Dallas rifle not an an assault weapon, was not covered by the old ban...


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
I just saw this but he did not use an AR-15......he used a deer hunting rifle...an sks......can anyone confirm this?

10round fixed magazine? Not on the 1990s adulation weapon ban list.....

It just worse and worse for the gun grabbers.....

Not an Assault Weapon: Dallas Police murderer used an SKS semi-automatic rifle - Crime Prevention Research Center

again, President Obama is pushing for gun control laws wouldn’t have stopped the attack that is being used to motivate the new law.

Micah Xavier Johnson, the man who killed 5 police officers and wounded 7 others, used a SKS semi-automatic rifle. The SKS is a gun that was designed 73 years ago. It is essentially a deer hunting rifle in terms of its inside guns and the caliber of its bullets (.30 caliber). This gun wasn’t classified as an assault weapon under the Federal assault weapon ban. The President’s call to renew the ban wouldn’t have affected the gun used in this shooting. Given that this gun is functionally identical to all other .30 caliber semi-automatic rifles, one would have to ban all semi-automatic .30 caliber rifles.

Given all the discussion about magazine sizes, “SKS rifles generally have a 10 round fixed magazine that can be loaded via stripper clips. Larger capacity fixed magazines with questionable reliability are available as well. Some SKS aficionadas can load the gun with stripper clips with the same speed as loading a detachable magazine into an AR-15 or AK-47. It does take practice, however.”
It comes as a five round fixed mag. You have to modify it to use the 30s. Plus the Chinese version will not use Russian mags without slight changes like filing. MY rifle of choice.
It comes as a five round fixed mag. You have to modify it to use the 30s. Plus the Chinese version will not use Russian mags without slight changes like filing. MY rifle of choice.

The gun grabbers...what are they going to do....?
It comes as a five round fixed mag. You have to modify it to use the 30s. Plus the Chinese version will not use Russian mags without slight changes like filing. MY rifle of choice.

The gun grabbers...what are they going to do....?
They'll probably go with a "common sense" idea like banning all guns with a trigger. Like a Trigger Warning, it's just safer.
It comes as a five round fixed mag. You have to modify it to use the 30s. Plus the Chinese version will not use Russian mags without slight changes like filing. MY rifle of choice.

The gun grabbers...what are they going to do....?
They'll probably go with a "common sense" idea like banning all guns with a trigger. Like a Trigger Warning, it's just safer.
I can't wait until baseball is forced to go with rubber bats.
I’m certain the difference is all that matters.

so....it wasn't an assault weapon.........as you morons define it......it would not have been banned in the 1990s...and would a modern variant would have replaced the old version...so nothing you morons want actually solves any of the problems you morons say you want solved.....
The guy was very accurate in his aiming. Maybe we need to ban people that can aim from using guns.
I just saw this but he did not use an AR-15......he used a deer hunting rifle...an sks......can anyone confirm this?

10round fixed magazine? Not on the 1990s adulation weapon ban list.....

It just worse and worse for the gun grabbers.....

Not an Assault Weapon: Dallas Police murderer used an SKS semi-automatic rifle - Crime Prevention Research Center

again, President Obama is pushing for gun control laws wouldn’t have stopped the attack that is being used to motivate the new law.

Micah Xavier Johnson, the man who killed 5 police officers and wounded 7 others, used a SKS semi-automatic rifle. The SKS is a gun that was designed 73 years ago. It is essentially a deer hunting rifle in terms of its inside guns and the caliber of its bullets (.30 caliber). This gun wasn’t classified as an assault weapon under the Federal assault weapon ban. The President’s call to renew the ban wouldn’t have affected the gun used in this shooting. Given that this gun is functionally identical to all other .30 caliber semi-automatic rifles, one would have to ban all semi-automatic .30 caliber rifles.

Given all the discussion about magazine sizes, “SKS rifles generally have a 10 round fixed magazine that can be loaded via stripper clips. Larger capacity fixed magazines with questionable reliability are available as well. Some SKS aficionadas can load the gun with stripper clips with the same speed as loading a detachable magazine into an AR-15 or AK-47. It does take practice, however.”

There ya go.....confusing people with facts again. Their little brains might explode. :lol:
The media is already mislabeling the weapon........it was not an assault rifle.....not even by their own definition......

Dallas suspect said he wanted to kill whites

A law enforcement source told CBS News that Johnson had a SKS semi-automatic assault rifle and a handgun, Milton reports. The suspect also wore body armor, the source said.

This weapon was not on the assault weapon ban lost...it does not meet the anti gun definition of the rifles they hate.........you could have kept the 1990s ban in place...rounded up all AR-15s and even rifles with detachable magazines......and this weapon would still have been legal........

