Danny Fenster Released...

Canon Shooter

Diamond Member
Jan 7, 2020
With all of the other bullshit that everyone's arguing about, can we all agree that this is good news?

On May 24th, Danny Fenster, an American journalist working in Myanmar, was arrested and held for no apparent reason. He was eventually charged with charged for incitement (also known in Myanmar as sedition), as well as breaking immigration law.

On November 12, the Myanmar military court sentenced Fenster to 11 years in jail.

On November 15, he was released following a meeting between former UN ambassador and New Mexico governor Bill Richardson and General Min Aung Hlaing,” the commander in chief of Myanmar’s military.

He was reunited earlier today with his family. The reunion is right about the 4:00 minute mark:

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It's "Burma." "Let's put Myanmar Shave signs along the highways", said no one ever.

And it's "Constantinople." I'm tired of all this cancel culture.


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