Daycare Worker Gets Probation for Trying to Murder Child Because Judge Says She Had a Bad Day


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
Must be related to the Clintons.
Thank Allah for leftist judges!

Day care worker who tried to kill toddler by hanging him avoids prison as judge cites ‘perfect storm’ of events.

Nataliia Karia avoided prison time despite pleading guilty to attempted murder, third-degree assault and criminal vehicular operation for hitting a pedestrian, a bicyclist and another driver as she fled from her home in November of 2016.

A father was dropping off his son at Karia’s home when he found a toddler hanging from a noose in the basement. He released the child, and the 16-month-old boy survived.

Karia fled in her vehicle, striking a bicyclist and dragging another motorist 10 blocks after striking his car, according to the Star Tribune. The bicyclist needed a rod inserted in his leg to avoid amputation, according to the newspaper.

She would also hit a vehicle driven by a pregnant woman. Karia threatened to jump off an overpass before she was taken into custody.

Hennepin County District Judge Jay Quam sentenced her to 10-years probation on Monday after agreeing with doctors that she was a “low risk” to commit more crimes. Judge Quam said her actions were “the perfect storm of factors unlikely to ever be repeated,” according to the Star Tribune.
Should she have no remorse, the fires of Hell are not going to be hot enough for this word that I can't say of a woman!!!

God bless you and her victims always!!!


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