Deep State Quietly Starting to Fear the Worst: The Return of the Trump Wrecking Ball


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

Deep State Quietly Starting to Fear the Worst: The Return of the Trump Wrecking Ball​

22 May 2023 ~~ By Athena Thorne

Worried about too much systemic rigging and fraud for a Republican ever to win office again? Good news! The riggers themselves are quietly starting to worry it may happen.
Politico ran a story on Friday, and I must say, the title quickened my pulse. Tellingly titled, “Hurricane Trump Is Coming — And Washington Hasn’t Bothered to Prepare,” the story ran with the subhead, “After 2020, reformers vowed to erect guardrails against a rogue chief executive. They ran into a wall of complacency, partisanship and distraction.”
As if Leftists would have done a single thing to curtail executive overreach while they held office. Puh-lease.
The article fretted that the complacent deep state has done nothing to rein in a president who is on the wrong team. Pardon the lengthy quote, but here is the gist of the Politico piece:
In many ways, the book [After Trump, a volume of proposals designed to protect the nation from future rogue chief executives] was the culmination of a conversation that preoccupied Washington during the Trump years, briefly turning members of the Beltway’s legal-ethics and good-government commentariat into local celebrities: How to shore up a system that depends on the observation of fast-fraying American political norms? Goldsmith and Bauer, with long tenures in and around government, may have produced the highest-profile laundry list, but they were hardly the only ones planning for a new age of political reform.​
In fact, the premise of the book, and the broader conversation, was that it would be acted on in some future America, either 2021 or 2025, that had definitely turned the page from the 45th president — a country in the mood for a 21st-century update of the post-Watergate reforms that had aimed to Nixon-proof the presidency.​
If Trump does reclaim the White House in 2024, it will be game over for Deep State trash. When he shocked the establishment toilet people with his surprise win in 2016, everyone was still under the impression that America’s great institutions and guiding principles were intact. Perhaps President Trump’s greatest gift to this country was his exposure of just how thoroughly corrupted and politicized every single one of our institutions really is. We now know how high these people regard themselves so that they consider themselves to be above the rules. We know they will take it upon themselves to “transcend” laws and ancient codes of ethics because they feel anointed to save their leviathan from the great orange beast.
So, yes, it’s all different this time, because if Trump wins again, he — and the American people — will go into it knowing what we’re up against. Fool us once, shame on you; fool us twice? Not gonna happen.

The deep state should fear pissed off patriots. The deep state all have names. They all have addresses. And they all likely have pissed off patriot neighbors who know their names and where they live. The deep state scorched earth strategy could splash back badly on them.
Maxine Waters and er Maoist Democrat co-conspirators set the parameters for attacking Conservatives. Turnabout and using the same techniques against them are fair play.
One thing the progressive leftists have been doing in greater numbers is showing who they are, where they are and what they are willing to do. Pendulums always swing one direction...and then the other.
If re-elected in 2024, Trump's first action should be is to fire everyone including career employees within the DoJ and FBI. Then hire back those who can pass muster as loyal to the Constitution, not their political ideologies. He should the repeat the process within all 16-17 agencies
We shouldn't be overconfident. These evil bastards play for keeps. Be strong, fight and don’t give up. The corrupt leaders may have some areas that they worry about, but you’d better be sure they have the money and manpower, tech in place to steal! Take back your cities, townships and schools first. Most of the mandates from WEF start there. To go after the powerful top is to eradicate the bottom.
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"I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all"

The cities voted against you ... it's called "the tyranny of the majority" ... why God laughs at Democracy ...

