Cyber strike against Russia being prepared by CIA


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Sep 22, 2016
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Cyber strike against Russia being prepared by CIA - Full article
The Obama administration is contemplating an unprecedented cyber covert action against Russia in retaliation for alleged Russian interference in the American presidential election, U.S. intelligence officials told NBC News.

Current and former officials with direct knowledge of the situation say the CIA has been asked to deliver options to the White House for a wide-ranging "clandestine" cyber operation designed to harass and "embarrass" the Kremlin leadership.
They must have internal polls that show Trump winning. They haven't presented any evidence that Russia hacked a damn thing. This is nothing more than the Democratic Party preparing for a Trump victory. They must not have enough dead voters to guarantee a win so this is a "just in case" move. If he Donald wins, Obama declares Russia hacked our system and now we have to nullify the results. There's no way they'll go down without a fight, no matter what they have to do.
The Obama administration is contemplating an unprecedented cyber covert action against Russia in retaliation for alleged Russian interference in the American presidential election ......
What do you mean alleged? They've got 100% proof of it! It's sealed inside of a capsule, buried in a crate containing WMD's ........ somewhere in the Iraki desert.
The Obama administration is contemplating an unprecedented cyber covert action against Russia in retaliation for alleged Russian interference in the American presidential election ......
What do you mean alleged? They've got 100% proof of it! It's sealed inside of a capsule, buried in a crate containing WMD's ........ somewhere in the Iraki desert.
real talk they got proof?
The Obama administration is contemplating an unprecedented cyber covert action against Russia in retaliation for alleged Russian interference in the American presidential election ......
What do you mean alleged? They've got 100% proof of it! It's sealed inside of a capsule, buried in a crate containing WMD's ........ somewhere in the Iraki desert.
real talk they got proof?
Come on! Read what I really wrote.
Yup, the Ruskies, like Trump and alt righters, are caught red handed.
Caught red handed but no proof. We're supposed to take the word of a known liar? Nah, let's see the evidence.
Caught red handed but no proof. We're supposed to take the word of a known liar? Nah, let's see the evidence.
You have been given it above, so you don't get "just once more", because you don't deserve it.
Caught red handed but no proof. We're supposed to take the word of a known liar? Nah, let's see the evidence.
You have been given it above, so you don't get "just once more", because you don't deserve it.
You call this proof?

The Obama organization is mulling over an extraordinary digital secretive activity against Russia in countering for claimed Russian obstruction in the American presidential decision, U.S. knowledge authorities told NBC News.

"Claimed" is not proof, Jack.
Thankfully the Russian angle is just a wild goose chase. The hackers are Anonymous---and they are legion.
Besides, the CIA has never and will never announce any plans or strategies. They operate in secrecy. Fact.
agreed its a wild
Thankfully the Russian angle is just a wild goose chase. The hackers are Anonymous---and they are legion.
Besides, the CIA has never and will never announce any plans or strategies. They operate in secrecy. Fact.
goose chase

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