"Deep Vote" on Democrat Vote fraud


Senior Member
Jun 30, 2004
August 23rd, 2005

I was contacted recently by a source (who wishes to remain anonymous) who is a local Washington, D.C. community leader and who has “done some computer work for several candidates over the years in DC.” He is also a man who has conducted his own study of vote-fraud in the inner-city. Close-up, and definitely not for attribution. I will dub this source “Deep Vote.”

Deep Vote told me that in a previous article I had missed the most important single factor of all, one that logically explains why the majority of vote fraud takes place in the inner cities, and benefits Democrats. There has been a lot of controversy recently about comparative vote fraud.

Experience has taught Deep Vote that it is transiency which provides Democrat political operatives with the most golden of opportunities to steal votes. In depressed urban areas an inordinate number of residents move in and out every year, with some taking up residence for only a brief time. Stability is less common among the poverty-stricken and others suffering social dysfunctions, and such people are more numerous in large urban areas than elsewhere.

A high rate of transiency inevitably leaves a large number of people who no longer live in an area on the voter rolls. The local authorities, says Deep Vote, “are always somewhat late on removing non-residents.” All the Democrat operatives need do then is ascertain who these people are and vote for them. Deep Vote explains the mechanics of this process.

What we first need to know is that the Democrat operatives who are central to this fraud are known as “block captains” and “apartment captains.” Deep Vote tells us that a captain is a GOTV (Get out the vote) term for a campaign volunteer who knows the territory and is given a list of voters on his block or in his building who are believed to be sympathetic to his candidate. He is then charged with the task of driving these partisans to the polls.

Deep Vote then explains that since captains are usually “local/neighborhood leaders” or in the least have “been there for a while,” they “would know who has moved out.” It is then that the captains examine the voter rolls and “vote those people.”

Deep Vote also related his firsthand experience investigating this type of vote-fraud. He said,

“I did an analysis of Marion Barry's win for Ward 8 City Council in DC a while back. I could prove that it [vote-fraud] happened.”

Explaining his methods he said,

“I ran an analysis of ‘sudden voters’ (my term) by ward: Those registered for some time (years), and either had voted some time ago or had not voted since registered, and suddenly voted in the primary. Ward 8 had significantly more such voters than the other wards in this election (there were city-wide races and other council races going on).”

He continued,

“Then, since I couldn't get Prince George's County, MD voters/motor vehicle databases (too expensive, bureaucracy, whatever) I did a unique name match on several of the sudden voters with PG on a public telephone database (The lower class black community has a lot of intentionally unique first names. Match that with an uncommon last name, and then against another database and you have something close to as good as [a] Social Security number).

“I chased several of the voters by phone (It's real work). Most had in fact moved out, and no, they had not voted in DC [emphasis mine].

“It's a qualitative analysis, not quantitative. With good databases, SSN or something similar, one could probably prove a lot, given the proportion of sudden voters.”

Deep Vote also mentions factors that have exacerbated this problem by enabling these election thieves. First, many states have enacted “Motor Voter” laws, which he says often increase the chances of this type of vote-fraud. The reason for this is that such laws lead to the registration of larger numbers of irresponsible people who live transient lifestyles.

Then, not surprisingly, where there’s the appearance of corruption and turpitude there often lurks the Reverend without a congregation, Jesse Jackson. Some years ago he brought pressure to bear on Washington, DC to stop purging the voter rolls because doing so was “racist.” You see, racism is something on which ol’ Jesse is an authority.

Anyway, such a story is reminiscent of the hue and cry that ensued when Florida purged its voter rolls; back then accusations of racism were hurled as well. Just know, though, that those who use this ploy are scoundrels, scheming to facilitate the vote-fraud that can vault their candidate into office. Such people are to be despised.

The Republican Party in my state has become aware of this voter fraud gimmick. A few years back a cleanup of state-wide voter registration rolls was begun and is now standard procedure each election year. From what we heard about voter registration fraud prior to the 2004 election, I believe several other states need to start cleaning up their voter registration rolls if they want to control voter fraud, to the extent it can be conrolled.

In my city voter registration roll cleanup has been particularly effective. We have a lot of transcients coming and going (university students, faculty and others), so in election years there is constant checking of voter registration rolls by party volunteers.
The Republican Party in my state has become aware of this voter fraud gimmick. A few years back a cleanup of state-wide voter registration rolls was begun and is now standard procedure each election year. From what we heard about voter registration fraud prior to the 2004 election, I believe several other states need to start cleaning up their voter registration rolls if they want to control voter fraud, to the extent it can be conrolled.

In my city voter registration roll cleanup has been particularly effective. We have a lot of transcients coming and going (university students, faculty and others), so in election years there is constant checking of voter registration rolls by party volunteers.
As the Star-Telegram reported further, a statement from Paxton’s office said that the four women face 30 counts of voter fraud. They were allegedly paid by a Democratic operative to target older voters “in a scheme to generate a large number of mail ballots and then harvest those ballots for specific candidates in 2016,” the statement continued.

“Ballots by mail are intended to make it easier for Texas seniors to vote,” Paxton said, according to the statement. “My office is committed to ensuring that paid vote harvesters who fraudulently generate mail ballots, stealing votes from seniors, are held accountable for their despicable actions and for the damage they inflict on the electoral process.”

The state attorney general’s office said vote harvesting schemes work in two phases. First, there is the ‘seeding,’ then the harvesting. Fraudsters send mail-in ballots to “targeted precincts,” then “harvesters attempt either to intercept the ballots outright or to ‘assist’ elderly voters in casting their ballots while ensuring that the votes are cast for the candidates of the harvesters’ choice,” the AG’s office said, according to the Star-Telegram.

Most of the time “voters do not even know their votes have been stolen.”

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