Deep State Quietly Starting to Fear the Worst: The Return of the Trump Wrecking Ball​

22 May 2023 ~~ By Athena Thorne

Worried about too much systemic rigging and fraud for a Republican ever to win office again? Good news! The riggers themselves are quietly starting to worry it may happen.
Politico ran a story on Friday, and I must say, the title quickened my pulse. Tellingly titled, “Hurricane Trump Is Coming — And Washington Hasn’t Bothered to Prepare,” the story ran with the subhead, “After 2020, reformers vowed to erect guardrails against a rogue chief executive. They ran into a wall of complacency, partisanship and distraction.”
As if Leftists would have done a single thing to curtail executive overreach while they held office. Puh-lease.
The article fretted that the complacent deep state has done nothing to rein in a president who is on the wrong team. Pardon the lengthy quote, but here is the gist of the Politico piece:
In many ways, the book [After Trump, a volume of proposals designed to protect the nation from future rogue chief executives] was the culmination of a conversation that preoccupied Washington during the Trump years, briefly turning members of the Beltway’s legal-ethics and good-government commentariat into local celebrities: How to shore up a system that depends on the observation of fast-fraying American political norms? Goldsmith and Bauer, with long tenures in and around government, may have produced the highest-profile laundry list, but they were hardly the only ones planning for a new age of political reform.​
In fact, the premise of the book, and the broader conversation, was that it would be acted on in some future America, either 2021 or 2025, that had definitely turned the page from the 45th president — a country in the mood for a 21st-century update of the post-Watergate reforms that had aimed to Nixon-proof the presidency.​
If Trump does reclaim the White House in 2024, it will be game over for Deep State trash. When he shocked the establishment toilet people with his surprise win in 2016, everyone was still under the impression that America’s great institutions and guiding principles were intact. Perhaps President Trump’s greatest gift to this country was his exposure of just how thoroughly corrupted and politicized every single one of our institutions really is. We now know how high these people regard themselves so that they consider themselves to be above the rules. We know they will take it upon themselves to “transcend” laws and ancient codes of ethics because they feel anointed to save their leviathan from the great orange beast.
So, yes, it’s all different this time, because if Trump wins again, he — and the American people — will go into it knowing what we’re up against. Fool us once, shame on you; fool us twice? Not gonna happen.

The deep state should fear pissed off patriots. The deep state all have names. They all have addresses. And they all likely have pissed off patriot neighbors who know their names and where they live. The deep state scorched earth strategy could splash back badly on them.
Maxine Waters and er Maoist Democrat co-conspirators set the parameters for attacking Conservatives. Turnabout and using the same techniques against them are fair play.
One thing the progressive leftists have been doing in greater numbers is showing who they are, where they are and what they are willing to do. Pendulums always swing one direction...and then the other.
If re-elected in 2024, Trump's first action should be is to fire everyone including career employees within the DoJ and FBI. Then hire back those who can pass muster as loyal to the Constitution, not their political ideologies. He should the repeat the process within all 16-17 agencies
We shouldn't be overconfident. These evil bastards play for keeps. Be strong, fight and don’t give up. The corrupt leaders may have some areas that they worry about, but you’d better be sure they have the money and manpower, tech in place to steal! Take back your cities, townships and schools first. Most of the mandates from WEF start there. To go after the powerful top is to eradicate the bottom.
You really think someone...anyone...fears YOU?


Deep State Quietly Starting to Fear the Worst: The Return of the Trump Wrecking Ball​

