Daddy's A She Now?

Watch as a little girl finds out her dad is transgender

Now she want's to be a boy:

It's sick and disgusting and the child should be removed from such a twisted, messed-up environment and fostered or adopted into a mentally stable environment.

Transgenderism is a psychological issue, they're not well in the head.

Transgendered is the wrong term for these people. It is Transvestite.

Well Transvestite means they still have the body parts they were born with, but they dress in the opposite genders clothing. Transgender means they have the body parts they were born with chopped off and get the opposite genders body parts constructed for them and surgically put on.

The man in the OP video, he's had his dick chopped off, so he can't be a Transvestite.

I know what you mean, but with Y Chromosones, he is a Transvestite. I refuse to lable them with the lie that they changed their gender by chopping off a dick.

As long as they are only hurting themselves its ok.
Hey Carla,

You keep repping my posts. That's a kind of following. I thought you didn't want to even read my posts???
When a child is involved the only thing to feel freer about is being a good role model. Most times a child's only version of what is normal, and good in this world is that established by the parent.
When a child is involved the only thing to feel freer about is being a good role model. Most times a child's only version of what is normal, and good in this world is that established by the parent.
What do you want to model for your child? A happy, healthy adult that will encourage their children to be happy and healthy adults.
Isn't is destort wonderful that people feel freer to be themselves?
Yes. Its the 2 sided coin of liberalism. The family institution is destroyed but those who found it oppressive can live differently.

like Scar in the lion king haha.
Yeah, I suppose some people may look at it that way. I lost my dad to suicide and the reasons for it were complex and varied but included him not accepting himself for who and what he was.
Watch as a little girl finds out her dad is transgender

Now she want's to be a boy:

It's sick and disgusting and the child should be removed from such a twisted, messed-up environment and fostered or adopted into a mentally stable environment.

Transgenderism is a psychological issue, they're not well in the head.

Transgendered is the wrong term for these people. It is Transvestite.

Well Transvestite means they still have the body parts they were born with, but they dress in the opposite genders clothing. Transgender means they have the body parts they were born with chopped off and get the opposite genders body parts constructed for them and surgically put on.

The man in the OP video, he's had his dick chopped off, so he can't be a Transvestite.

I know what you mean, but with Y Chromosones, he is a Transvestite. I refuse to lable them with the lie that they changed their gender by chopping off a dick.

Meh, you've probably treated a few as little ladies and not known it.
When a child is involved the only thing to feel freer about is being a good role model. Most times a child's only version of what is normal, and good in this world is that established by the parent.
What do you want to model for your child? A happy, healthy adult that will encourage their children to be happy and healthy adults.
If I ever have a child I would hope that I have achieved a level of self honesty where if I had questions about who or what I am they would be resolved, accepted and made part of my lifestyle in a way where they do not eclipse the emotional needs of the child.
This kid will grow up to be a drug addict and mentally ill. Her parents are failing her.
This kid will grow up to be a drug addict and mentally ill. Her parents are failing her.
This guy has no business raising a child at this point in his life. What a selfish prick!
This kid will grow up to be a drug addict and mentally ill. Her parents are failing her.
This guy has no business raising a child at this point in his life. What a selfish prick!
Amen to this. When people put what they want for themselves over the well fare of a child, they have no business being a parent at all period.

God bless you always!!!

Watch as a little girl finds out her dad is transgender

Now she want's to be a boy:

It's sick and disgusting and the child should be removed from such a twisted, messed-up environment and fostered or adopted into a mentally stable environment.

Transgenderism is a psychological issue, they're not well in the head.

I agree. This whole transgender thing is sick. These people need to see a psychiatrist rather than an MD who enables their insanity.

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