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It's like walking a razors edge. Piss of the radicals by making a statement or rely on the assumption Islam might really be a religion of peace?

I think the proper thing was done.
Probably not Pershing and Pigs
I don't follow.

What was done, with an Imam present, was simply not kicking a hornets nest. One less reason for them to pretend retaliation.

Respect for Islam is pandering to a street gang
I have a question If Ben Ladin was on Kidney dialyses and the house had no electricity how did he get to flush his kidney’s out?
In 2002, Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf said bin Laden had kidney disease, and that he had required a dialysis machine when he lived in Afghanistan.
Is Osama bin Laden Dying ... Again? - TIME


I am not sure it had no electricity. I know it didn't have a phone or Internet though.
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they buried his ass at sea to prevent a burial that would cause mourning and riots....and to prevent establishing a shrine at his burial place...did the world really need to see the arab or muslim world mourning this man?

Good point.

It's a great point, but dumping him at sea without displaying his body WILL be seen by some that they actually didn't get osama and covered up their mistake. Given obama's usual lack of transparency, it's a natural assumption that there's something fishy going on.
they buried his ass at sea to prevent a burial that would cause mourning and riots....and to prevent establishing a shrine at his burial place...did the world really need to see the arab or muslim world mourning this man?

Good point.

It's a great point, but dumping him at sea without displaying his body WILL be seen by some that they actually didn't get osama and covered up their mistake. Given obama's usual lack of transparency, it's a natural assumption that there's something fishy going on.

You both have good points.

However, saying that they didn't get him and that the DNA testing was not true would be assuming that our Military and CIA were also trying to cover it up. It would not only be accusing Obama.
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I have a question If Ben Ladin was on Kidney dialyses and the house had no electricity how did he get to flush his kidney’s out?
In 2002, Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf said bin Laden had kidney disease, and that he had required a dialysis machine when he lived in Afghanistan.
Is Osama bin Laden Dying ... Again? - TIME


I am not sure it had no electricity. I know it didn't have a phone or Internet though.

Then the claim they recovered HDDs from computers is rather dubious. Why would they have electronics like computers around if no electricity, for how long was he to have resided there?
I have a question If Ben Ladin was on Kidney dialyses and the house had no electricity how did he get to flush his kidney’s out?
In 2002, Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf said bin Laden had kidney disease, and that he had required a dialysis machine when he lived in Afghanistan.
Is Osama bin Laden Dying ... Again? - TIME


I am not sure it had no electricity. I know it didn't have a phone or Internet though.

the report was the compound had no electricity, if they had generators they would have said that.
OK facts up front please.

I have heard one report that there was no phone line or internet.

I have not heard anywhere, other than this thread, that there was no electricity.

They had computers, therefore there must have been electricity.

The place was built in 2005 and it is believed that UBL has been there since 2006, if the report I heard is correct.

He was shot twice according to another report I heard once in the head and a second shot to the heart.

How much is fact? We will find out eventually.

But I have no doubt that he was killed in that compound. And he was killed by an American.
OK facts up front please.

I have heard one report that there was no phone line or internet.

I have not heard anywhere, other than this thread, that there was no electricity.

They had computers, therefore there must have been electricity.

The place was built in 2005 and it is believed that UBL has been there since 2006, if the report I heard is correct.

He was shot twice according to another report I heard once in the head and a second shot to the heart.

How much is fact? We will find out eventually.

But I have no doubt that he was killed in that compound. And he was killed by an American.

The "no electricity claim", like so many other claims made by Fucktard Jones, is completely made up by him.

Fucktard Jones said:
Uh huh, sure...ABC news reported that there was something suspicious about the "mansion"/ 'compound" as there was no TV or phone service which suggests no electricity,..But now it is being said they have all this computer equipment to retrieve data from..There is just sooo much that appears to be BS about this story.