22 May 2023 ~~ By Athena Thorne

Worried about too much systemic rigging and fraud for a Republican ever to win office again? Good news! The riggers themselves are quietly starting to worry it may happen.
Politico ran a story on Friday, and I must say, the title quickened my pulse. Tellingly titled, “Hurricane Trump Is Coming — And Washington Hasn’t Bothered to Prepare,” the story ran with the subhead, “After 2020, reformers vowed to erect guardrails against a rogue chief executive. They ran into a wall of complacency, partisanship and distraction.”
As if Leftists would have done a single thing to curtail executive overreach while they held office. Puh-lease.
The article fretted that the complacent deep state has done nothing to rein in a president who is on the wrong team. Pardon the lengthy quote, but here is the gist of the Politico piece:
In many ways, the book [After Trump, a volume of proposals designed to protect the nation from future rogue chief executives] was the culmination of a conversation that preoccupied Washington during the Trump years, briefly turning members of the Beltway’s legal-ethics and good-government commentariat into local celebrities: How to shore up a system that depends on the observation of fast-fraying American political norms? Goldsmith and Bauer, with long tenures in and around government, may have produced the highest-profile laundry list, but they were hardly the only ones planning for a new age of political reform.​
In fact, the premise of the book, and the broader conversation, was that it would be acted on in some future America, either 2021 or 2025, that had definitely turned the page from the 45th president — a country in the mood for a 21st-century update of the post-Watergate reforms that had aimed to Nixon-proof the presidency.​
If Trump does reclaim the White House in 2024, it will be game over for Deep State trash. When he shocked the establishment toilet people with his surprise win in 2016, everyone was still under the impression that America’s great institutions and guiding principles were intact. Perhaps President Trump’s greatest gift to this country was his exposure of just how thoroughly corrupted and politicized every single one of our institutions really is. We now know how high these people regard themselves so that they consider themselves to be above the rules. We know they will take it upon themselves to “transcend” laws and ancient codes of ethics because they feel anointed to save their leviathan from the great orange beast.
So, yes, it’s all different this time, because if Trump wins again, he — and the American people — will go into it knowing what we’re up against. Fool us once, shame on you; fool us twice? Not gonna happen.

The deep state should fear pissed off patriots. The deep state all have names. They all have addresses. And they all likely have pissed off patriot neighbors who know their names and where they live. The deep state scorched earth strategy could splash back badly on them.
Maxine Waters and er Maoist Democrat co-conspirators set the parameters for attacking Conservatives. Turnabout and using the same techniques against them are fair play.
One thing the progressive leftists have been doing in greater numbers is showing who they are, where they are and what they are willing to do. Pendulums always swing one direction...and then the other.
If re-elected in 2024, Trump's first action should be is to fire everyone including career employees within the DoJ and FBI. Then hire back those who can pass muster as loyal to the Constitution, not their political ideologies. He should the repeat the process within all 16-17 agencies
We shouldn't be overconfident. These evil bastards play for keeps. Be strong, fight and don’t give up. The corrupt leaders may have some areas that they worry about, but you’d better be sure they have the money and manpower, tech in place to steal! Take back your cities, townships and schools first. Most of the mandates from WEF start there. To go after the powerful top is to eradicate the bottom.
The deep state isn’t worried. I said this before the last election. Whenever you run Trump now, you lose.
The so called deep state is worried you might run an ordinary human being.
The freaking Country is falling apart under a stumbling mentally defective and they call Trump a "wrecking ball". No surprise here.
Falling apart? Inflation from Trumpism miss handling from covid recession….dropping, most jobs created of any recent president in history. The run amuck gop is trying to cut Medicare and SS while promoting higher deficits while using state control over woman’s health and combatting wokism…what ever that is. Even wokism us becoming popular because the gop fks everything up in their attacks.
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Falling apart? Inflation from Trumpism miss handling from covid recession….dropping, most jobs created of any recent president in history. The run amuck gop is trying to cut Medicare and SS while promoting higher deficits while using state control over woman’s health and combatting wokism…what ever that is. Even wokism us becoming popular because the gop fks everything up in their attacks.
Wow. What ever you are smoking is way out there. Care to share a doobie?
You obviously live under a rock. Way too much for you to take in.
You keep on believing in those pink unicorns flying around your head. Talk about too much to take in. I guess if I had to choose I would rather live under a rock in reality than in never never land where you seem to be.
The Deep State people are worried about their jobs. Trump needs 4 more years to drain the swamp.
He needs 4 more years just to learn how to wipe his own ass….really, he doesn’t know shit about anything.
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Deep State Quietly Starting to Fear the Worst: The Return of the Trump Wrecking Ball​