Will the media ever drop their bias?

Micah Johnson learned tactics at Texas self-defense school...

Dallas gunman learned tactics at Texas self-defense school
Jul. 9, 2016 — The gunman who killed five police officers at a protest march received training from a private self-defense school in Texas, a school official said Saturday at the academy that teaches firearm tactics, including "shooting on the move," a maneuver in which an attacker fires and changes position before firing again.
Micah Johnson, an Army veteran, received instruction at the Academy of Combative Warrior Arts in the Dallas suburb of Richardson about two years ago, a person who said he was in charge of the organization told The Associated Press. The man refused to answer additional questions and would not give his name. The man's statement was corroborated by a police report from May 8, 2015, when someone at a business a short distance away called in a report of several suspicious people in a parked SUV. The investigating officer closed the case just minutes after arriving at the scene in a parking lot behind a strip mall. While there, the officer spoke to Johnson, who said he "had just gotten out of a class at a nearby self-defense school."
Johnson told the officer he was "waiting for his dad to arrive" and pick up his brother. No one else was apparently questioned. On Friday, Dallas Mayor Mike Rawlings described Johnson as "a mobile shooter" who had written manifestos on how to "shoot and move — and he did that." The academy website refers to one of its courses as a "tactical applications program," or TAP. "Reality is highly dynamic, you will be drawing your firearm, moving, shooting on the move, fixing malfunctions, etc. all under high levels of stress," the website says. "Most people never get to train these skills as they are not typically allowed on the static gun range."


Notes, flowers and other items decorate a squad car at a make-shift memorial in front of the Dallas.​

The TAP training includes "shooting from different positions," ''drawing under stress" and "drawing from concealment." People could be seen training Saturday at the school in a nondescript shopping center, but the doors were locked. When asked about Johnson, a man who answered the door said, "He trained two years ago. ... I don't know anything about Micah. I'm sorry. He's gone. He's old to us. I have thousands of people." A neighbor reported to investigators that Johnson had been seen practicing some sort of military drill in his backyard in the Dallas suburb of Mesquite, said Clay Jenkins, the Dallas County judge, the county's most senior elected official.

Tensions were still high Saturday in Dallas, where 20 square blocks of downtown remained cordoned off as a crime scene. The police department tightened security Saturday evening after receiving an anonymous threat. Officers in helmets carrying rifles were stationed outside at least two buildings. Earlier in the day, President Barack Obama called Johnson a "demented individual" who does not represent black Americans any more than a white man accused of killing blacks at a church in Charleston, South Carolina, represents whites. "So we cannot let the actions of a few define all of us," Obama said from Warsaw, Poland, where he attended a NATO summit. The president planned to visit Dallas in a few days and to convene a White House meeting next week with police officers and community and civil rights activists.


See also:

Dallas shooting: High alert over 'new security threat'
Sun, 10 Jul 2016 - Dallas police heighten security at their headquarters after receiving an anonymous threat, two days after five officers were killed in the city.
A nearby parking lot was searched for a "suspicious person", they said, but no-one was found. SWAT officers were deployed at the main building, in effect placing it under lockdown, according to local media. On Thursday, five white police officers were shot dead by a black man, Micah Johnson, during a protest rally. The march was against the killing of black men by police. Two deaths this week have led to nationwide protests. In a statement, the police said on Saturday: "The Dallas Police Department received an anonymous threat against law enforcement across the city and has taken precautionary measures to heightened security." An armoured vehicle was moved close to the main HQ in central Dallas and heavily armed officers were seen nearby, according to the Associated Press news agency. But it added that members of the public were still able to walk about freely around the building.


Police officers outside Dallas police's main headquarters​

The police asked media to stop all live feeds around HQ "for the safety of our officers", the BBC's James Cook reports. The police have so far not commented on the media reports that the HQ was under lockdown. The shooting happened late on Thursday during the protest march. Johnson, who was himself killed during the assault, supported black militant groups who encouraged violence against police. Dallas police chief David Brown said Johnson had told a negotiator that he had wanted to kill white people, especially white police officers, because he was angry about the recent shootings of black men by police. The attack came after the police killings of Philando Castile in Minnesota and Alton Sterling in Louisiana.

'Unity shown'

Earlier on Saturday, President Barack Obama said the US was "not as divided as some have suggested" in the wake of the shootings involving African-Americans. He said Americans of "all races, all backgrounds", including many of those who were protesting, were outraged by the Dallas killings. As well as the five police officers killed, another seven were injured on Thursday. Two civilians were also hurt. Johnson, 25, who officials say acted alone, was killed by remotely detonated explosives that were sent into a car park where he had taken refuge after the shootings.