Apparently to retards such as Jones, the ONLY thing you need electricity for is TV. :lol: What a moron! BTW, I checked his source. They make no mention of electricity at all, so this was deceitfully added by Jones to make it seem like it came from the ABC news report.
OK facts up front please.

I have heard one report that there was no phone line or internet.

I have not heard anywhere, other than this thread, that there was no electricity.

They had computers, therefore there must have been electricity.

The place was built in 2005 and it is believed that UBL has been there since 2006, if the report I heard is correct.

He was shot twice according to another report I heard once in the head and a second shot to the heart.

How much is fact? We will find out eventually.

But I have no doubt that he was killed in that compound. And he was killed by an American.

The "no electricity claim", like so many other claims made by Fucktard Jones, is completely made up by him.

Fucktard Jones said:
Uh huh, sure...ABC news reported that there was something suspicious about the "mansion"/ 'compound" as there was no TV or phone service which suggests no electricity,..But now it is being said they have all this computer equipment to retrieve data from..There is just sooo much that appears to be BS about this story.

Apparently to retards such as Jones, the ONLY thing you need electricity for is TV. :lol: What a moron! BTW, I checked his source. They make no mention of electricity at all, so this was deceitfully added by Jones to make it seem like it came from the ABC news report.

I'll bet that ABC never used the word suspicious either.... Why is it the same conspiracy nut cases come up all the time regardless of the conspiracy?
I have a question If Ben Ladin was on Kidney dialyses and the house had no electricity how did he get to flush his kidney’s out?
In 2002, Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf said bin Laden had kidney disease, and that he had required a dialysis machine when he lived in Afghanistan.
Is Osama bin Laden Dying ... Again? - TIME

It was never stated that the compound didn't have electricity.
I also noted when the media was showing pictures/videos of the compound that there was electrical wiring on the outside wall of the mansion. Also, the prominent satellite dish was shown over and over in the pictures and the drawing of the compound
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OK facts up front please.

I have heard one report that there was no phone line or internet.

I have not heard anywhere, other than this thread, that there was no electricity.

They had computers, therefore there must have been electricity.

The place was built in 2005 and it is believed that UBL has been there since 2006, if the report I heard is correct.

He was shot twice according to another report I heard once in the head and a second shot to the heart.

How much is fact? We will find out eventually.

But I have no doubt that he was killed in that compound. And he was killed by an American.

The report came from CNN video feed I went back to the same feed and it no longer mentions no electricity but I did find a twitter tweet from the area that does mention it.

Urbahn may not have broken the news, but an IT consultant "taking a break from the rat-race by hiding in the mountains with his laptops," inadvertently live-blogged the entire operation on Twitter. "Helicopter hovering above Abbottabad at 1AM (is a rare event)," Sohaib Athar wrote on Twitter May 1, as he began posting what was happening, such as the helicopter crash in the compound and the lack of electricity

Osama bin Laden's Death, Hideout Spur Web Media Frenzy - Cloud Computing - News & Reviews - - eWeek Mobile

Family friend Maha Khadr told CBC News that bin Laden's compound was without electricity and water

Osama Bin Laden - Google Books

Then I found this so hell I don't know.
Eyewitnesses: Electricity cut 2 hrs before bin Laden kill, came back 15 minutes after raid finished

Eyewitnesses: Electricity cut 2 hrs before bin Laden kill, came back 15 minutes after raid finished - Boing Boing

And I also found this image that is supposed to be bin ladens compound


All I know is I did hear it reported by CNN maybe it was a mistke on them saying it. It's no longer tere so I can't prove it from my original source so I retract the claim.
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OK facts up front please.

I have heard one report that there was no phone line or internet.

I have not heard anywhere, other than this thread, that there was no electricity.

They had computers, therefore there must have been electricity.

The place was built in 2005 and it is believed that UBL has been there since 2006, if the report I heard is correct.

He was shot twice according to another report I heard once in the head and a second shot to the heart.

