Dear Congress, F**K You. Love, Barry


Gold Member
Jun 25, 2015
Swimming pools, movie stars
So on one hand the Republicans are okay with no spending cap on the Pentagon, but all other aspects of government has to swallow a bitter pill? Fair? The president doesn't think so, and so far, it looks like he has the votes to make Republican's actually work for a living for a change.

"President Barack Obama vetoed a sweeping $612 billion defense policy bill Thursday in a rebuke to congressional Republicans, and insisted they send him a better version that doesn't tie his hands on some of his top priorities.

In an unusual Oval Office ceremony, Obama praised the bill for ensuring the military stays funded and making improvements on armed forces retirement and cybersecurity. Yet he pointedly accused Republicans of resorting to "gimmicks" and prohibiting other changes needed to address modern security threats.

"Unfortunately, it falls woefully short," Obama said. "I'm going to be sending it back to Congress, and my message to them is very simple: Let's do this right."

In no mood to negotiate, Republicans vowed to muster the votes to override him.

The rare presidential veto marked the latest wrinkle in the ongoing fight between Obama and Republicans who control Congress over whether to increase federal spending — and how.

Four years after Congress passed and Obama signed into law strict, across-the-board spending limits, both parties are eager to bust through the caps for defense spending. But Obama has insisted that spending on domestic programs be raised at the same time, setting off a budget clash with Republicans that shows no signs of a quick resolution." Obama vetoes $612 billion defense bill in rebuke to GOP
The President is right. Repubs are shifting $$$ to a wartime fund to avoid sequester spending caps.

End the Pentagon Slush Fund | Citizens Against Government Waste
Created in 2001 to fund the war in Afghanistan and other associated costs of the Global War on Terror, the Overseas Contingency Operations (OCO) account was intended to be a one-time emergency supplemental. Instead, it has been used as an annual funding measure, including in 2003, when the U.S. invaded Iraq.

Over time, the account transitioned into a slush fund designed to inflate spending at the Department of Defense (DOD) far above the baseline budget and for purposes unrelated to the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. For the past several years, members of Congress have begun using the OCO in an even more insidious manner: to bypass the sequestration restraints applied to the Pentagon under the Budget Control Act of 2011 (BCA).
So on one hand the Republicans are okay with no spending cap on the Pentagon, but all other aspects of government has to swallow a bitter pill? Fair? The president doesn't think so, and so far, it looks like he has the votes to make Republican's actually work for a living for a change.

"President Barack Obama vetoed a sweeping $612 billion defense policy bill Thursday in a rebuke to congressional Republicans, and insisted they send him a better version that doesn't tie his hands on some of his top priorities.

In an unusual Oval Office ceremony, Obama praised the bill for ensuring the military stays funded and making improvements on armed forces retirement and cybersecurity. Yet he pointedly accused Republicans of resorting to "gimmicks" and prohibiting other changes needed to address modern security threats.

"Unfortunately, it falls woefully short," Obama said. "I'm going to be sending it back to Congress, and my message to them is very simple: Let's do this right."

In no mood to negotiate, Republicans vowed to muster the votes to override him.

The rare presidential veto marked the latest wrinkle in the ongoing fight between Obama and Republicans who control Congress over whether to increase federal spending — and how.

Four years after Congress passed and Obama signed into law strict, across-the-board spending limits, both parties are eager to bust through the caps for defense spending. But Obama has insisted that spending on domestic programs be raised at the same time, setting off a budget clash with Republicans that shows no signs of a quick resolution." Obama vetoes $612 billion defense bill in rebuke to GOP

So in real words, the President has defunded the military. Well, he's been gutting it out and leaving the veterans to die waiting to see a doctor. I'm not surprised.
So the president is once AGAIN crapping on our military AND our defense. And the liberals are happy about that. Just another day with our nation being held hostage by a TERRORIST president and his party.
So on one hand the Republicans are okay with no spending cap on the Pentagon, but all other aspects of government has to swallow a bitter pill? Fair? The president doesn't think so, and so far, it looks like he has the votes to make Republican's actually work for a living for a change.

"President Barack Obama vetoed a sweeping $612 billion defense policy bill Thursday in a rebuke to congressional Republicans, and insisted they send him a better version that doesn't tie his hands on some of his top priorities.

