Debunking Another Lie-Blacks Beating Asians


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 11, 2015
We have seen the racists here pick through videoes to build a lie.

Viral images show people of color as anti-Asian perpetrators. That misses the big picture.

Kimmy Yam 8 hrs ago
While news reports and social media have perpetuated the idea that anti-Asian violence is committed mostly by people of color, a new analysis shows the majority of attackers are white.

Janelle Wong, a professor of American Studies at the University of Maryland, College Park, released analysis last week that drew on previously published studies on anti-Asian bias. She found official crime statistics and other studies revealed more than three-quarters of offenders of anti-Asian hate crimes and incidents, from both before and during the pandemic, have been white, contrary to many of the images circulating online.

Wong told NBC Asian America that such dangerous misconceptions about who perpetrates anti-Asian hate incidents can have "long-term consequences for racial solidarity."

"The way that the media is covering and the way that people are understanding anti-Asian hate at this moment, in some ways, draws attention to these long-standing anti-Asian biases in U.S. society," Wong said. "But the racist kind of tropes that come along with it — especially that it's predominantly Black people attacking Asian Americans who are elderly — there's not really an empirical basis in that."

Beyond the Headlines
Review of National Anti-Asian Hate Incident Reporting/Data Collection Published over 2019-2021
Prepared by Dr. Janelle Wong, Asian American Studies Program, University of Maryland

Since the start of the pandemic, attention to anti-Asian hate incidents has grown. This report reviews data from four major, but distinct, types of reporting 1) official law enforcement crime statistics; 2) community-based reporting sites; 3) national surveys; and 4) media coverage analysis.



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"People of color"???

I am "people of color"!!!

View attachment 501913

And I RESENT your inference that any of MY people would have anything to do with YOUR people, regardless of what BS you are peddling!!

You wanna play race cards? My people are the ultimate race card in this country!!!

Go suck on a chainsaw!!
You are no native American. Don't try that weak shit.
We have seen the racists here pick through videoes to build a lie.

Viral images show people of color as anti-Asian perpetrators. That misses the big picture.

Kimmy Yam 8 hrs ago
Viral images show people of color as anti-Asian perpetrators. That misses the big picture.
While news reports and social media have perpetuated the idea that anti-Asian violence is committed mostly by people of color, a new analysis shows the majority of attackers are white.

Janelle Wong, a professor of American Studies at the University of Maryland, College Park, released analysis last week that drew on previously published studies on anti-Asian bias. She found official crime statistics and other studies revealed more than three-quarters of offenders of anti-Asian hate crimes and incidents, from both before and during the pandemic, have been white, contrary to many of the images circulating online.

Wong told NBC Asian America that such dangerous misconceptions about who perpetrates anti-Asian hate incidents can have "long-term consequences for racial solidarity."

"The way that the media is covering and the way that people are understanding anti-Asian hate at this moment, in some ways, draws attention to these long-standing anti-Asian biases in U.S. society," Wong said. "But the racist kind of tropes that come along with it — especially that it's predominantly Black people attacking Asian Americans who are elderly — there's not really an empirical basis in that."

Beyond the Headlines
Review of National Anti-Asian Hate Incident Reporting/Data Collection Published over 2019-2021
Prepared by Dr. Janelle Wong, Asian American Studies Program, University of Maryland

Since the start of the pandemic, attention to anti-Asian hate incidents has grown. This report reviews data from four major, but distinct, types of reporting 1) official law enforcement crime statistics; 2) community-based reporting sites; 3) national surveys; and 4) media coverage analysis.

Pick through ...its pretty hard to pick through em when they pop up fresh

I'll just leave this information here and let people come to their own conclusion about apparent emotionally troubled haters....

"The media is manipulating YOU! #StopAsianHate" ~Vanessa Gothix

Are Black People Ready To Talk About Race Hustlers?" ~Vanessa Gothix

⚠️ Strong Language

ProBlack Modus Operandi:

"Blacks and Latinos 9 out of 10 arrests for Asian hate crimes in NYC..." ~John Solomon


Everybody wants to move the white countries. Nobody wants to move to black countries.
Top Desired Destinations for Potential Migrants
To which country would you like to move?
%%(in millions)
2010-20122015-2017Estimated number of adults
United States2221158
United Kingdom7434
Saudi Arabia5324

Countries Where at Least Half of Adults Would Like to Move elsewhere.
Sierra Leone71
El Salvador52
Congo (Kinshasa)50
Dominican Republic49
We have seen the racists here pick through videoes to build a lie.

Viral images show people of color as anti-Asian perpetrators. That misses the big picture.

Kimmy Yam 8 hrs ago
Viral images show people of color as anti-Asian perpetrators. That misses the big picture.
While news reports and social media have perpetuated the idea that anti-Asian violence is committed mostly by people of color, a new analysis shows the majority of attackers are white.

Janelle Wong, a professor of American Studies at the University of Maryland, College Park, released analysis last week that drew on previously published studies on anti-Asian bias. She found official crime statistics and other studies revealed more than three-quarters of offenders of anti-Asian hate crimes and incidents, from both before and during the pandemic, have been white, contrary to many of the images circulating online.