How much is fact? We will find out eventually.

But I have no doubt that he was killed in that compound. And he was killed by an American.

The "no electricity claim", like so many other claims made by Fucktard Jones, is completely made up by him.

Fucktard Jones said:
Uh huh, sure...ABC news reported that there was something suspicious about the "mansion"/ 'compound" as there was no TV or phone service which suggests no electricity,..But now it is being said they have all this computer equipment to retrieve data from..There is just sooo much that appears to be BS about this story.

Apparently to retards such as Jones, the ONLY thing you need electricity for is TV. :lol: What a moron! BTW, I checked his source. They make no mention of electricity at all, so this was deceitfully added by Jones to make it seem like it came from the ABC news report.

I'll bet that ABC never used the word suspicious either.... Why is it the same conspiracy nut cases come up all the time regardless of the conspiracy?

There are many people who are very skeptical of anything the US government and the media say, and that is because of all the lies they have been caught saying to the American people for years now.
Pretending they always tell the truth after researching the massive amount of lies, cover ups, and conspiracies, not to mention all the times they fuck over its citizens, is reserved for the most stupid and gullible of the walking brain damaged dopes amongst us.
The "no electricity claim", like so many other claims made by Fucktard Jones, is completely made up by him.

Apparently to retards such as Jones, the ONLY thing you need electricity for is TV. :lol: What a moron! BTW, I checked his source. They make no mention of electricity at all, so this was deceitfully added by Jones to make it seem like it came from the ABC news report.

I'll bet that ABC never used the word suspicious either.... Why is it the same conspiracy nut cases come up all the time regardless of the conspiracy?

There are many people who are very skeptical of anything the US government and the media say, and that is because of all the lies they have been caught saying to the American people for years now.
Pretending they always tell the truth after researching the massive amount of lies, cover ups, and conspiracies, not to mention all the times they fuck over its citizens, is reserved for the most stupid and gullible of the walking brain damaged dopes amongst us.

Awe, don't be so hard on yourself......
Especially when the results to the tests aren't even in yet.

I'm not saying it doesn't exist, but I tried searching for another instance of this happening with other prominent terrorists we've killed and I found nothing.

Did we not respect islam then and do now? I'm just not buying the "we did it out of respect for islam" until I see other instances of this happening.

C'mon guys, next thing you'll be saying is that the US Gov't is responsible for 9/11 and Obama's long form birth certificate is bogus. The bastard is dead.

Where's his death certificate? :eek:

short form or long form?

just who do you think is issuing a death certificate for him? the pakistani government?

get a grip. you people are so dumb as toast, you turn my stomach....
The "no electricity claim", like so many other claims made by Fucktard Jones, is completely made up by him.

Apparently to retards such as Jones, the ONLY thing you need electricity for is TV. :lol: What a moron! BTW, I checked his source. They make no mention of electricity at all, so this was deceitfully added by Jones to make it seem like it came from the ABC news report.

I'll bet that ABC never used the word suspicious either.... Why is it the same conspiracy nut cases come up all the time regardless of the conspiracy?

There are many people who are very skeptical of anything the US government and the media say, and that is because of all the lies they have been caught saying to the American people for years now.
Pretending they always tell the truth after researching the massive amount of lies, cover ups, and conspiracies, not to mention all the times they fuck over its citizens, is reserved for the most stupid and gullible of the walking brain damaged dopes amongst us.

being skeptical is healthy. being a brain dead imbecile is just being a brain dead imbecile.

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Pretending they always tell the truth after researching the massive amount of lies, cover ups, and conspiracies, not to mention all the times they fuck over its citizens, is reserved for the most stupid and gullible of the walking brain damaged dopes amongst us.

Two things: First, your statement is true if you change "tell the truth" to "tell lies". You and your fucked up butt buddies think everything the government says is a lie. It doesn't get any more brain dead than that.

