"Day of Rage" video released

This was made by the New York Times, so I will assume that many will say it's fake.

But it is a good overview of "The Day of the Slightly Rowdy Tour", January 6th at our nation's capitol.

I strongly suspect that many here have not had any exposure to much of the footage. The fact will remain that the attack was meant to stop the counting of votes on January 6th, an attack against our very presidential electoral process. An attack that terrorized the hundreds of people and ended with over 140 capitol police injured.

Reichstag Fire

Who did Nancy talk with in the days leading up to the Reichstag Fire Event?

Your post makes no sense. The Reichstag Fire was a pretext to destroy German democracy. I will not disagree with you in your comparison to Trumpists as Nazis in their failed attempt to destroy our Constitutional Republic. It is your comparison.

Apparently you’re so dumb you don’t know the Reichstag Fire was used by the Nazis to gain more power and persecute all their political enemies. They used the fear of “more attacks” to strip away rights and throw people in jail, just like what Dems are doing by proclaiming all Trump supporters are “the biggest threat to democracy”.

Hmmm...the Reichstag Fire was used when the Nazis were in power and wanted more.

Who was President (in power) when Jan 6th happened? Refresh our memories.

And the likeliest candidate for starting the fire were the Nazis.

Exactly. The guys in power who wanted more.

AND they used the pearl-clutching fake-outrage at the murder of Horst Wessel (like the Dems are using 1/6) to do all sorts of shit.....JUST LIKE THE DEMS.

View attachment 507723
Clutch away.


You have that backwards, of course, as like the Nazis attacked their own Reichstag, Trumplicans attacked our own Congress.

You have that backwards, of course, as like the Nazis attacked their own Reichstag, Nancy and the FBI attacked our own Congress.

There, fixed

^^^ another fucked in the head con. Nothing to see here, folks, move along...
Unbelievable that anyone could watch that NYT video and buy what they are selling.

So many times in it, the narrator said, "the Capitol police" or "the FBI" did not take the threats as credible.



You would have to be a grade A doofus to fall for this agitprop. There were folks on this very forum saying some shady shit was going to go down on the 6th, it didn't take a genius.

What a set-up.

And CNN, the NYT, all of them had insiders there to document it, and the establishment has given them select footage to push a narrative.
It's a 40 minute video.



View attachment 507726

Feel better?
You're fucked in the head. The attack started just before 1pm and police didn't get control until after 4pm.
This keeps getting pounded over and over like it's true.

Convenient how "get control" is a very loose bit of terminology. The entire incident was no more than 45 minutes, max.

I know it pisses you off that at least 50% of the population is not buying into the bullshit propaganda, but the more outrageous you and your leftist masters try to make the entire thing sound, the more ridiculous it comes off.
This was made by the New York Times, so I will assume that many will say it's fake.

But it is a good overview of "The Day of the Slightly Rowdy Tour", January 6th at our nation's capitol.

I strongly suspect that many here have not had any exposure to much of the footage. The fact will remain that the attack was meant to stop the counting of votes on January 6th, an attack against our very presidential electoral process. An attack that terrorized the hundreds of people and ended with over 140 capitol police injured.

Reichstag Fire

Who did Nancy talk with in the days leading up to the Reichstag Fire Event?

Your post makes no sense. The Reichstag Fire was a pretext to destroy German democracy. I will not disagree with you in your comparison to Trumpists as Nazis in their failed attempt to destroy our Constitutional Republic. It is your comparison.

Apparently you’re so dumb you don’t know the Reichstag Fire was used by the Nazis to gain more power and persecute all their political enemies. They used the fear of “more attacks” to strip away rights and throw people in jail, just like what Dems are doing by proclaiming all Trump supporters are “the biggest threat to democracy”.

Hmmm...the Reichstag Fire was used when the Nazis were in power and wanted more.

Who was President (in power) when Jan 6th happened? Refresh our memories.

Democrats ruled washington dc including Fort Pelosi

It was a democrat agent who shot the lady inside the capital building

Right Mac. I was the one who shot her and my only regret is only having one bullet.
This was made by the New York Times, so I will assume that many will say it's fake.

But it is a good overview of "The Day of the Slightly Rowdy Tour", January 6th at our nation's capitol.

I strongly suspect that many here have not had any exposure to much of the footage. The fact will remain that the attack was meant to stop the counting of votes on January 6th, an attack against our very presidential electoral process. An attack that terrorized the hundreds of people and ended with over 140 capitol police injured.

