Cuban Media: Negro Obama Incited Rebellion And Disorder In Cuba


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
Nothing gets printed in their paper without the blessings of the State.

The Havana Tribune, a state-controlled Cuban newspaper, has added insult to injury following Fidel Castro’s scathing criticism of President Barack Obama upon his departure from the island. In an editorial, the title of which refers to President Obama as “negro,” an opinion columnist has accused him of “inciting rebellion.”

The article is titled “Negro, ¿Tu Eres Sueco?” which roughly translates to “Black Man, Are You Dumb?” (The idiom “pretend to be a Swede” means to play dumb, hence the title is literally asking, “Are you Swedish?”) The author, who is black, goes on to condemn President Obama for meeting with Cuban pro-democracy activists and “subtly” suggesting that the Cuban Revolution needed to change. “Obama came, saw, but unfortunately, with the pretend gesture of lending a hand, tried to conquer,” Elias Argudín writes.

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Obama's tough. He can take it. If anyone expected Cuba to kneel and kiss the ring, they're deluded.
Sounds like Cuban politics has become almost as uncivil as ours.
Isn't it the weirdest thing: Cuba is a shit-hole kleptocracy that has blamed its shit-holiness on El Embargo for generations, and yet they say they don't need any help from the U.S. How does that work, exactly?
The Cubans laugh at the lame propaganda of our far right racists is what's happening.
the people have been left in the dark about thing happening around the world about Obama. they have blacked out anything bad and made it seem like the whole wide world was just IN Love with that historical man who was sent to us from the heaven above to grace us all with his saintly self .

Here is part of that reason why

this media has become an enemy to us. people need to get their political news else where if they want anything of the truth
the people have been left in the dark about thing happening around the world about Obama. they have blacked out anything bad and made it seem like the whole wide world was just IN Love with that historical man who was sent to us from the heaven above to grace us all with his saintly self .

Here is part of that reason why

this media has become an enemy to us. people need to get their political news else where if they want anything of the truth
Somebody is beginning to come out of her latest drunken stupor.
when isn't that thin skinned ugly man not fuming. I've never been, more ashamed and embarrassed of the person put in President, as with this nasty person.
A sad clown.
He went there kissing their ass. Then they insult him. That is how the world looks at us now since the jackass was elected.

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