Custom Officials Seize Small Packages of Lifesaving Ivermectin and HCQ in Chicago While Record Amounts of Fentanyl Continue to Flow Across The Border


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

Custom Officials Seize Small Packages of Lifesaving Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine in Chicago While Record Amounts of Fentanyl Continue to Flow Across Southern Border​

10 Oct 2921 ~~ By Jim Hoft
Customs and Border officials captured two small packages of Ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine at Chicago’s O’Hare Airport recently. The two drugs would not have raised an eyebrow before the COVID pandemic. But since the Democrats and media politicized the completely safe, inexpensive and effective medications the Customs agents are on the lookout for these cheap drugs.
The agents captured packages of 132 Ivermectin pills, and 40 hydroxychloroquine pills.
Meanwhile Mexican cartels continue to smuggle record amounts of fentanyl into the country this year.
Newsweek reported:
Shipments containing Ivermectin tablets and Hydroxychloroquine pills were recently seized by customs officials in Chicago.​
According to a press release from Customs and Border Protection (CBP), the seizure happened at the international mail facility within Chicago’s O’Hare International Airport on October 4.​
Meanwhile thousands of teens have and will overdose from Fentanyl similar to George Floyd.

See: Mother of teen who died of suspected fentanyl overdose speaks out

The government KNOWS the main sources of fentanyl yet do nothing to slow or stop it from coming in.
We also know from states like India and Singapore that Ivermectin does work in treating Covid-19 and it's variants.
We are ruled by by ideological psychopaths and incompetents! CONSENT OF The PEOPLE IS REVOKED!
Seems legit! :auiqs.jpg:

Custom Officials Seize Small Packages of Lifesaving Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine in Chicago While Record Amounts of Fentanyl Continue to Flow Across Southern Border​

10 Oct 2921 ~~ By Jim Hoft
Customs and Border officials captured two small packages of Ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine at Chicago’s O’Hare Airport recently. The two drugs would not have raised an eyebrow before the COVID pandemic. But since the Democrats and media politicized the completely safe, inexpensive and effective medications the Customs agents are on the lookout for these cheap drugs.
The agents captured packages of 132 Ivermectin pills, and 40 hydroxychloroquine pills.
Meanwhile Mexican cartels continue to smuggle record amounts of fentanyl into the country this year.
Newsweek reported:
Shipments containing Ivermectin tablets and Hydroxychloroquine pills were recently seized by customs officials in Chicago.​
According to a press release from Customs and Border Protection (CBP), the seizure happened at the international mail facility within Chicago’s O’Hare International Airport on October 4.​
Meanwhile thousands of teens have and will overdose from Fentanyl similar to George Floyd.

See: Mother of teen who died of suspected fentanyl overdose speaks out

The government KNOWS the main sources of fentanyl yet do nothing to slow or stop it from coming in.
We also know from states like India and Singapore that Ivermectin does work in treating Covid-19 and it's variants.
We are ruled by by ideological psychopaths and incompetents! CONSENT OF The PEOPLE IS REVOKED!

Why do you ignore this?

Why do you ignore this?
because it does not fit the narrative....
From the OP

"The press release said that while officers were conducting an x-ray inspection of a package from China, “officers noticed some discrepancies.” The package stated that it contained “decorative beads,” CBP said.

After officers noticed the discrepancies within this package, they conducted a further investigation and discovered that instead of “decorative beads,” the package actually contained 100 tablets of Ivermectin…

…In addition to the package from China, CBP said that they intercepted another package arriving from Mexico that contained 32 more Ivermectin tablets and 40 Hydroxychloroquine pills." try to sneak ANY kind of drug in from overseas and it will be confiscated.

Why do you ignore this?
Why do you stupid LWNJ moonbats ignore the fact that when George Floyd died he had a lethal dose of fentanyl in him?
What do you think a lethal dose of fentanyl is
Doesn't matter what I think or what an uneducated slob like you thinks. It matters what the experts think. That's why your argument was shot down in the trial of Chauvin. Or did you miss that?

"Dr. Daniel Isenschmid, a toxicologist at NMS Labs in Pennsylvania, presented data at trial from more than 2,300 blood samples in fentanyl DUI cases from the last year. He showed that while the average fentanyl blood level was close to 9.6 ng/ml, a quarter of people tested had 11 ng/ml or higher. (Important to note: Blood samples were taken from drivers who tested positive for fentanyl and were alive at the time of collection.) "

Isenschmid also showed that Floyd's blood ratio of fentanyl to norfentanyl, the molecule fentanyl is broken down to once in the body, was lower than the average ratio both for people who died of overdoses and those arrested for DUI who lived.

Overdose victims who die rarely have norfentanyl in their blood, since death often occurs before the body can break the drug down, he said."
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Doesn't matter what I think or what an uneducated slob like you thinks. It matters what the experts think
I am the expert.

I predicted fentanyl over 20 years before it was invented.

Morons like you are ignorant of the extreme illegal juror intimidation that convicted Chauvin.

George Floyd was not strangled to death by that man's knee.

George Floyd overdosed AGAIN (this was not his first time being taken to the ER with an overdose) this time, fatally.

And according to the test results, the totally maskless George Floyd had COVID-19 while he was monkey hooting in peoples' faces.

Hmmm... notice that none of the resident LWNJ moonbats at USMB ever criticize George Floyd for not wearing a mask.
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because it does not fit the narrative....

Statistics are only available for the drugs seized at points of entry. There are no tallies of the drugs smuggled across the borders at other porous points without barriers.
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You are an uneducated slob as far as any relevant field is concerned. The expert testified at the trial and destroyed your argument, because your argument is wrong. Chauvin is in prison. Join us in reality.
You're a low IQ idiot.

I was getting paid to tutor medical students when I was only 10 years old. I am an expert.

I scored 158 on the Stanford-Binet IQ test.

I've also had real life experience seeing 2 people overdose and die right in front of me.

Your IQ is merely double digits.
You're a low IQ idiot.

I was getting paid to tutor medical students when I was only 10 years old. I am an expert.
You are no such thing, you are an imposter and the defense did not call you or any other uneducated slob like you. Your argument got obliterated in court, on the record, while you sat there and watched youtube videos. Join us in reality.

Another country begins to use ivermectin to treat Chinese Covid virus...

New Ivermectin Protocols Used in Five Argentinian Provinces Further Prove the Drug’s Effectiveness Against Covid-19​

Doctors who discuss treatments that don’t involve the “vaccines” are equally obliterated within their field. Ivermectin, Zinc, Hydroxychloroquine, and a slew of other demonstrably effective treatment alternatives are taboo. The reason is obvious: If there are effective treatments to a disease whose “vaccines” do not offer adequate protection, then what’s the point of getting the jab in the first place?

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