Wow....blm and antifa fighting with the police.........

And here you have actual Trump supporters inside the building...


Blm and antifa.......you guys are the dumbest morons I have seen......you will fall for anything..

Tell us again how Trump supporters beat the police officer to death with the fire hydrant...please...we all love that one.
This was made by the New York Times, so I will assume that many will say it's fake.

But it is a good overview of "The Day of the Slightly Rowdy Tour", January 6th at our nation's capitol.

I strongly suspect that many here have not had any exposure to much of the footage. The fact will remain that the attack was meant to stop the counting of votes on January 6th, an attack against our very presidential electoral process. An attack that terrorized the hundreds of people and ended with over 140 capitol police injured.

Shit head....at the 27:59 mark you have an entire hallway of "Trump supporters," facing 3 police officers......3.....you idiot....they are not in riot gear, they do not draw their guns.....

Those cops were not attacked....they were not harmed....

Watch that video, you doofus........and tell us exactly how violent the Trump supporters were when they had 3 police officers in front of them, blocking doors.......and not one Trump supporter laid a hand on them.....you fucking moron.

When the cops in riot gear and rifles show up....they are not pounced on by the crowd....they are not attacked by the crowd, they are also too close to effectively use their rifles before they would have been monkey piled by the crowd...you doofus...

then the blm and antifa thugs start breaking down the door....meanwhile......the actual Trump supporters....

The only one injured at this point.....the unarmed, female Trump supporter shot without warning by the police officer behind the closed door...with no attempt to stop her without shooting her....

You idiot.

This was made by the New York Times, so I will assume that many will say it's fake.

But it is a good overview of "The Day of the Slightly Rowdy Tour", January 6th at our nation's capitol.

I strongly suspect that many here have not had any exposure to much of the footage. The fact will remain that the attack was meant to stop the counting of votes on January 6th, an attack against our very presidential electoral process. An attack that terrorized the hundreds of people and ended with over 140 capitol police injured.

Watch the video....again....


3 police officers standing in front of the doors........a massive crowd of Trump supporters.......no one lays a hand on the police officers....they don't touch them........the police officers do not have their guns drawn....they are standing their with their hands at their sides......they are not touched by the Trump supporters..........even when the riot gear police show up...they don't attack them or the original 3 police officers.....

Then antifa and the blm start smashing in the windows....and Ashli Babbit goes up to and tries to enter.....and she is shot, without warning...by the police officer who is to this day, not named.......

Meanwhile....the actual Trump supporters in the building...walking the halls and taking selfies...

This was made by the New York Times, so I will assume that many will say it's fake.

But it is a good overview of "The Day of the Slightly Rowdy Tour", January 6th at our nation's capitol.

I strongly suspect that many here have not had any exposure to much of the footage. The fact will remain that the attack was meant to stop the counting of votes on January 6th, an attack against our very presidential electoral process. An attack that terrorized the hundreds of people and ended with over 140 capitol police injured.

Mac & Cheese daily obsessively homoerotic Trump thread. Much like death, taxes, and Dims playing the race card, it is always there. :D

Knock yourself out little buddy. :)
This was made by the New York Times, so I will assume that many will say it's fake.

But it is a good overview of "The Day of the Slightly Rowdy Tour", January 6th at our nation's capitol.

I strongly suspect that many here have not had any exposure to much of the footage. The fact will remain that the attack was meant to stop the counting of votes on January 6th, an attack against our very presidential electoral process. An attack that terrorized the hundreds of people and ended with over 140 capitol police injured.

Mac & Cheese daily obsessively homoerotic Trump thread. Much like death, taxes, and Dims playing the race card, it is always there. :D

Knock yourself out little buddy. :)

This is a Trump thread?

Looks like you're a little paranoid there. Oops!

This was made by the New York Times, so I will assume that many will say it's fake.

But it is a good overview of "The Day of the Slightly Rowdy Tour", January 6th at our nation's capitol.

I strongly suspect that many here have not had any exposure to much of the footage. The fact will remain that the attack was meant to stop the counting of votes on January 6th, an attack against our very presidential electoral process. An attack that terrorized the hundreds of people and ended with over 140 capitol police injured.

Reichstag Fire

Who did Nancy talk with in the days leading up to the Reichstag Fire Event?

How lame. You can't really be that deluded.

All they have left are denial and lies.
This was made by the New York Times, so I will assume that many will say it's fake.

