Delete your facebook...

What cracks me up is everyone has protection on their pc's....firewalls, virus protectors, etc....yet, they join a hackers website (FB) and then post all their personal info.

Turn you rep on so I can green you, dammit :D

This is exactly why I never signed up with Nosebook. Well, that and the fact that it would give me absolutely nothing that I don't already have. I mean this thing was started by a guy who got busted for voyeurism - hellloooo...

lol. Just thanking me is good enough, sweets. I don't miss the rep thing at all.

yeah....this guy is a hacker. Yet, folks join in droves and think their info is safe with him. Cracks me up.:lol:

To this day I cannot begin to fathom why I would want to receive messages from somebody I worked with for three weeks a decade ago telling the world "I'm washing my nuts right now". I just don't get it. It's like we all got hit with a narcissism virus. :dunno:
Turn you rep on so I can green you, dammit :D

This is exactly why I never signed up with Nosebook. Well, that and the fact that it would give me absolutely nothing that I don't already have. I mean this thing was started by a guy who got busted for voyeurism - hellloooo...

lol. Just thanking me is good enough, sweets. I don't miss the rep thing at all.

yeah....this guy is a hacker. Yet, folks join in droves and think their info is safe with him. Cracks me up.:lol:

To this day I cannot begin to fathom why I would want to receive messages from somebody I worked with for three weeks a decade ago telling the world "I'm washing my nuts right now". I just don't get it. It's like we all got hit with a narcissism virus. :dunno:

We had a family emergency.

Do you know how all of our past and present friends are helping us?

They found out about our family emergency through Facebook and they are coming by and giving us help every day.

It can be a good tool in that respect.
lol. Just thanking me is good enough, sweets. I don't miss the rep thing at all.

yeah....this guy is a hacker. Yet, folks join in droves and think their info is safe with him. Cracks me up.:lol:

To this day I cannot begin to fathom why I would want to receive messages from somebody I worked with for three weeks a decade ago telling the world "I'm washing my nuts right now". I just don't get it. It's like we all got hit with a narcissism virus. :dunno:

We had a family emergency.

Do you know how all of our past and present friends are helping us?

They found out about our family emergency through Facebook and they are coming by and giving us help every day.

It can be a good tool in that respect.

Do you and they not have.... telephones?

As noted before, the addicts were hounding me a while back to get on. I asked all of them, "what will this give me that I don't already have?" To this day no one has ever come up with a good answer to that.
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Why does it come to a surprise to dumb asses who were educated by pop-culture that the junk they submit to the freaking international network might be used and abused and God knows what?

Be careful of falling into the trap so many have fallen into. Big Brother has been very effective in convincing so many that they shouldn't even expect privacy anymore. It's a deliberate pattern of deceit and betrayal.

Our Government would like to convince all Americans that they should no longer expect their Government to respect the Constitution and and its guarantees of Freedom & Liberty. That's the real goal. If the People stop expecting their rights to be respected, they'll go along with anything.

One day you'll wake up and realize Big Brother never really cared about you.

Is that where all the paranoia comes from, desperate to think someone gives a shit about you and so you live with these paranoid delusion that someone, something is watching you, paying attention
Unfortunately, I was stupid. But about a week in, I thought "what the fuck do I want to tell cousins I haven't seen since dirt came into being? Like, they meant nothing to me when I was a kid and they mean the same to me now. Nothing". And when I tried to delete my account...I couldn't. So I dumped everything I could, made everything as private as I could, left and never went back.

What is scarey is...even to post on Huff Post, you MUST register via FB. There are so many websites that DEMAND you register or log in to use their services ONLY if you do it via FB. Nobody pays attention to the little details of shit like that. It's amazing.

Would you trust a bank that is run by a thief? Would you buy a car from someone that steals vehicles? Would you give your personal life info to an identity thief? All those answers are probably a resounding NO because common sense dictates that. IF you have common sense. But...people post their most personal stuff on FB....whose founder and CEO is a hacker. It's mind boggling.

The excuse is "this is how I keep in touch with family". Um hm. So like pogo asked..what is wrong with the phone? A letter? contact in a more personal way without the con artist hanging over your every word. I guess it does not bother them. did me.

One is born every day, I guess. You know the old saying. And they are all on FB.

Turn you rep on so I can green you, dammit :D

This is exactly why I never signed up with Nosebook. Well, that and the fact that it would give me absolutely nothing that I don't already have. I mean this thing was started by a guy who got busted for voyeurism - hellloooo...

lol. Just thanking me is good enough, sweets. I don't miss the rep thing at all.

yeah....this guy is a hacker. Yet, folks join in droves and think their info is safe with him. Cracks me up.:lol:

To this day I cannot begin to fathom why I would want to receive messages from somebody I worked with for three weeks a decade ago telling the world "I'm washing my nuts right now". I just don't get it. It's like we all got hit with a narcissism virus. :dunno:
I have never had the least bit of interest in Facebook, twitter, etc. It seems to me people have lost all sense of privacy.
Why does it come to a surprise to dumb asses who were educated by pop-culture that the junk they submit to the freaking international network might be used and abused and God knows what?