He was a member of the US Army Reserve from 2009 to 2015 who had served in Afghanistan. Bomb-making material, rifles and a combat journal were found his home in the Dallas suburb of Mesquite. A number of gun attacks involving police officers and civilians have occurred in other parts of the US in the aftermath of the deaths in Minnesota and Louisiana. Leaders of the Black Lives Matter organisation have condemned the Dallas killings but say planned marches, including a "Weekend of Rage" in Philadelphia, will go ahead.

Dallas shooting: High alert over 'new security threat' - BBC News
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Who knows what goes on in the mind of a deranged person?...

Nation outraged after Dallas shooter identified as U.S. Army reservist
Saturday 9th July, 2016. – The gunman responsible for the death of five police officers during an ambush in Dallas has reportedly been identified as Micah Johnson, 25 years of age and a U.S. Army reservist who served in Afghanistan but was sent back after being accused of sexually harassing a fellow soldier.
According to reports, officials believe that Johnson acted alone, as opposed to initial assumptions that there were two snipers who shot at protestors gathered for a peaceful Black Lives Matter rally in Dallas. Despite that, Texas Governor Greg Abbott reportedly said that police would "continue down every rabbit trail... ensuring that we eliminate any other possible suspects or co-conspirators.” It was added that the gunman was upset over the recent shootings of black men Alton Sterling and Philando Castile, and “wanted to kill white people, especially white officers.” Dallas Mayor Mike Rawlings reportedly said on Friday that, “We believe now that the city is safe, and the suspect is dead, and we can move on to healing.” He added that Johnson was “mobile” during the ambush, and had written “manifestos on how to shoot and move, and he did that.”

After Johnson was killed in the early hours after the shootout, police officials reportedly searched his home and found bomb making materials, ballistic vests, rifles and ammunition, as well as a “journal of combat tactics,” which investigators are now poring over. Reports added that following the Thursday massacre, where seven others were also injured, U.S. President Barack Obama said that he plans to cut his trip to Europe short by one day, in order to travel to Dallas early next week after returning from Spain on the night of July 10. The White House reportedly added in a statement that, “Later in the week, at the White House, the President will continue the work to bring people together to support our police officers and communities, and find common ground by discussing policy ideas for addressing the persistent racial disparities in our criminal justice system.” The day is reportedly now the deadliest single day for law enforcement officers since the September 11, 2001 attacks.


Reports state that the sniper attacks as well as the gunning down of Sterling and Castile put into motion attacks all over the U.S. and in the U.K. as well. Protestors reportedly engaged in peaceful marches decrying the killings, wept, held signs and chanted “Black lives matter.” Further, Dallas saw the hosting of an interfaith vigil service to honour the police officers, and Black Lives Matter reportedly said that, “Black activists have raised the call for an end to violence, not an escalation of it. Yesterday's attack was the result of the actions of a lone gunman. To assign the actions of one person to an entire movement is dangerous and irresponsible. We continue our efforts to bring about a better world for all of us.” Further, flags outside the Peterborough Police station were lowered to half-staff, and protests also took place on London’s busy streets, with large crowds chanting and marching in a show of solidarity. However, the protests were also marred by an ethical debate that sprang up after police rigged a bomb-disposal robot to kill an armed suspect in the fatal Dallas shootings.

The debate reportedly questions the use of remote and semi-autonomous devices to fight crime and protect lives, and when it is appropriate to launch such a robot, rather than continue to negotiate surrender. Experts reportedly said, “Extreme emergencies shouldn't define the scope of more ordinary situations where police may want to use robots that are capable of harm,” but Dallas Police Chief David Brown reportedly defended his department's decision. Families of the dead officers are reportedly still reeling after the attacks, with Executive Director Charley Wilkison saying, “They are never going to be whole again… those families are ripped apart forever and the financial provider is gone.” He added, “Texas has the largest number of fallen officers in the history of America,” as 1,960 law enforcers have been killed in shootings, automobile accidents and other ways in the line of duty. Area police officers were reportedly outraged at the shooting of their comrades, with Police Superintendent William Colarulo blaming the national rage over police-involved shootings of black men on incomplete video clips circulated by news outlets and on social media.