But it is a good overview of "The Day of the Slightly Rowdy Tour", January 6th at our nation's capitol.

I strongly suspect that many here have not had any exposure to much of the footage. The fact will remain that the attack was meant to stop the counting of votes on January 6th, an attack against our very presidential electoral process. An attack that terrorized the hundreds of people and ended with over 140 capitol police injured.

Watch the video....again....


3 police officers standing in front of the doors........a massive crowd of Trump supporters.......no one lays a hand on the police officers....they don't touch them........the police officers do not have their guns drawn....they are standing their with their hands at their sides......they are not touched by the Trump supporters..........even when the riot gear police show up...they don't attack them or the original 3 police officers.....

Then antifa and the blm start smashing in the windows....and Ashli Babbit goes up to and tries to enter.....and she is shot, without warning...by the police officer who is to this day, not named.......

Meanwhile....the actual Trump supporters in the building...walking the halls and taking selfies...

It was so violent and unhinged, that these crazed terrorists STAYED INSIDE THE ROPES while two DC cops calmly walked in the other direction in obvious fear for their very lives.


It's a 40 minute video.



View attachment 507726

Feel better?
You're fucked in the head. The attack started just before 1pm and police didn't get control until after 4pm.
This keeps getting pounded over and over like it's true.

Convenient how "get control" is a very loose bit of terminology. The entire incident was no more than 45 minutes, max.

I know it pisses you off that at least 50% of the population is not buying into the bullshit propaganda, but the more outrageous you and your leftist masters try to make the entire thing sound, the more ridiculous it comes off.
Here Are The 9 Most Terrifying Criminals From The January 6 Capitol Attack

"Sentencing is beginning for the insurrectionists who tried to take over our country with selfie sticks and buffalo costumes. Luckily, they didn't succeed.

Here are the 9 most terrifying criminals from that dark day of January 6, 2021 -- a day that will go down in infamy:

Buffalo Guy -- Look at this face: truly terrifying. Legal experts all agree that since he stood up in front of the congressional chambers, he is now legally our ruler. Bow down before bison man!


Knittin' MeeMaw Gunderson -- Wow. Terror. Horror. Truly the face of a criminal. OK, technically she was storming the Kansas state capitol and not the one in D.C., but still -- she's such a terrorist her terror spreads across the whole land.


The massive army of robot assassins who literally murdered AOC -- These guys were ruthless. RIP AOC. Fs in the chat for the world's smartest socialist.


The deadly lectern thief -- Whole chapters in future history textbooks will be written about this guy, who literally walked into the building and walked out with a piece of wood. We're talking John Wilkes Booth levels of impact on our country.


This squirrel -- Just look at him. He's clearly up to something.. . .
." (and more!) :auiqs.jpg:

This was made by the New York Times, so I will assume that many will say it's fake.

But it is a good overview of "The Day of the Slightly Rowdy Tour", January 6th at our nation's capitol.

I strongly suspect that many here have not had any exposure to much of the footage. The fact will remain that the attack was meant to stop the counting of votes on January 6th, an attack against our very presidential electoral process. An attack that terrorized the hundreds of people and ended with over 140 capitol police injured.

Watch the video....again....


3 police officers standing in front of the doors........a massive crowd of Trump supporters.......no one lays a hand on the police officers....they don't touch them........the police officers do not have their guns drawn....they are standing their with their hands at their sides......they are not touched by the Trump supporters..........even when the riot gear police show up...they don't attack them or the original 3 police officers.....

Then antifa and the blm start smashing in the windows....and Ashli Babbit goes up to and tries to enter.....and she is shot, without warning...by the police officer who is to this day, not named.......

Meanwhile....the actual Trump supporters in the building...walking the halls and taking selfies...

It was so violent and unhinged, that these crazed terrorists STAYED INSIDE THE ROPES while two DC cops calmly walked in the other direction in obvious fear for their very lives.

View attachment 507745


So this is what you think it was like inside?

Is this all you know?

Serious question.
This was made by the New York Times, so I will assume that many will say it's fake.

But it is a good overview of "The Day of the Slightly Rowdy Tour", January 6th at our nation's capitol.

I strongly suspect that many here have not had any exposure to much of the footage. The fact will remain that the attack was meant to stop the counting of votes on January 6th, an attack against our very presidential electoral process. An attack that terrorized the hundreds of people and ended with over 140 capitol police injured.

1. We have seen the footage of the violence.

2. Their intent was to stop a "steal", not end democracy.


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