Deep State after WWII


Diamond Member
Jan 23, 2021
Curiosity about how the US education system became such a culture war front has me reading a lot about the origins of communism in the US. Just finished Stalin's Secret Agents - The Subversion of Roosevelt's Government, by M. Stanton Evans and Herbert Romerstein. One of many startling things in the book was how Truman's justice department repeatedly killed investigations into the extent of Soviet infiltration of the US government. They tampered with grand juries, attacked the informants, and made evidence disappear. The deep state has been around a long time and seems to have an uncanny way of winning, regardless of how obvious they are being about it. Seventy years later it is still infuriating to read about it, and frustrating to see how popular US history completely ignores it. Reading The Naked Communist now. Next up, School of Darkness, by Bella Dodd.
The "Deep State" was founded under Washington so I find it amazing that you people are just now finding out about it because you had a huckster in office who exploited the word to strike fear into your minds so you would vote for him, that is part of being in the "Deep State".

Just like when I was in the army and we had a lot of malcontents who for some reason signed their life away to the army and then proceeded to bitch about it their entire tour of duty...When I was a soldier I found out how the top would cover your ass as long as you did your job correctly and when you were told...It works the same in govt. they do cover people's asses but only if you are an asset to them...Works in private business also as I found out being promoted from a clerk to management in thirty days because I did my job.
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In America any possible "deep state" is all about money. Soviet espionage was all about buying information from greedy people rather than trying to find ideological sympathizers that had somehow made it into government. Much simpler to just show people a pile of money. Now here you are again looking for communists while capitalists are screwing the country for nothing more than a pile of money.
Now here you are again looking for communists while capitalists are screwing the country for nothing more than a pile of money.
Bingo. Indeed, fearing irrationally just leads to endless chasing of wacko tales. Navel gazing denials and confirmation bias self-distractions.
What exactly is the meaning of Deep State?

It's more simple than a word, contrived by media, to put an esoteric spin on, follow the money see the agenda.
fearing irrationally just leads to endless chasing of wacko tales
Your opinion about irrational depends on perspective- wacko tales are told everyday, by the media, and academia, the US gov't, alleged experts and ignorant voters who worship at the alter of godvernment, (look in a mirror).

This gov't was founded on minimal interference in civilian lives, by a fed gov't- it's a simple concept that is ignored-

Capitalism is the best economic system for exercising Liberty without interference (read control) of markets by a central, no skin in the game, official tyrant, in the case of the former United States, the fed gov't-
This thread is a great example of how successfully that period in our history has been recast. These things are documented. Tons of documents from the FOIA now from those times - all referenced and footnoted and you can read for yourself if you are into 10,000 page hearing transcripts - and released from Russia after the fall of the wall, but still some cling to this idea of irrational fear. Disappointing but not surprising.
This thread is a great example of how successfully that period in our history has been recast. These things are documented. Tons of documents from the FOIA now from those times - all referenced and footnoted and you can read for yourself if you are into 10,000 page hearing transcripts - and released from Russia after the fall of the wall, but still some cling to this idea of irrational fear. Disappointing but not surprising.
So, by your own testimony, the wall and Soviet Union are long gone. Transparency has significantly improved since the McCarthy era. So what rational fears disappointingly remain for us to cling to? I tend to stubbornly agree with FDR regarding fear itself.
This thread is a great example of how successfully that period in our history has been recast. These things are documented. Tons of documents from the FOIA now from those times - all referenced and footnoted and you can read for yourself if you are into 10,000 page hearing transcripts - and released from Russia after the fall of the wall, but still some cling to this idea of irrational fear. Disappointing but not surprising.
So, by your own testimony, the wall and Soviet Union are long gone. Transparency has significantly improved since the McCarthy era. So what rational fears disappointingly remain for us to cling to? I tend to stubbornly agree with FDR regarding fear itself.
LOL. Fitting. FDR was the biggest dupe of them all. He loved him some Uncle Joe.

The purposely destructive influence of Communism here in the US is still going very strong. Relentless and very successful.
This thread is a great example of how successfully that period in our history has been recast. These things are documented. Tons of documents from the FOIA now from those times - all referenced and footnoted and you can read for yourself if you are into 10,000 page hearing transcripts - and released from Russia after the fall of the wall, but still some cling to this idea of irrational fear. Disappointing but not surprising.
So, by your own testimony, the wall and Soviet Union are long gone. Transparency has significantly improved since the McCarthy era. So what rational fears disappointingly remain for us to cling to? I tend to stubbornly agree with FDR regarding fear itself.
LOL. Fitting. FDR was the biggest dupe of them all. He loved him some Uncle Joe.

The purposely destructive influence of Communism here in the US is still going very strong. Relentless and very successful.
So, as fully expected, you've (still) got nothing rational to share. Sorry. Life's precious. Welcome to my ignore. Few left worth reading on this site. High time I stuffed Gdjjr back in there as well.. Bubbye! :hhello:
Around the late 40's the democrat party, goaded by the teachers unions, became concerned about the proliferation of private schools, especially Catholic schools. A former KKK member (Justice Black) appointed to the Supreme Court by FDR wrote the majority opinion creating a concept called "separation of church and state" which was not found in the Constitution and through the years (mostly) democrats eroded the 1st Amendment freedom of Religion to the point where it became illegal to celebrate Christmas on public property.
This thread is a great example of how successfully that period in our history has been recast. These things are documented. Tons of documents from the FOIA now from those times - all referenced and footnoted and you can read for yourself if you are into 10,000 page hearing transcripts - and released from Russia after the fall of the wall, but still some cling to this idea of irrational fear. Disappointing but not surprising.
So, by your own testimony, the wall and Soviet Union are long gone. Transparency has significantly improved since the McCarthy era. So what rational fears disappointingly remain for us to cling to? I tend to stubbornly agree with FDR regarding fear itself.
LOL. Fitting. FDR was the biggest dupe of them all. He loved him some Uncle Joe.

The purposely destructive influence of Communism here in the US is still going very strong. Relentless and very successful.
So, as fully expected, you've (still) got nothing rational to share. Sorry. Life's precious. Welcome to my ignore. Few left worth reading on this site. High time I stuffed Gdjjr back in there as well.. Bubbye! :hhello:
You are the evidence and you don't even know it.

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