Dear Trump: Your iCE arrested 308 on your first day in office…How can you get that to 30,000 per day to really put a dent in things?

Despite the efforts of MAGA propagandists to confirm the racist biases of their viewers, the illegal immigrant crime rate is less than half the rate of violent and drug crimes than Americans, and a quarter of property crimes.
What about that pesky truth though?
This means for every photogenic white girl these assholes find murdered by a brown man, there are two killed by Americans. But you'd never know that from watching these racist propaganda channels.
LefTard Logic:
“Americans maim rape and murder Americans therefore we shouldn’t deprive Mexico’s people of the same opportunity….that would be racist and xenophobic.”
“Keep up” with Libs who think men can be women?
Trust whatever magic number they concoct?
I am neither liberal nor a Democrat.

But to a far right racist extremist like you, everyone is a liberal.
hahaha..We read your posts…you’re right, you’re not a liberal or a Democrat…You are way further left, you are a bonafide leftist.
You dipshits would not know a conservative principle if it kicked you in the balls.

I warned in 2016 Trump the pied piper would lead you all into the far left cave, and he has.

He's made adultery cool with you.

He's made theft cool with you.

He's made bearing false witness cool with you.

He's made sacrilege cools with you.

He's made attacking and wounding cops cool with you.

He's made sucking up to communist dictators cool with you.

He's made adding $8 trillion to the debt in half the time it took his predecessor cool with you.

He's made alienating our allies cool with you.

He's made protectionist tariffs cool with you.

He's made exempting billionaire donors from those tariffs cool with you.

He's made pardoning a drug dealer who aided and abetted child porn, other drug dealers, identify theives, and contract killers cool with you.

He made the endorsement of a porn star at the national convention cool with you.

He made an attempted coup to overthrow our democracy cool with you!

You are so far off the conservative reservation it is positively amazing just how easily Trump led you astray.

308 in one day is good for…say…PoDunk, Iowa with a total population of 3,250…but for the entire nation? That’s an embarrassing number, an unacceptable number….let’s do better. Remember, Biden just let in 8-12 million, 300 a day ain’t doing shit.
They got to get the ball rolling...
They're also getting the ball rolling on cutting off illegal immigration gibbmedats ...
Which is still a deportation...duh
More like a deferred portation. Still, progress is being made.
What will be the media's investment in this effort, if it continues? Will it continue to slant the actual happenings, or will it attempt to present the day to day results without the emotional twist that they prefer? I have no idea how they will respond, but I do think I know what their allegiance is to, and it's not necessarily the truth. Whether we like it or not, the media manufactures a reality that we take in and digest with mixed results.
Not only will we DEPORT these assholes, it will start a wave of deportations across the world. It's time to clean up the illegals mess. No more of our citizens should be RAPED or KILLED by these filthy illegals. They can go home and RAPE and KILL their own people.

Starting off strong with that Haitian illegal screaming, "I'm not going back to Haiti!"--oh you sure are, bye
308 in one day is good for…say…PoDunk, Iowa with a total population of 3,250…but for the entire nation? That’s an embarrassing number, an unacceptable number….let’s do better. Remember, Biden just let in 8-12 million, 300 a day ain’t doing shit.

In case you hadn't noticed tens of thousands of self deporting. The other little detail you left out is that the first few days are concentrating on violent criminals.
I'm perfectly fine with the numbers thus far.....It will take many years to unfuck what the leftists have done to America.

Going after those here on expired visas will help pump those numbers up too.

Taking the first steps to end birthright citizenship will pay huge dividends down the road once the legal hurtles are cleared.

Ending birthright tourism is also a good thing as is declaring the cartels/gangs as terrorists.
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308 in one day is good for…say…PoDunk, Iowa with a total population of 3,250…but for the entire nation? That’s an embarrassing number, an unacceptable number….let’s do better. Remember, Biden just let in 8-12 million, 300 a day ain’t doing shit.
Not to worry... the Feds are just beginning to ramp-up for all of this.

Plenty of new hires (exempt from the new Fed hiring freeze) and training on-the-way so that they can be deployed quickly.

Local Law Enforcement will also play a large part in SANE jurisdictions that have no stupid Sanctuary accommodations.

And, for those who DO hide behind Sanctuary barriers to LEOs participating...

The image of the first couple of mayors or governors being led away by US Marshalls in handcuffs should do the trick...

And if it doesn't, a righteous declaration of a local State of Emergency or Insurrection in such jurisdictions will do nicely...

The kind of declaration that enables the Federalizing of RELIABLE units of the National Guard or State Militia for such duty...

The kind of declaration that enables RELIABLE units of the active-duty military to come online for such duty...

Today is only Day Five of the Trump Presidency... The Wall is going back up and being expanded... raids are underway...

They, too, know it's a Big Job... and I'm another who wants tthe goddamned Illegals gone... so far, I'm not very concerned.

Just sayin'...
308 in one day is good for…say…PoDunk, Iowa with a total population of 3,250…but for the entire nation? That’s an embarrassing number, an unacceptable number….let’s do better. Remember, Biden just let in 8-12 million, 300 a day ain’t doing shit.
It has begun.


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