22 May 2023 ~~ By Athena Thorne

Worried about too much systemic rigging and fraud for a Republican ever to win office again? Good news! The riggers themselves are quietly starting to worry it may happen.
Politico ran a story on Friday, and I must say, the title quickened my pulse. Tellingly titled, “Hurricane Trump Is Coming — And Washington Hasn’t Bothered to Prepare,” the story ran with the subhead, “After 2020, reformers vowed to erect guardrails against a rogue chief executive. They ran into a wall of complacency, partisanship and distraction.”
As if Leftists would have done a single thing to curtail executive overreach while they held office. Puh-lease.
The article fretted that the complacent deep state has done nothing to rein in a president who is on the wrong team. Pardon the lengthy quote, but here is the gist of the Politico piece:
In many ways, the book [After Trump, a volume of proposals designed to protect the nation from future rogue chief executives] was the culmination of a conversation that preoccupied Washington during the Trump years, briefly turning members of the Beltway’s legal-ethics and good-government commentariat into local celebrities: How to shore up a system that depends on the observation of fast-fraying American political norms? Goldsmith and Bauer, with long tenures in and around government, may have produced the highest-profile laundry list, but they were hardly the only ones planning for a new age of political reform.​
In fact, the premise of the book, and the broader conversation, was that it would be acted on in some future America, either 2021 or 2025, that had definitely turned the page from the 45th president — a country in the mood for a 21st-century update of the post-Watergate reforms that had aimed to Nixon-proof the presidency.​
If Trump does reclaim the White House in 2024, it will be game over for Deep State trash. When he shocked the establishment toilet people with his surprise win in 2016, everyone was still under the impression that America’s great institutions and guiding principles were intact. Perhaps President Trump’s greatest gift to this country was his exposure of just how thoroughly corrupted and politicized every single one of our institutions really is. We now know how high these people regard themselves so that they consider themselves to be above the rules. We know they will take it upon themselves to “transcend” laws and ancient codes of ethics because they feel anointed to save their leviathan from the great orange beast.
So, yes, it’s all different this time, because if Trump wins again, he — and the American people — will go into it knowing what we’re up against. Fool us once, shame on you; fool us twice? Not gonna happen.

The deep state should fear pissed off patriots. The deep state all have names. They all have addresses. And they all likely have pissed off patriot neighbors who know their names and where they live. The deep state scorched earth strategy could splash back badly on them.
Maxine Waters and er Maoist Democrat co-conspirators set the parameters for attacking Conservatives. Turnabout and using the same techniques against them are fair play.
One thing the progressive leftists have been doing in greater numbers is showing who they are, where they are and what they are willing to do. Pendulums always swing one direction...and then the other.
If re-elected in 2024, Trump's first action should be is to fire everyone including career employees within the DoJ and FBI. Then hire back those who can pass muster as loyal to the Constitution, not their political ideologies. He should the repeat the process within all 16-17 agencies
We shouldn't be overconfident. These evil bastards play for keeps. Be strong, fight and don’t give up. The corrupt leaders may have some areas that they worry about, but you’d better be sure they have the money and manpower, tech in place to steal! Take back your cities, townships and schools first. Most of the mandates from WEF start there. To go after the powerful top is to eradicate the bottom.
So what you're saying, nut job, is that the deep state was good enough to rig the last election, but this time around they won't quite be able to pull it off? How do you crazies come up with this shit? Oh that's right, it's because you're crazy.

And you are no patriot.

Deep State Quietly Starting to Fear the Worst: The Return of the Trump Wrecking Ball​