Wong told NBC Asian America that such dangerous misconceptions about who perpetrates anti-Asian hate incidents can have "long-term consequences for racial solidarity."

"The way that the media is covering and the way that people are understanding anti-Asian hate at this moment, in some ways, draws attention to these long-standing anti-Asian biases in U.S. society," Wong said. "But the racist kind of tropes that come along with it — especially that it's predominantly Black people attacking Asian Americans who are elderly — there's not really an empirical basis in that."

Beyond the Headlines
Review of National Anti-Asian Hate Incident Reporting/Data Collection Published over 2019-2021
Prepared by Dr. Janelle Wong, Asian American Studies Program, University of Maryland

Since the start of the pandemic, attention to anti-Asian hate incidents has grown. This report reviews data from four major, but distinct, types of reporting 1) official law enforcement crime statistics; 2) community-based reporting sites; 3) national surveys; and 4) media coverage analysis.

Pick through ...its pretty hard to pick through em when they pop up fresh
They don't pop up fresh, you look for them.
Everybody wants to move the white countries. Nobody wants to move to black countries.
Top Desired Destinations for Potential Migrants
To which country would you like to move?
2010-20122015-2017Estimated number of adults
%%(in millions)
United States2221158
United Kingdom7434
Saudi Arabia5324

Countries Where at Least Half of Adults Would Like to Move elsewhere.
Sierra Leone71
El Salvador52
Congo (Kinshasa)50
Dominican Republic49
Given the fact that most of those countries were colonized by whites and that plenty of whites spend nice sums of cash on black tropical islands and african coastal resorts, you are simply incorrect.
"People of color"???

I am "people of color"!!!

View attachment 501913

And I RESENT your inference that any of MY people would have anything to do with YOUR people, regardless of what BS you are peddling!!

You wanna play race cards? My people are the ultimate race card in this country!!!

Go suck on a chainsaw!!
So am I, and I cannot understand why you are offended.
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"But the racist kind of tropes that come along with it — especially that it's predominantly Black people attacking Asian Americans who are elderly — there's not really an empirical basis in that."
Of course not.

What’s particularly reprehensible is that conservatives share most of the blame for anti-Asian hate crimes, with their ridiculous lies about the ‘China flu’ and ‘Kung flu.’

Conservatives then compounded their racism and hate by contriving and propagating the lie that black Americans are ‘responsible’ for anti-Asian hate crimes.
We have seen the racists here pick through videoes to build a lie.

Viral images show people of color as anti-Asian perpetrators. That misses the big picture.

Kimmy Yam 8 hrs ago
Viral images show people of color as anti-Asian perpetrators. That misses the big picture.
While news reports and social media have perpetuated the idea that anti-Asian violence is committed mostly by people of color, a new analysis shows the majority of attackers are white.

Janelle Wong, a professor of American Studies at the University of Maryland, College Park, released analysis last week that drew on previously published studies on anti-Asian bias. She found official crime statistics and other studies revealed more than three-quarters of offenders of anti-Asian hate crimes and incidents, from both before and during the pandemic, have been white, contrary to many of the images circulating online.

Wong told NBC Asian America that such dangerous misconceptions about who perpetrates anti-Asian hate incidents can have "long-term consequences for racial solidarity."

"The way that the media is covering and the way that people are understanding anti-Asian hate at this moment, in some ways, draws attention to these long-standing anti-Asian biases in U.S. society," Wong said. "But the racist kind of tropes that come along with it — especially that it's predominantly Black people attacking Asian Americans who are elderly — there's not really an empirical basis in that."

Beyond the Headlines
Review of National Anti-Asian Hate Incident Reporting/Data Collection Published over 2019-2021
Prepared by Dr. Janelle Wong, Asian American Studies Program, University of Maryland

Since the start of the pandemic, attention to anti-Asian hate incidents has grown. This report reviews data from four major, but distinct, types of reporting 1) official law enforcement crime statistics; 2) community-based reporting sites; 3) national surveys; and 4) media coverage analysis.

blacks commit violent crimes at much higher rates--UNDENIABLE --OF COURSE they attack Asians also, at higher rates ...DUH
"People of color"???

I am "people of color"!!!

View attachment 501913

And I RESENT your inference that any of MY people would have anything to do with YOUR people, regardless of what BS you are peddling!!

You wanna play race cards? My people are the ultimate race card in this country!!!

Go suck on a chainsaw!!
You are no native American. Don't try that weak shit.
irrefutable --I am native American


being the place or environment in which a person was born or a thing came into being: one's native land.
belonging to a person by birth or to a thing by nature;
"People of color"???

I am "people of color"!!!

View attachment 501913

And I RESENT your inference that any of MY people would have anything to do with YOUR people, regardless of what BS you are peddling!!

You wanna play race cards? My people are the ultimate race card in this country!!!

Go suck on a chainsaw!!
So am I, and I cannot understand why you are offended.

I generally don't get offended, because I reserve that right for people who literally piss me off with ignorance and stupidity!