Be careful of falling into the trap so many have fallen into. Big Brother has been very effective in convincing so many that they shouldn't even expect privacy anymore. It's a deliberate pattern of deceit and betrayal.

Our Government would like to convince all Americans that they should no longer expect their Government to respect the Constitution and and its guarantees of Freedom & Liberty. That's the real goal. If the People stop expecting their rights to be respected, they'll go along with anything.

One day you'll wake up and realize Big Brother never really cared about you.

Is that where all the paranoia comes from, desperate to think someone gives a shit about you and so you live with these paranoid delusion that someone, something is watching you, paying attention

All Americans have good reason to be paranoid. Big Brother is watching and listening. It's not just paranoid delusion or crazy conspiracy theory. It's reality. Government has gone too far. It's time to reign it in. For starters, the Patriot Act and NDAA should immediately be abolished. The NSA should be as well. The Federal Reserve and IRS need to go as well. No more secret society government bureaucracies abusing the People. That time has to pass.

The People just need to stand up and demand it. Their goal of creating a Global Fascist State is rapidly coming to fruition. But i can see why so many refuse to see that. It's not an easy thing to accept. Facing it takes real courage and determination. But it does need to be faced. Because things are only getting worse. The Government/Corporate Complex has grown to behemoth status. It is time to scale it back. I truly hope the People decide to confront the Globalist Elites. I really do.
lol. Just thanking me is good enough, sweets. I don't miss the rep thing at all.

yeah....this guy is a hacker. Yet, folks join in droves and think their info is safe with him. Cracks me up.:lol:

To this day I cannot begin to fathom why I would want to receive messages from somebody I worked with for three weeks a decade ago telling the world "I'm washing my nuts right now". I just don't get it. It's like we all got hit with a narcissism virus. :dunno:
I have never had the least bit of interest in Facebook, twitter, etc. It seems to me people have lost all sense of privacy.

They were innocent naive dupes. They honestly never thought a Corporation would be so evil and violate them this way. So i can't blame them too much. They really were innocent and naive. But many are catching on now. Better late than never.
Unfortunately, I was stupid. But about a week in, I thought "what the fuck do I want to tell cousins I haven't seen since dirt came into being? Like, they meant nothing to me when I was a kid and they mean the same to me now. Nothing". And when I tried to delete my account...I couldn't. So I dumped everything I could, made everything as private as I could, left and never went back.

What is scarey is...even to post on Huff Post, you MUST register via FB. There are so many websites that DEMAND you register or log in to use their services ONLY if you do it via FB. Nobody pays attention to the little details of shit like that. It's amazing.

Would you trust a bank that is run by a thief? Would you buy a car from someone that steals vehicles? Would you give your personal life info to an identity thief? All those answers are probably a resounding NO because common sense dictates that. IF you have common sense. But...people post their most personal stuff on FB....whose founder and CEO is a hacker. It's mind boggling.

The excuse is "this is how I keep in touch with family". Um hm. So like pogo asked..what is wrong with the phone? A letter? contact in a more personal way without the con artist hanging over your every word. I guess it does not bother them. did me.

One is born every day, I guess. You know the old saying. And they are all on FB.


Why won't Facebook allow users to fully delete their accounts? People really need to ask themselves that question. I'm pretty sure they'll find the answer very disturbing.
Be careful of falling into the trap so many have fallen into. Big Brother has been very effective in convincing so many that they shouldn't even expect privacy anymore. It's a deliberate pattern of deceit and betrayal.

Our Government would like to convince all Americans that they should no longer expect their Government to respect the Constitution and and its guarantees of Freedom & Liberty. That's the real goal. If the People stop expecting their rights to be respected, they'll go along with anything.

One day you'll wake up and realize Big Brother never really cared about you.

Is that where all the paranoia comes from, desperate to think someone gives a shit about you and so you live with these paranoid delusion that someone, something is watching you, paying attention

All Americans have good reason to be paranoid. Big Brother is watching and listening. It's not just paranoid delusion or crazy conspiracy theory. It's reality. Government has gone too far. It's time to reign it in. For starters, the Patriot Act and NDAA should immediately be abolished. The NSA should be as well. The Federal Reserve and IRS need to go as well. No more secret society government bureaucracies abusing the People. That time has to pass.

