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Diamond Member
Aug 5, 2009
Duke City
Just finished watching this move about the battle of Long Tan (Vietnam) 1966 between company D (108 men) of the 6th Battalion, Royal Australian Regiment and 2500 VC and NVA troops.
Read one review by an ANZAC who was there, he stated the movie story was mostly dead on other than a few minor Hollywoodisms. Travis Fimmel (Ragnar Lothbrok, Vikings) plays Major Harry Smith.

It's my understanding, that ANZAC soldiers who returned from the Vietnam War were snubbed and looked down on by their countrymen the same as U.S. soldiers during that time period.

Although today, like American Vietnam veterans, they are starting to be recognized for their service to their country. ... :cool:
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Hossfly would know more about this earlier time period of the war than me.

But the NVA were known to be highly trained, dedicated, very disciplined, and a formidable enemy. ... :cool:
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Hossfly would know more about this earlier time period of the war than me.

But the NVA were known to be highly trained, dedicated, very disciplined, and a formidable enemy. ... :cool:
Personally I have no first hand knowledge. In 73 Nixon started reducing the number of troops in Nam, I was in A School, two week before I was to head to Nam my orders were cancelled and I was sent to Panama instead.
Hossfly would know more about this earlier time period of the war than me.

But the NVA were known to be highly trained, dedicated, very disciplined, and a formidable enemy. ... :cool:

The NVA were all that plus the fact they never surrendered unless they were wounded too bad to fight. That battle was fought 2 weeks before my first tour ended but it was big news on the radio.
I watched the movie the other night. I knew of the battle before hand but afterwards did a little research. The movie is pretty accurate with the events and happens almost in real time.

The day the battle happen was the first day I was in the Army. A few months later I was in Vietnam.

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