Cue universal basic income debate: Brazil has distributed so much cash directly to its citizens in response to corona that poverty is at historic lows


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015
socialism works, my friends!

I believe that if an individual's stance on work is, "I just don't want to work, gimmie money." That individual is not deserving of any income whatsoever. He or she is just a drain on society.
As for Brazil, Sunni Man is correct. The level of poverty in Brazil, makes our poor, look positively rich. The poor there, live in 3rd World poverty conditions. The poor in the subsidized housing here, live a hell of a lot better than that.
I believe that if an individual's stance on work is, "I just don't want to work, gimmie money." That individual is not deserving of any income whatsoever. He or she is just a drain on society.
As for Brazil, Sunni Man is correct. The level of poverty in Brazil, makes our poor, look positively rich. The poor there, live in 3rd World poverty conditions. The poor in the subsidized housing here, live a hell of a lot better than that.
Proof right wingers don't care about the laws and are willing to sacrifice the End to the Means merely for their socialism on a national basis.
Basquebromance, until the USA has enacted and have had some years of experiencing a federal minimum wage rate of substantially much greater purchasing power annually monitored and adjusted to retain that purchasing power, the U.S. Congress is not likely to consider and is unlikely to pass a Universal Basic Income, (i.e. UBI) act.
Respectfully, Supposn
I believe that if an individual's stance on work is, "I just don't want to work, gimmie money." That individual is not deserving of any income whatsoever. He or she is just a drain on society.
As for Brazil, Sunni Man is correct. The level of poverty in Brazil, makes our poor, look positively rich. The poor there, live in 3rd World poverty conditions. The poor in the subsidized housing here, live a hell of a lot better than that.
Proof that the so called “War on Poverty” has been a huge success!

Thank you LBJ!
What in the fuck are you talking about? I have been in Brazil for the last 6 months and this is complete bullshit.
Poverty is still rampant here. What a complete load of horse shit. The economic impact of Covid has been severe. Poverty is going to get worse. ALSO the government handouts are UNSUSTAINABLE.
Show us some proof of you being in Brazil, or are you merely on the right wing.

Economist Daniel Duque, the main investigator, said poverty has, in fact, hit the lowest rate since data collection began 40 years ago but a shift in definitions in 2004 makes direct comparison before then slightly complicated. He added that unpublished measurements from July and August show that inequality calculated by the so-called Gini coefficient fell below 0.5 for the first time ever.
Don't worry its coming here only a matter of time till the Democrats get in and fuck everything up.
lol. The right wing is worse. Y'all don't mind the socialism of our fake news and alleged wars on crime, drugs, and terror. Just waste of money that is not being used to promote the general welfare.
Alleged war on crime? The last I checked, when a crime occurs, law enforcement arrests the criminal when located. The Democrat politicians in the large cities, are the ones soft on crime and just keep letting criminals out by being soft on crime, to commit more crimes. We certainly do dislike the left's "fake news." However, we have a Constitution that protects journalists, as well as the "freedom of speech." I'm guessing that your preference when it comes to the "war on drugs," would be to just not enforce it at all and allow the drug dealers to sell those "self-destroying" substances to customers and children, thus endangering not only the customers, but others in the public as well. As for Islamic terrorists, we have been doing quite well at going after them, here in the United States. However, our Constitution makes it clear that Congress can make no law regarding the establishment of religion, thus restricting actions against those religious ideologies preached by religious organizations.
If our Constitutional freedoms bother you so much, pack your bags and move to, well, China, Cuba, Venezuela, Vietnam, or North Korea.
Don't worry its coming here only a matter of time till the Democrats get in and fuck everything up.
lol. The right wing is worse. Y'all don't mind the socialism of our fake news and alleged wars on crime, drugs, and terror. Just waste of money that is not being used to promote the general welfare.
Alleged war on crime? The last I checked, when a crime occurs, law enforcement arrests the criminal when located.
lol. That should happen regardless. It is why police exist. It does not take an alleged War on Crime to make that happen.
Don't worry its coming here only a matter of time till the Democrats get in and fuck everything up.
lol. The right wing is worse. Y'all don't mind the socialism of our fake news and alleged wars on crime, drugs, and terror. Just waste of money that is not being used to promote the general welfare.
Alleged war on crime? The last I checked, when a crime occurs, law enforcement arrests the criminal when located.
lol. That should happen regardless. It is why police exist. It does not take an alleged War on Crime to make that happen.
??? What should happen regardless?
Show us some proof of you being in Brazil, or are you merely on the right wing.


I attached an image of where they stamped my passport when I landed. Also I attached a picture of me overlooking some cool scenery.
No one here has yet to read the link.

I did. It and the OP are trying to make an argument for UBI/socialism by making it seem like some lasting changes have been made by a couple months of some governments handouts in Brazil. The economic damage from Covid is not even fully realized in Brazil yet. Poverty is going to go up and the government handouts are not sustainable at all. It's a terrible article and a terrible thread. Nothing that has happened in Brazil in response to Covid proves that socialism works.
Don't worry its coming here only a matter of time till the Democrats get in and fuck everything up.
lol. The right wing is worse. Y'all don't mind the socialism of our fake news and alleged wars on crime, drugs, and terror. Just waste of money that is not being used to promote the general welfare.
Alleged war on crime? The last I checked, when a crime occurs, law enforcement arrests the criminal when located.
lol. That should happen regardless. It is why police exist. It does not take an alleged War on Crime to make that happen.
??? What should happen regardless?
The last I checked, when a crime occurs, law enforcement arrests the criminal when located.

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