I'm offended because I've been "lumped together" with vile, venomous, deadly, murderous Nygrs!
I might get pissed off at an old person for being slow or a little witless, but I FORCE myself to calm the fuck down and remember I WILL BE IN THAT POSITION PRETTY SOON IN MY LIFE! So I calm down and I even ask if they need help. I AM CIVILIZED THAT WAY!! And I sure as hell don't just RANDOMLY beat the holy shit out of some old person on the sidewalk or in the store!!!!

Don't lump me in with disgusting degenerates!!! THAT is why I'm offended!!
"People of color"???

I am "people of color"!!!

View attachment 501913

And I RESENT your inference that any of MY people would have anything to do with YOUR people, regardless of what BS you are peddling!!

You wanna play race cards? My people are the ultimate race card in this country!!!

Go suck on a chainsaw!!
You are no native American. Don't try that weak shit.

You know nothing about me, and you never will.
Which is fun for me, because people never know who to blame!!
"But the racist kind of tropes that come along with it — especially that it's predominantly Black people attacking Asian Americans who are elderly — there's not really an empirical basis in that."
Of course not.

What’s particularly reprehensible is that conservatives share most of the blame for anti-Asian hate crimes, with their ridiculous lies about the ‘China flu’ and ‘Kung flu.’

Conservatives then compounded their racism and hate by contriving and propagating the lie that black Americans are ‘responsible’ for anti-Asian hate crimes.

So what percentage of anti-asian violence is perpetrated by whites, by blacks, by hispanics?

Almost all the stories in NYC are some black or Hispanic dude throttling an Asian person or a Jew.
"But the racist kind of tropes that come along with it — especially that it's predominantly Black people attacking Asian Americans who are elderly — there's not really an empirical basis in that."
Of course not.

What’s particularly reprehensible is that conservatives share most of the blame for anti-Asian hate crimes, with their ridiculous lies about the ‘China flu’ and ‘Kung flu.’

Conservatives then compounded their racism and hate by contriving and propagating the lie that black Americans are ‘responsible’ for anti-Asian hate crimes.

Absolute bullshit. the guys getting caught for beating up Asians have been mostly black and Hispanic.
We have seen the racists here pick through videoes to build a lie.

Viral images show people of color as anti-Asian perpetrators. That misses the big picture.

Kimmy Yam 8 hrs ago
Viral images show people of color as anti-Asian perpetrators. That misses the big picture.
While news reports and social media have perpetuated the idea that anti-Asian violence is committed mostly by people of color, a new analysis shows the majority of attackers are white.

Janelle Wong, a professor of American Studies at the University of Maryland, College Park, released analysis last week that drew on previously published studies on anti-Asian bias. She found official crime statistics and other studies revealed more than three-quarters of offenders of anti-Asian hate crimes and incidents, from both before and during the pandemic, have been white, contrary to many of the images circulating online.

Wong told NBC Asian America that such dangerous misconceptions about who perpetrates anti-Asian hate incidents can have "long-term consequences for racial solidarity."

"The way that the media is covering and the way that people are understanding anti-Asian hate at this moment, in some ways, draws attention to these long-standing anti-Asian biases in U.S. society," Wong said. "But the racist kind of tropes that come along with it — especially that it's predominantly Black people attacking Asian Americans who are elderly — there's not really an empirical basis in that."

Beyond the Headlines
Review of National Anti-Asian Hate Incident Reporting/Data Collection Published over 2019-2021
Prepared by Dr. Janelle Wong, Asian American Studies Program, University of Maryland

Since the start of the pandemic, attention to anti-Asian hate incidents has grown. This report reviews data from four major, but distinct, types of reporting 1) official law enforcement crime statistics; 2) community-based reporting sites; 3) national surveys; and 4) media coverage analysis.

Yeah ....

Just disregard all the videos of black thugs attacking Asians that are posted here at USMB.

Dumbass RACIST !!!!

I thought your excuse of blaming White folks for these Negros attacking Asians was better than this lame ass bullshit.
"People of color"???

I am "people of color"!!!

View attachment 501913

And I RESENT your inference that any of MY people would have anything to do with YOUR people, regardless of what BS you are peddling!!

You wanna play race cards? My people are the ultimate race card in this country!!!

Go suck on a chainsaw!!
So am I, and I cannot understand why you are offended.

I generally don't get offended, because I reserve that right for people who literally piss me off with ignorance and stupidity!

I'm offended because I've been "lumped together" with vile, venomous, deadly, murderous Nygrs!
I might get pissed off at an old person for being slow or a little witless, but I FORCE myself to calm the fuck down and remember I WILL BE IN THAT POSITION PRETTY SOON IN MY LIFE! So I calm down and I even ask if they need help. I AM CIVILIZED THAT WAY!! And I sure as hell don't just RANDOMLY beat the holy shit out of some old person on the sidewalk or in the store!!!!

Don't lump me in with disgusting degenerates!!! THAT is why I'm offended!!
So you are a racist. How do you feel if people think you are inferior because of your race?
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