Second, who has claimed they believe the government always tells the truth? I've never seen anyone but you make that claim. Which means, once again, you've been exposed as the dishonest piece of shit liar you truly are.
OK facts up front please.

I have heard one report that there was no phone line or internet.

I have not heard anywhere, other than this thread, that there was no electricity.

They had computers, therefore there must have been electricity.

The place was built in 2005 and it is believed that UBL has been there since 2006, if the report I heard is correct.

He was shot twice according to another report I heard once in the head and a second shot to the heart.

How much is fact? We will find out eventually.

But I have no doubt that he was killed in that compound. And he was killed by an American.

The report came from CNN video feed I went back to the same feed and it no longer mentions no electricity but I did find a twitter tweet from the area that does mention it.

Urbahn may not have broken the news, but an IT consultant "taking a break from the rat-race by hiding in the mountains with his laptops," inadvertently live-blogged the entire operation on Twitter. "Helicopter hovering above Abbottabad at 1AM (is a rare event)," Sohaib Athar wrote on Twitter May 1, as he began posting what was happening, such as the helicopter crash in the compound and the lack of electricity

Osama bin Laden's Death, Hideout Spur Web Media Frenzy - Cloud Computing - News & Reviews - - eWeek Mobile

Family friend Maha Khadr told CBC News that bin Laden's compound was without electricity and water

Osama Bin Laden - Google Books

Then I found this so hell I don't know.
Eyewitnesses: Electricity cut 2 hrs before bin Laden kill, came back 15 minutes after raid finished

Eyewitnesses: Electricity cut 2 hrs before bin Laden kill, came back 15 minutes after raid finished - Boing Boing

And I also found this image that is supposed to be bin ladens compound


All I know is I did hear it reported by CNN maybe it was a mistke on them saying it. It's no longer tere so I can't prove it from my original source so I retract the claim.

Typically, Special OPs would disconnect the electricity just before they launched their attack. I've seen it in the movies! :cool:
OK facts up front please.

I have heard one report that there was no phone line or internet.

I have not heard anywhere, other than this thread, that there was no electricity.

They had computers, therefore there must have been electricity.

The place was built in 2005 and it is believed that UBL has been there since 2006, if the report I heard is correct.

He was shot twice according to another report I heard once in the head and a second shot to the heart.

How much is fact? We will find out eventually.

But I have no doubt that he was killed in that compound. And he was killed by an American.

The report came from CNN video feed I went back to the same feed and it no longer mentions no electricity but I did find a twitter tweet from the area that does mention it.

Urbahn may not have broken the news, but an IT consultant "taking a break from the rat-race by hiding in the mountains with his laptops," inadvertently live-blogged the entire operation on Twitter. "Helicopter hovering above Abbottabad at 1AM (is a rare event)," Sohaib Athar wrote on Twitter May 1, as he began posting what was happening, such as the helicopter crash in the compound and the lack of electricity

Osama bin Laden's Death, Hideout Spur Web Media Frenzy - Cloud Computing - News & Reviews - - eWeek Mobile

Family friend Maha Khadr told CBC News that bin Laden's compound was without electricity and water

Osama Bin Laden - Google Books

Then I found this so hell I don't know.
Eyewitnesses: Electricity cut 2 hrs before bin Laden kill, came back 15 minutes after raid finished

Eyewitnesses: Electricity cut 2 hrs before bin Laden kill, came back 15 minutes after raid finished - Boing Boing

And I also found this image that is supposed to be bin ladens compound


All I know is I did hear it reported by CNN maybe it was a mistke on them saying it. It's no longer tere so I can't prove it from my original source so I retract the claim.

Typically, Special OPs would disconnect the electricity just before they launched their attack. I've seen it in the movies! :cool:

That's not the point. The point was I said there was no electricity in the compound. I was repeaing what I had originally heard on CNN, As I said I went back to my original source and it no longer mentions that the compound did not have any electricity. And I explained the rest in my post.

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