The People just need to stand up and demand it. Their goal of creating a Global Fascist State is rapidly coming to fruition. But i can see why so many refuse to see that. It's not an easy thing to accept. Facing it takes real courage and determination. But it does need to be faced. Because things are only getting worse. The Government/Corporate Complex has grown to behemoth status. It is time to scale it back.

See, this is your problemo. You start out with a perfectly sound point based on reality. All good. Everything above is valid and rings true.

Then you shoot yourself in the foot:

I truly hope the People decide to confront the Globalist Elites. I really do.

One day you'll wake up and realize Big Brother never really cared about you.

Is that where all the paranoia comes from, desperate to think someone gives a shit about you and so you live with these paranoid delusion that someone, something is watching you, paying attention

All Americans have good reason to be paranoid. Big Brother is watching and listening. It's not just paranoid delusion or crazy conspiracy theory. It's reality. Government has gone too far. It's time to reign it in. For starters, the Patriot Act and NDAA should immediately be abolished. The NSA should be as well. The Federal Reserve and IRS need to go as well. No more secret society government bureaucracies abusing the People. That time has to pass.

The People just need to stand up and demand it. Their goal of creating a Global Fascist State is rapidly coming to fruition. But i can see why so many refuse to see that. It's not an easy thing to accept. Facing it takes real courage and determination. But it does need to be faced. Because things are only getting worse. The Government/Corporate Complex has grown to behemoth status. It is time to scale it back.

See, this is your problemo. You start out with a perfectly sound point based on reality. All good. Everything above is valid and rings true.

Then you shoot yourself in the foot:

I truly hope the People decide to confront the Globalist Elites. I really do.


Just stating the reality. It is the ruling Globalist Elite class who is ushering in this Global Fascist State. It's time for the People to out them and their secret societies. Time to demand the end of the Bilderberg Group, The Council on Foreign Relations, and the Trilateral Commission. They're evil secret society organizations who only exist to serve the interests of the ruling Globalist Elites. The People just need to demand their end. That time has finally come.

You're welcome to see it that way. I know some will never face reality. I can't do anything about that. But i am optimistic. More & more people around the World are demanding the end of secret society Globalist Elite organizations like the Bilderberg Group, The Council on Foreign Relations, and Trilateral Commission. An uprising has begun. Their dreams of a Global Fascist State (New World Order), may not come true after all. There is still hope.
Like Google, Facebook is merely a surveillance weapon. Both Corporations work for the Government. It's not just about the money. It's about the control.


I heard about this a few years ago and fully deleted my account. It was a waste of time anyway. My niece would announce that she was going to take a shower. Another family member would say that she's going to go shopping. Etc.

Then, this gigantic family feud broke out and the two factions of my family brought out a lot of dirty laundry and slung mud at 100 MPH. Having already heard that Facebook was monitored by the CIA (Rumor? Maybe but what better way to gather info) I decided to get out while the gettin' was good. Haven't looked back and don't miss it one bit.
Like Google, Facebook is merely a surveillance weapon. Both Corporations work for the Government. It's not just about the money. It's about the control.


I heard about this a few years ago and fully deleted my account. It was a waste of time anyway. My niece would announce that she was going to take a shower. Another family member would say that she's going to go shopping. Etc.

Then, this gigantic family feud broke out and the two factions of my family brought out a lot of dirty laundry and slung mud at 100 MPH. Having already heard that Facebook was monitored by the CIA (Rumor? Maybe but what better way to gather info) I decided to get out while the gettin' was good. Haven't looked back and don't miss it one bit.

All you're missing is a continuous violation of your trust and privacy. All to make a buck and serve Big Brother. It's pure evil when you really think about it.
Like Google, Facebook is merely a surveillance weapon. Both Corporations work for the Government. It's not just about the money. It's about the control.


I heard about this a few years ago and fully deleted my account. It was a waste of time anyway. My niece would announce that she was going to take a shower. Another family member would say that she's going to go shopping. Etc.

Then, this gigantic family feud broke out and the two factions of my family brought out a lot of dirty laundry and slung mud at 100 MPH. Having already heard that Facebook was monitored by the CIA (Rumor? Maybe but what better way to gather info) I decided to get out while the gettin' was good. Haven't looked back and don't miss it one bit.

All you're missing is a continuous violation of your trust and privacy. All to make a buck and serve Big Brother. It's pure evil when you really think about it.

True. If Facebook actually served some sort of a useful purpose or if the benefits outweighed the detriments then I might be willing to participate in spite of "Big Brother's" intrusion (considering the fact that they probably get just as much information from this site and other forums as they do on Facebook) but I found no such benefit and I actually don't trust my family a lot of the time so it's a "no go" and I'm a "no show."

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