Nation outraged after Dallas shooter identified as US Army reservist

See also:

Dallas suspect was sent home from Afghanistan
Sunday 10th July, 2016 - The Dallas sniper had been sent home from Afghanistan after being accused of sexually harassing a female, and was described as a loner who followed black militant groups on social media.
Micah Xavier Johnson, who fatally shot five officers and wounded seven more before police killed him with a remote-controlled bomb on Friday, lived with family members in the blue-collar suburb of Mesquite, where he played basketball for hours at a time. Friends there said the 25-year-old black man didn’t seem interested in politics, but his Facebook page suggests otherwise: He “liked” black militant groups including the African American Defence League and the New Black Panther Party, which was founded in Dallas. His photo showed him wearing a dashiki and raising his fist over the words “Black Power,” and his cover shot carried the red, black and green Pan-African flag.

For six years starting in 2009, Johnson served in the Army Reserve as a private first class with a specialty in carpentry and masonry, the military said. In May 2014, six months into his Afghanistan tour, he was accused of sexual harassment by a female soldier. The Army sent him stateside, recommending an “other than honourable discharge,” said Bradford Glendening, the military lawyer who represented him. That recommendation was “highly unusual,” Bradford said, since counselling is usually ordered before more drastic steps are taken. “In his case, it was apparently so egregious, it was not just the act itself,” Glendening told The Associated Press. “I’m sure that this guy was the black sheep of his unit.”


Micah Xavier Johnson, a man suspected by Dallas Police in a shooting attack and who was killed during a manhunt, is seen in an undated photo from his Facebook account.​

According to a court filing Glendening read over the phone Friday, the victim said she wanted Johnson to “receive mental help,” while also seeking a protective order to keep him away from her and her family, wherever they went. Johnson was ordered to avoid all contact with her. Glendening said Johnson was set to be removed from the Army in September 2014 because of the incident, but instead got an honourable discharge months later — for reasons he can’t understand. “Someone really screwed up,” he said. “But to my client’s benefit.” When authorities searched Johnson’s home Friday they found bomb-making materials, ballistic vests, rifles, ammunition, and a personal journal of combat tactics. Dallas Police Chief David O. Brown said Johnson told negotiators before he was killed that he was acting alone and was unaffiliated with any group.

The chief said Johnson cited the fatal shootings of black men by police officers in Louisiana and Minnesota, which prompted the protest march in Dallas and many other cities. “The suspect said he was upset with white people and wanted to kill white people, especially white officers,” Brown said. Activists with Black Lives Matter, whose peaceful march police were guarding as he opened fire, repudiated the shootings, and it wasn’t immediately clear if Johnson had any connection to the movement, which has disavowed violence. But one of the groups Johnson “liked” on Facebook, the African American Defence League, posted a message earlier in the week encouraging violence against police in response to the killing in Louisiana.

Im laughing...........go back and check out some of the gun grabber k00k posts about the AR15 following Orlando. I remember people ( like me ) listing many, many rifles that would be as effective or more effective if your goal was to kill many!! The limpwristers are clueless on this because they get their info from the media who is clueless!! Which is why the idea of gun bans is beyond retarded.:eusa_dance::eusa_dance:
2aGuy........for Christsakes, one can make a few speedloaders for a 930 Mossberg with tube extensions and shooting sabot slugs..........carnage beyond belief!!:ack-1: Savage now makes a semi-auto .17HMR that fires a nasty-ass little round with 10rd clips......not a combat weapon but with cover, that round tumbling through a torso likely to be lethal!! The gun grabbers........its like you or I getting on here and suggesting neuro-surgeon techniques to neuro-surgeons or a progressive dictating NHL rules to a Jamaican guy:biggrin:
I just saw this but he did not use an AR-15......he used a deer hunting rifle...an sks......can anyone confirm this?

10round fixed magazine? Not on the 1990s adulation weapon ban list.....

It just worse and worse for the gun grabbers.....

Not an Assault Weapon: Dallas Police murderer used an SKS semi-automatic rifle - Crime Prevention Research Center

again, President Obama is pushing for gun control laws wouldn’t have stopped the attack that is being used to motivate the new law.

Micah Xavier Johnson, the man who killed 5 police officers and wounded 7 others, used a SKS semi-automatic rifle. The SKS is a gun that was designed 73 years ago. It is essentially a deer hunting rifle in terms of its inside guns and the caliber of its bullets (.30 caliber). This gun wasn’t classified as an assault weapon under the Federal assault weapon ban. The President’s call to renew the ban wouldn’t have affected the gun used in this shooting. Given that this gun is functionally identical to all other .30 caliber semi-automatic rifles, one would have to ban all semi-automatic .30 caliber rifles.

Given all the discussion about magazine sizes, “SKS rifles generally have a 10 round fixed magazine that can be loaded via stripper clips. Larger capacity fixed magazines with questionable reliability are available as well. Some SKS aficionadas can load the gun with stripper clips with the same speed as loading a detachable magazine into an AR-15 or AK-47. It does take practice, however.”
How fortunate.

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