In an unusual Oval Office ceremony, Obama praised the bill for ensuring the military stays funded and making improvements on armed forces retirement and cybersecurity. Yet he pointedly accused Republicans of resorting to "gimmicks" and prohibiting other changes needed to address modern security threats.

"Unfortunately, it falls woefully short," Obama said. "I'm going to be sending it back to Congress, and my message to them is very simple: Let's do this right."

In no mood to negotiate, Republicans vowed to muster the votes to override him.

The rare presidential veto marked the latest wrinkle in the ongoing fight between Obama and Republicans who control Congress over whether to increase federal spending — and how.

Four years after Congress passed and Obama signed into law strict, across-the-board spending limits, both parties are eager to bust through the caps for defense spending. But Obama has insisted that spending on domestic programs be raised at the same time, setting off a budget clash with Republicans that shows no signs of a quick resolution." Obama vetoes $612 billion defense bill in rebuke to GOP

So in real words, the President has defunded the military. Well, he's been gutting it out and leaving the veterans to die waiting to see a doctor. I'm not surprised.

I'm a vet and have access to my medical team at the VA. You?
So the president is once AGAIN crapping on our military AND our defense. And the liberals are happy about that. Just another day with our nation being held hostage by a TERRORIST president and his party.
how would you know? You serve? :doubt: That's a rhetorical question.
I like gloves off Obama a lot more than the one pretending that republicans could be part of the process for the first 6 years of his Presidency :thup:
yep. They've been using the delay & obstruct method to run the clock out and the President has been wise to it for a while now as have the American people.
So on one hand the Republicans are okay with no spending cap on the Pentagon, but all other aspects of government has to swallow a bitter pill? Fair? The president doesn't think so, and so far, it looks like he has the votes to make Republican's actually work for a living for a change.

"President Barack Obama vetoed a sweeping $612 billion defense policy bill Thursday in a rebuke to congressional Republicans, and insisted they send him a better version that doesn't tie his hands on some of his top priorities.

In an unusual Oval Office ceremony, Obama praised the bill for ensuring the military stays funded and making improvements on armed forces retirement and cybersecurity. Yet he pointedly accused Republicans of resorting to "gimmicks" and prohibiting other changes needed to address modern security threats.

"Unfortunately, it falls woefully short," Obama said. "I'm going to be sending it back to Congress, and my message to them is very simple: Let's do this right."

In no mood to negotiate, Republicans vowed to muster the votes to override him.

The rare presidential veto marked the latest wrinkle in the ongoing fight between Obama and Republicans who control Congress over whether to increase federal spending — and how.

Four years after Congress passed and Obama signed into law strict, across-the-board spending limits, both parties are eager to bust through the caps for defense spending. But Obama has insisted that spending on domestic programs be raised at the same time, setting off a budget clash with Republicans that shows no signs of a quick resolution." Obama vetoes $612 billion defense bill in rebuke to GOP

In other words, he took his ball and went home because Congress didn't pass a bill saying what he wanted it to say.
So on one hand the Republicans are okay with no spending cap on the Pentagon, but all other aspects of government has to swallow a bitter pill? Fair? The president doesn't think so, and so far, it looks like he has the votes to make Republican's actually work for a living for a change.

"President Barack Obama vetoed a sweeping $612 billion defense policy bill Thursday in a rebuke to congressional Republicans, and insisted they send him a better version that doesn't tie his hands on some of his top priorities.

In an unusual Oval Office ceremony, Obama praised the bill for ensuring the military stays funded and making improvements on armed forces retirement and cybersecurity. Yet he pointedly accused Republicans of resorting to "gimmicks" and prohibiting other changes needed to address modern security threats.

"Unfortunately, it falls woefully short," Obama said. "I'm going to be sending it back to Congress, and my message to them is very simple: Let's do this right."

In no mood to negotiate, Republicans vowed to muster the votes to override him.

The rare presidential veto marked the latest wrinkle in the ongoing fight between Obama and Republicans who control Congress over whether to increase federal spending — and how.

Four years after Congress passed and Obama signed into law strict, across-the-board spending limits, both parties are eager to bust through the caps for defense spending. But Obama has insisted that spending on domestic programs be raised at the same time, setting off a budget clash with Republicans that shows no signs of a quick resolution." Obama vetoes $612 billion defense bill in rebuke to GOP

So in real words, the President has defunded the military. Well, he's been gutting it out and leaving the veterans to die waiting to see a doctor. I'm not surprised.

