory by both sides. I like win/win solutions for the sides in contention, but they often do not address that when all is said and done, they will probably piss off a lot of the stake holders that sit and say Oh, that's nice, with no idea what is in the bill until it comes out or is put into 3 or 4 hundred pages of Washington speak.
I got no idea where this rambling BS post is going except to say, I realize something probably needs to be done, don't know what (economically), hope they get it right, but figure the Democrats and the Republicans will work together to FK it up massively for what they perceive as political benefit and the benefit of their special interests, more than any thing else.

Once the conversation surrounding a singular bill starts using the word 'trillion', it almost becomes comical in it's use. Then when the conversation shifts to "it's not enough", you have to wonder what planet we're now living on.
A trillion here, a trillion there, pretty soon, you're talking about some real money.

Democratic Congressman Says Pelosi 'Making a Mistake' by Not Taking Trump's $1.9 Trillion Stimulus Deal

Representative Max Rose, a New York Democrat, criticized Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi on Tuesday, arguing that she was "making a mistake" by not accepting the White House's latest $1.9 trillion COVID-19 stimulus deal.

I got to admit, I am at a loss on this stimulus thing. I cannot say who should be offering or who should be accepting or why. I absolutely cannot wrap my head around a number as big as 1,900,000,000,000. I believe last year GDP was around 21.427 Trillion (notice I didn't bother to type that out long hand). The numbers are too big. Maybe I lack imagination. I am insulated from direct effects of the economy, as I planned to be. Had more skin in the game when Bush economy crashed after the party.
Have not seen what they plan to spending it on or who they plan to give it to. A lot of people to dip a finger into a pie that large. I don't know whether helping the people damaged or just further slopping the hogs at the trough. They discuss this crap daily and I say, oh, that's interesting, hope they get it figured out. They will get something figured out. Like anything talking about spending that much, I am sure there will be crap I do not like and regard as irresponsible, yet will be hailed as a victory by both sides. I like win/win solutions for the sides in contention, but they often do not address that when all is said and done, they will probably piss off a lot of the stake holders that sit and say Oh, that's nice, with no idea what is in the bill until it comes out or is put into 3 or 4 hundred pages of Washington speak.
I got no idea where this rambling BS post is going except to say, I realize something probably needs to be done, don't know what (economically), hope they get it right, but figure the Democrats and the Republicans will work together to FK it up massively for what they perceive as political benefit and the benefit of their special interests, more than any thing else.
I understand what youre saying.
Though the numbers say one thing (debt) while Trump was in office this first term, the fact is, he's had a plan he was working on to start eliminating our debt. All these deals he made (especially China) were going to start reducing the debt in time.
This is one of the main reasons that the China virus hits on purpose and of course we have to spend more.
Trump has stopped most of the finacial bleeding and if the China virus hadnt been released on the world, we were going to be finacialy heading in the right direction once the money started fully flowing in, as the results from all these deals.
This is why I believe Trump will make China pay for what they did.
I bet a dollar to a dog biscuit, that Trump left us an out with the contractual deal he made with China, so that Trump will renegotiate next term, and Trump will be holding leverage against China.
I believe we will be doing just fine in time, as we begin to rebuild our own great country.
Hasn't actually stopped much of the bleeding, as a matter of fact has been adding to the national debt at about the same rate as Obama did or more, digging out after the Bush crash. Difference is, the economy was stablilzed and growing when he turned it over, so until Covid, trump was blowing money and raising debt during solid GDP years instead of paying as he went. This is born out looking at US National Debt by Year – Polidiotic a site that tracks national debt from the beginning of the country.
As for the deal with the Chinese, that set targets of what China would spend, they have been missing their committments by 28-40% as the balance of trade has continued to flow in their favor. They are not even living up to the agricultural targets that were supposed to bring relief to American farmers after Trump destroyed their markets with tariffs on incoming goods that you and I pay (not China) and China cut American agriculture in return on the trump tariff war. Once buyers leave a supplier for greener pastures it is hard to get them back, as new commitments are made and built on with new suppliers in the intervening time.
This Covid thing is an economic ball buster. Still do not know what the economic effect of the upcoming stimulus. Can't say I know the economic effects of the last stimuli, much less the one to come. Suspect the Dems will have to stabilize the economy again, like after Bush, but like Don says, "It is what it is". They will most likely do it like they did last time in true Keynesian fashon (since supply side econ does seem to help main street), they will continue to run the presses with the support of the Fed. Have nothing against the Dems in general, (economically) but do wish some Dem besides Nancy was in charge of the House, as Califonia big spending makes me a bit queasy. Republicans beat up on the Dems for the last 4 to 8 years over the slow growth recovery. I hope this is another slow growth recovery (low on inflation) as that is best for stability of the economy and my personal outlook included.
I guess u hate Trump so much you ignore he gave us the healthiest economy in 50 years.
He inherited as a stable expanding economy. He is not the godfather of economic growth and prosperity, no financial wizard. This if reflected in the economy and his personal financial management. I do not hate him or anybody else at the moment. I knew he would be the way he is. I do not enjoy assholes, but have had to deal with them until I could get rid of them, get away from them, or have them taken away from me. This has been an effective, level headed response and management method for me over the years. It is easier on them, me, and whatever organization I was with at the time. I avoid meeting an asshole, by being an asshole in return, as I get what I can from the person and still get rid of them or away from them. We are about to get rid of Donny, but no telling what assholery he will do on the way out the door.

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