Cryin' Commies Run To The WTO

Nobody has ever stood up to Xi and his henchmen before and like all bully boys, he's frustrated and scared. So what does he do about Trump's spiraling tariffs? Begs mommy, the WTO, to step in to save him like she's saved China so many times before. Only this time, that will get him nowhere. The President is threatening to pull out of the WTO, which he can do with an executive order. Sure, the Rats will take him to court, and lose. But that's not even necessary and here's why:

While calling for reforms to the institution's rules, the Trump administration also has effectively paralysed its work. By blocking naming of new members to the appellate panel part of the Dispute Settlement Body that arbitrates disputes, the system will grind to a halt by the end of the year.

Trump threatens to pull US from WTO 'if we have to'
Trump stupidity continues to amaze me.

Stupid, empty posts amaze me. You got a link to prove his stupidity?
Looks to me that the stupid dems have no one capable of beating Trump in 2020, so buckle-up buttercup...

How is this for a link showing his stupidity...

Trump Displays Altered Map Of Hurricane Dorian's Path To Include Alabama
America needs nothing from other countries, globalist traitor Bushes and Clintons weakened our manufacturing base, time to rectify that.

Trump knows what he's doing, and it's for the good of our country.
Traitor repubs made unions the enemy, sending jobs overseas.
No, dumbass. Unions are the enemy, and so were those traitor repubs and democrats.

H.W. drafted NAFTA, but Clinton signed it into law on his way out. A big "Fuck You" to America and Americans from both of them.

The bill passed with 132 Republicans in the House and 34 in the Senate supporting it...

As opposed to only 102 and 27 for the Democrats.
Ever heard of Hurricane Fernand, moron? Trump was referring to that not Dorian....At the time of his comment they didn't know where in the upper Gulf it would hit. My advice? lay off the drugs.
Nobody has ever stood up to Xi and his henchmen before and like all bully boys, he's frustrated and scared. So what does he do about Trump's spiraling tariffs? Begs mommy, the WTO, to step in to save him like she's saved China so many times before. Only this time, that will get him nowhere. The President is threatening to pull out of the WTO, which he can do with an executive order. Sure, the Rats will take him to court, and lose. But that's not even necessary and here's why:

While calling for reforms to the institution's rules, the Trump administration also has effectively paralysed its work. By blocking naming of new members to the appellate panel part of the Dispute Settlement Body that arbitrates disputes, the system will grind to a halt by the end of the year.

Trump threatens to pull US from WTO 'if we have to'
Trump stupidity continues to amaze me.

Stupid, empty posts amaze me. You got a link to prove his stupidity?
Looks to me that the stupid dems have no one capable of beating Trump in 2020, so buckle-up buttercup...

How is this for a link showing his stupidity...

Trump Displays Altered Map Of Hurricane Dorian's Path To Include Alabama

Alabama, one of our 57 States
Nobody has ever stood up to Xi and his henchmen before and like all bully boys, he's frustrated and scared. So what does he do about Trump's spiraling tariffs? Begs mommy, the WTO, to step in to save him like she's saved China so many times before. Only this time, that will get him nowhere. The President is threatening to pull out of the WTO, which he can do with an executive order. Sure, the Rats will take him to court, and lose. But that's not even necessary and here's why:

While calling for reforms to the institution's rules, the Trump administration also has effectively paralysed its work. By blocking naming of new members to the appellate panel part of the Dispute Settlement Body that arbitrates disputes, the system will grind to a halt by the end of the year.


Trump threatens to pull US from WTO 'if we have to'
Trump stupidity continues to amaze me.
Not as much as his supporters though, hard as that is to believe.
Alabama, one of our 57 States

I believe that Trump is a better president than Obama was in most every way. But this is one area that he is not. When Obama made the 57 states mistake he did not get out a map of the US and try to draw more states, he admitted he misspoke and moved on.

Trump cannot do this, Trump cannot admit he was wrong, and thus he does things like show a map where he drew on it with a sharpie...and he did so knowing that you worshipers would cover for him, you would deflect and dodge for him
America needs nothing from other countries, globalist traitor Bushes and Clintons weakened our manufacturing base, time to rectify that.

Trump knows what he's doing, and it's for the good of our country.
Traitor repubs made unions the enemy, sending jobs overseas.
No, dumbass. Unions are the enemy, and so were those traitor repubs and democrats.

H.W. drafted NAFTA, but Clinton signed it into law on his way out. A big "Fuck You" to America and Americans from both of them.

The bill passed with 132 Republicans in the House and 34 in the Senate supporting it...

As opposed to only 102 and 27 for the Democrats.

And that makes it OK because-?
Same assholes that voted themselves immune from insider trading laws, no?
Ever heard of Hurricane Fernand, moron? Trump was referring to that not Dorian....At the time of his comment they didn't know where in the upper Gulf it would hit. My advice? lay off the drugs.