The left has no use for the military.. they shit on our service people daily and worship traitors like John Fucking Kerry and Draft Dodger Bill Clinton.
I like gloves off Obama a lot more than the one pretending that republicans could be part of the process for the first 6 years of his Presidency :thup:
yep. They've been using the delay & obstruct method to run the clock out and the President has been wise to it for a while now as have the American people.

What he did was take his ball and home whining because the majority party in both houses, as elected by the people, didn't pass something saying what the little bitch wanted it to say.
I like gloves off Obama a lot more than the one pretending that republicans could be part of the process for the first 6 years of his Presidency :thup:

You mean the I'll whine like a little bitch because Congress didn't pass a bill saying what I wanted it to say?
I like gloves off Obama a lot more than the one pretending that republicans could be part of the process for the first 6 years of his Presidency :thup:

You mean the I'll whine like a little bitch because Congress didn't pass a bill saying what I wanted it to say?
I mean the "I'll make the GOP my bitch" Obama. Since republicans swept the house and senate they have accomplished exactly one thing, and that is helping Obama pass his trade deal.
So on one hand the Republicans are okay with no spending cap on the Pentagon, but all other aspects of government has to swallow a bitter pill? Fair? The president doesn't think so, and so far, it looks like he has the votes to make Republican's actually work for a living for a change.

"President Barack Obama vetoed a sweeping $612 billion defense policy bill Thursday in a rebuke to congressional Republicans, and insisted they send him a better version that doesn't tie his hands on some of his top priorities.

In an unusual Oval Office ceremony, Obama praised the bill for ensuring the military stays funded and making improvements on armed forces retirement and cybersecurity. Yet he pointedly accused Republicans of resorting to "gimmicks" and prohibiting other changes needed to address modern security threats.

"Unfortunately, it falls woefully short," Obama said. "I'm going to be sending it back to Congress, and my message to them is very simple: Let's do this right."

In no mood to negotiate, Republicans vowed to muster the votes to override him.

The rare presidential veto marked the latest wrinkle in the ongoing fight between Obama and Republicans who control Congress over whether to increase federal spending — and how.

Four years after Congress passed and Obama signed into law strict, across-the-board spending limits, both parties are eager to bust through the caps for defense spending. But Obama has insisted that spending on domestic programs be raised at the same time, setting off a budget clash with Republicans that shows no signs of a quick resolution." Obama vetoes $612 billion defense bill in rebuke to GOP

So in real words, the President has defunded the military. Well, he's been gutting it out and leaving the veterans to die waiting to see a doctor. I'm not surprised.

I'm a vet and have access to my medical team at the VA. You?

Yes, but I never use it. My company pays for my insurance so I use the local hospitals and doctors and don't have the hassle.
I like gloves off Obama a lot more than the one pretending that republicans could be part of the process for the first 6 years of his Presidency :thup:

You mean the I'll whine like a little bitch because Congress didn't pass a bill saying what I wanted it to say?
I mean the "I'll make the GOP my bitch" Obama. Since republicans swept the house and senate they have accomplished exactly one thing, and that is helping Obama pass his trade deal.

I meant what I said. When the boy doesn't get his way, he cries like a little bitch and goes home. Or issues some executive order.
I like gloves off Obama a lot more than the one pretending that republicans could be part of the process for the first 6 years of his Presidency :thup:

You mean the I'll whine like a little bitch because Congress didn't pass a bill saying what I wanted it to say?
I mean the "I'll make the GOP my bitch" Obama. Since republicans swept the house and senate they have accomplished exactly one thing, and that is helping Obama pass his trade deal.

I meant what I said. When the boy doesn't get his way, he cries like a little bitch and goes home. Or issues some executive order.
Well try not to get too mad when he gets his way again :laugh:
The rare presidential veto marked the latest wrinkle in the ongoing fight between Obama and Republicans who control Congress over whether to increase federal spending — and how.
obama still doesn't understand he was not elected dictator. Leftists love dictators for some reason. The only way to not fight with obama is to give him everything he demands. Like a petulant child.

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