22 May 2023 ~~ By Athena Thorne

Worried about too much systemic rigging and fraud for a Republican ever to win office again? Good news! The riggers themselves are quietly starting to worry it may happen.
Politico ran a story on Friday, and I must say, the title quickened my pulse. Tellingly titled, “Hurricane Trump Is Coming — And Washington Hasn’t Bothered to Prepare,” the story ran with the subhead, “After 2020, reformers vowed to erect guardrails against a rogue chief executive. They ran into a wall of complacency, partisanship and distraction.”
As if Leftists would have done a single thing to curtail executive overreach while they held office. Puh-lease.
The article fretted that the complacent deep state has done nothing to rein in a president who is on the wrong team. Pardon the lengthy quote, but here is the gist of the Politico piece:
In many ways, the book [After Trump, a volume of proposals designed to protect the nation from future rogue chief executives] was the culmination of a conversation that preoccupied Washington during the Trump years, briefly turning members of the Beltway’s legal-ethics and good-government commentariat into local celebrities: How to shore up a system that depends on the observation of fast-fraying American political norms? Goldsmith and Bauer, with long tenures in and around government, may have produced the highest-profile laundry list, but they were hardly the only ones planning for a new age of political reform.​
In fact, the premise of the book, and the broader conversation, was that it would be acted on in some future America, either 2021 or 2025, that had definitely turned the page from the 45th president — a country in the mood for a 21st-century update of the post-Watergate reforms that had aimed to Nixon-proof the presidency.​
If Trump does reclaim the White House in 2024, it will be game over for Deep State trash. When he shocked the establishment toilet people with his surprise win in 2016, everyone was still under the impression that America’s great institutions and guiding principles were intact. Perhaps President Trump’s greatest gift to this country was his exposure of just how thoroughly corrupted and politicized every single one of our institutions really is. We now know how high these people regard themselves so that they consider themselves to be above the rules. We know they will take it upon themselves to “transcend” laws and ancient codes of ethics because they feel anointed to save their leviathan from the great orange beast.
So, yes, it’s all different this time, because if Trump wins again, he — and the American people — will go into it knowing what we’re up against. Fool us once, shame on you; fool us twice? Not gonna happen.

The deep state should fear pissed off patriots. The deep state all have names. They all have addresses. And they all likely have pissed off patriot neighbors who know their names and where they live. The deep state scorched earth strategy could splash back badly on them.
Maxine Waters and er Maoist Democrat co-conspirators set the parameters for attacking Conservatives. Turnabout and using the same techniques against them are fair play.
One thing the progressive leftists have been doing in greater numbers is showing who they are, where they are and what they are willing to do. Pendulums always swing one direction...and then the other.
If re-elected in 2024, Trump's first action should be is to fire everyone including career employees within the DoJ and FBI. Then hire back those who can pass muster as loyal to the Constitution, not their political ideologies. He should the repeat the process within all 16-17 agencies
We shouldn't be overconfident. These evil bastards play for keeps. Be strong, fight and don’t give up. The corrupt leaders may have some areas that they worry about, but you’d better be sure they have the money and manpower, tech in place to steal! Take back your cities, townships and schools first. Most of the mandates from WEF start there. To go after the powerful top is to eradicate the bottom.
People "fear" Trump & his mob so much that they dared to throw his ass out of office & indict him twice.

It's laughable.

Btw dipshit, a grand jury of his Florida peers voted to indict his traiterous ass.
People "fear" Trump & his mob so much that they dared to throw his ass out of office & indict him twice.

It's laughable.

Btw dipshit, a grand jury of his Florida peers voted to indict his traiterous ass.
Actually, it wasn't the People as you claim, it was the Maoist Marxist Democrat majority in Congress led by Nancy Pelosi.
It appears they couldn't get a two-thirds of the Senate to concur.
Its laughable that people like you enjoy persecution of those that don't tout your ideology.
Now that the truth is coming out about the deep corruption and perfidy of Joey Xi Bai Dung, we can only expect the pressure to railroad Trump will increase. I guess when all else fails the Left they will attempt to assassinate DJT.


See new Tweets

Rep Andy Biggs

I've reviewed the material in the FBI's FD-1023 form and the content is jaw-dropping. The record gets us closer to bringing Joe Biden to justice. The source in the record is highly credible and has worked with the FBI for years. I'll keep you posted on what comes next.