Bull shit you fucking moron. It was not even a hurricane when Trump made his comment about Alabama, in fact it has never been a hurricane.
And that makes it OK because-?
Same assholes that voted themselves immune from insider trading laws, no?

didnt make any comment on ok or not, just popped the stupid narrative that it was all the Dems and Clinton.
Nobody has ever stood up to Xi and his henchmen before and like all bully boys, he's frustrated and scared. So what does he do about Trump's spiraling tariffs? Begs mommy, the WTO, to step in to save him like she's saved China so many times before. Only this time, that will get him nowhere. The President is threatening to pull out of the WTO, which he can do with an executive order. Sure, the Rats will take him to court, and lose. But that's not even necessary and here's why:

While calling for reforms to the institution's rules, the Trump administration also has effectively paralysed its work. By blocking naming of new members to the appellate panel part of the Dispute Settlement Body that arbitrates disputes, the system will grind to a halt by the end of the year.


Trump threatens to pull US from WTO 'if we have to'

Trump conceded to China the day he pulled out of TPP.....
BTW, by answering our tariffs with tariffs of their own, China doesn't have a leg to stand on with the WTO's most-favored nation status. In other words, they're fucked.
Xi is eating Trump's LUNCH...unfortunately ours too
Trump promoted himself as a deal maker

yet 3 years later there is no deal

Problem 1 - the growing trade deficit

okay but still the answer is not trade wars

It is said that the US can make everything it needs but it doesn't because we can get it cheaper elsewhere

So the question is if they can't make it cheaper in the US then why should I have to pay more for it when I can get it cheaper. Your gonna have a trade deficit

The US imports 530 billion in goods, and yes some Americans are making money on this

US exports 120 billions and yes some Americans are making money on this

Make a deal Senor deal maker

transfer of technology and IP - well companies willing did this to gain access to their market and those who sold their companies to the Chinese

Russia is just as bad with IP but Trump does not even mention it or is planning to do anything about it

Personally I do not care about IP
in other countries but if they join the WTO and agreed to their rules then they do have an obligation to control it

The question is how does trade war change anything

Does Trump want to even the playing field or will he except some tweaking of the numbers in which case there still a deficit

So he is forced into trade wars at the expense of some Americans

Now China has a lot of people and any businessman wants some of that and they are not worried about Trade deficit only about making money

US is a member of WTO if your case is strong then you will win - no worries

Still my question to Trump

while Russian trade totals are nowhere near China but when looking at percentage wise there is a 40 percent difference with Russia. They do steal intellectual property and he says nothing and there is a trade deficit
We should have never hitched our wagon to China. Their government and corporations are brutal totalitarians. They're cheap, dishonest, thieving, rat bastards who would do anything to dominate the US. Kissinger and Nixon were idiots to think otherwise. I remember the excuse being that if we engaged them freedom and human rights would follow. How's that working out? And that brings us to the series of idiotic Presidents who let the relationship get worse and worse. So now that we finally have a real President who challenges them and tells them like it is, we have some imbeciles crying for the old days. Screw them selfish bastards.
Trump conceded to China the day he pulled out of TPP.....

Interestingly enough, from all reports the "new" trade deal with Japan is almost identical to what we would have had in the TPP.
We should have never hitched our wagon to China. Their government and corporations are brutal totalitarians. They're cheap, dishonest, thieving, rat bastards who would do anything to dominate the US. Kissinger and Nixon were idiots to think otherwise. I remember the excuse being that if we engaged them freedom and human rights would follow. How's that working out? And that brings us to the series of idiotic Presidents who let the relationship get worse and worse. So now that we finally have a real President who challenges them and tells them like it is, we have some imbeciles crying for the old days. Screw them selfish bastards.
You realize that Trump has most of his shit manufactured in....wait for it.....

Trump conceded to China the day he pulled out of TPP.....

Interestingly enough, from all reports the "new" trade deal with Japan is almost identical to what we would have had in the TPP.
typical Trump manuvers, he uses the previous deals and tweaks them and claims does his victory dance

his supporters fall in line behind them and hey now you got a party train dance

Watch out for that cliff
We should have never hitched our wagon to China. Their government and corporations are brutal totalitarians. They're cheap, dishonest, thieving, rat bastards who would do anything to dominate the US. Kissinger and Nixon were idiots to think otherwise. I remember the excuse being that if we engaged them freedom and human rights would follow. How's that working out? And that brings us to the series of idiotic Presidents who let the relationship get worse and worse. So now that we finally have a real President who challenges them and tells them like it is, we have some imbeciles crying for the old days. Screw them selfish bastards.
You realize that Trump has most of his shit manufactured in....wait for it.....


and his daughter who is suppose to be a government official got 18 trade marks rights in china

So while people are losing money with the tradewars, Trump daughter is making money

Maga is the american way

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