Deep State sends Sacha Cohen (Borat) to troll a Trump rally by singing a racist song


Gold Member
Feb 16, 2013
In a dependant and enslaved country.
Everyone calls him out on his bullshit and reveals his idenity.

Borat jumps into a STATE Ambulance and escapes (pre planned by Deep State that allowed the Ambulance to flee with its flashing lights on).

And contrary to what the "daily beast" says in above link, you can watch the full video and see that NO ONE sang along when he began his racist lines. They immediately pounced on him.
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Everyone calls him out on his bullshit and reveals his idenity.

Borat jumps into a STATE Ambulance and escapes (pre planned by Deep State that allowed the Ambulance to flee with its flashing lights on).

And contrary to what the "daily beast" says in above link, you can watch the full video and see that NO ONE sang along when he began his racist lines. They immediately pounced on him.
Cohen is an asshole. The End.
Another link:

“We tried to get on the stage to kick the band off. They had all the security around the stage, was then blocking us from getting to the stage… All the security turned on us. We bum-rushed them, got through security, unplugged the mic, got the guy off the stage, and they jumped into an ambulance with lights and sirens on to get out of here.”

Marshall held Democratic Party & Washington Governor Jay Inslee accountable for the controversy. He said, “They spent a lot of money to make us look bad. I bet you if you follow the strings this goes directly goes back to the Washington State Democratic Party.” See Sacha Baron Cohen Olympia WA 3% racist song prank video below.
Everyone calls him out on his bullshit and reveals his idenity.

Borat jumps into a STATE Ambulance and escapes (pre planned by Deep State that allowed the Ambulance to flee with its flashing lights on).

And contrary to what the "daily beast" says in above link, you can watch the full video and see that NO ONE sang along when he began his racist lines. They immediately pounced on him.
Trumpers sang along.
Notice how Socialist Democrats can't allow anyone who has a different opinion or ideology from them exercise their constitutional right to assemble and share mutual morals / ethics / ideas without trying to stop them, sabotage them, beat and bloody them...

Conservatism, freedom, and any ideology contrary to their own is such a threat they HAVE to stop it...

Hillary paid thugs to beat and bloody Trump supporters at Trump rallies...

Democrats were caught infiltrating TEA Party events and doing / saying vile things to frame them...

Barry & his minions illegally spied on Trump and his team, attempted to stop them with Russian propaganda...

Antifa initiated violence in Charlottesville to stop a legally-sanctioned march by White Supremacists exercising their Constitutional right to assemble and freedom of speech...

'Tolerant Left'?

Bwuhahaha...they can't just 'live and let live'. They have to interfere, sabotage, stop, harm anything / anyone that does / do not adhere to liberal opinion / ideology.


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