4:40 PM · Jun 8, 2023
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Deep State Quietly Starting to Fear the Worst: The Return of the Trump Wrecking Ball​

22 May 2023 ~~ By Athena Thorne

Worried about too much systemic rigging and fraud for a Republican ever to win office again? Good news! The riggers themselves are quietly starting to worry it may happen.
Politico ran a story on Friday, and I must say, the title quickened my pulse. Tellingly titled, “Hurricane Trump Is Coming — And Washington Hasn’t Bothered to Prepare,” the story ran with the subhead, “After 2020, reformers vowed to erect guardrails against a rogue chief executive. They ran into a wall of complacency, partisanship and distraction.”
As if Leftists would have done a single thing to curtail executive overreach while they held office. Puh-lease.
The article fretted that the complacent deep state has done nothing to rein in a president who is on the wrong team. Pardon the lengthy quote, but here is the gist of the Politico piece:
In many ways, the book [After Trump, a volume of proposals designed to protect the nation from future rogue chief executives] was the culmination of a conversation that preoccupied Washington during the Trump years, briefly turning members of the Beltway’s legal-ethics and good-government commentariat into local celebrities: How to shore up a system that depends on the observation of fast-fraying American political norms? Goldsmith and Bauer, with long tenures in and around government, may have produced the highest-profile laundry list, but they were hardly the only ones planning for a new age of political reform.​
In fact, the premise of the book, and the broader conversation, was that it would be acted on in some future America, either 2021 or 2025, that had definitely turned the page from the 45th president — a country in the mood for a 21st-century update of the post-Watergate reforms that had aimed to Nixon-proof the presidency.​
If Trump does reclaim the White House in 2024, it will be game over for Deep State trash. When he shocked the establishment toilet people with his surprise win in 2016, everyone was still under the impression that America’s great institutions and guiding principles were intact. Perhaps President Trump’s greatest gift to this country was his exposure of just how thoroughly corrupted and politicized every single one of our institutions really is. We now know how high these people regard themselves so that they consider themselves to be above the rules. We know they will take it upon themselves to “transcend” laws and ancient codes of ethics because they feel anointed to save their leviathan from the great orange beast.
So, yes, it’s all different this time, because if Trump wins again, he — and the American people — will go into it knowing what we’re up against. Fool us once, shame on you; fool us twice? Not gonna happen.

The deep state should fear pissed off patriots. The deep state all have names. They all have addresses. And they all likely have pissed off patriot neighbors who know their names and where they live. The deep state scorched earth strategy could splash back badly on them.
Maxine Waters and er Maoist Democrat co-conspirators set the parameters for attacking Conservatives. Turnabout and using the same techniques against them are fair play.
One thing the progressive leftists have been doing in greater numbers is showing who they are, where they are and what they are willing to do. Pendulums always swing one direction...and then the other.
If re-elected in 2024, Trump's first action should be is to fire everyone including career employees within the DoJ and FBI. Then hire back those who can pass muster as loyal to the Constitution, not their political ideologies. He should the repeat the process within all 16-17 agencies
We shouldn't be overconfident. These evil bastards play for keeps. Be strong, fight and don’t give up. The corrupt leaders may have some areas that they worry about, but you’d better be sure they have the money and manpower, tech in place to steal! Take back your cities, townships and schools first. Most of the mandates from WEF start there. To go after the powerful top is to eradicate the bottom.

So you imagine a rigged election. You imagine riggers. Then you make up thoughts, feelings, motivations and internal dialogue for your imaginary characters.

Imaginary characters who don't even need names, let alone a connection to reality.

This is such a window into the right wing echo chamber, and the imaginary nonsense they make up and tell each other.

And just another empty version of the QAnon 'Storm'.
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The Deep State people are worried about their jobs. Trump needs 4 more years to drain the swamp.
So you finally get what the “deep state” really is. It’s the career officers and Govt employees like Michael Flynn who takes aN oath to defend the constitution, does it to the best of his ability till he retires and earns a pension. Then, he’s free to be a wack job. This is how the oath of office works. They are people who do defend the constitution and their oaths.....or they lose their jobs.

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