Cruz May Have Just Shit-Canned His Career

Before it's over Cruz will switch and become a democrat. He's having a little temper tantrum and we know he is not a man of his word.

:lol: You guys crack me up. You're voting for a person who actually IS a Dem (do some homework) then spewing that one of the few conservatives (he stuck to his principles by not endorsing Trump, despite knowing what the result would be) is going to become a Dem. Ha, ha, did you really type that? :lol:
Mr Trump knew Ted was not going to endorse him and had him as a guest anyway....for the free publicity. TRUMP KNEW his supporters would be upset and boo Ted. This was just Devious Donald using his magical art of using divisiveness for his advantage..... this is clear as day.
What retard voted THAT a winner? Trump said he saw the speech two hours early. He should have canned him? The fallout would have doomed him, it would have been really bad. You are nothing but a hack and will only apply the worst motivations to your enemies. What apathetic hack, sorry you guys don't have a decent candidate to glow over, smearing shit is the left's only hope.
Of course Trump knew what was going to happen....just because you have been blinded by his stardom, and don't see his mastery of knowing his bots, doesn't mean the rest of us can't see through him and his artful craftiness.

Trump spoke with Ted two days ago....he knew he would not support him...stop trying to fool yourself.
Your pile of bullshit keeps mounting. Asshole losers that can't defend themselves throw out further allegations. I don't need to defend myself from the likes of you.

You don't know his mind or mine. Or your own for that matter. The party owns you.
Okee Dokee..... :lol:
what did he do

Nothing, just more of the Trumpbots doing their best to ensure Trump loses this election by being total dickheads.

Not really, just watch you DIE HARD Cruz supporters VOTING FOR HILLARY....America will thank you for throwing away our ONLY and LAST HOPE of saving SCOTUS and the country on your BUTT HURT feelings, and REFUSAL to do what Cruz SIGNED to do.... He will NEVER be elected to anything national again IF he, and the rest of you Cruzers don't get behind THE LEGITIMATE CANDIDATE of the Republican party!

Why would people who supported Cruz vote for hillary?? That doesn't even make sense.
A non vote for trump is a plus for Hillary,
Not a big Trump fan but I will vote for him because I know the alternative is Hillary and that would be an intolerable outcome. In essence I'm not voting for someone I'm voting against someone, in this case Hillary Clinton. I don't know why Cruz couldn't do the same.
I heard on the radio that, right after his speech, Cruz sent out a fundraising email.

Has anyone else heard that?
It was actually a GoFund Me facebook plea.
It seems he needs cab fare to get to the airport and to buy a plane ticket back to Calgary.
This time next year he'll be teaching at a Jr. college in Lethbridge.
Before it's over Cruz will switch and become a democrat. He's having a little temper tantrum and we know he is not a man of his word.

:lol: You guys crack me up. You're voting for a person who actually IS a Dem (do some homework) then spewing that one of the few conservatives (he stuck to his principles by not endorsing Trump, despite knowing what the result would be) is going to become a Dem. Ha, ha, did you really type that? :lol:
Yes I did. I watched Charlie Crist do the same thing when Rubio beat him out of a senate seat. Been there done that. Now I remember Trump insulting Cruz's wife and I also remember everyone signing an agreement that they would back whoever was nominated. Well, the people chose did they not? Yes, they did. Whatever Trump is he's the people's choice. The people are sick of electing Republican politicians who sell them out. Cruz signed that agreement and then sold out the people last night. It is what typical politicians do. Now if Trump wins and dosen't do what he says he will do then his ass will be gone.
Mr Trump knew Ted was not going to endorse him and had him as a guest anyway....for the free publicity. TRUMP KNEW his supporters would be upset and boo Ted. This was just Devious Donald using his magical art of using divisiveness for his advantage..... this is clear as day.
What retard voted THAT a winner? Trump said he saw the speech two hours early. He should have canned him? The fallout would have doomed him, it would have been really bad. You are nothing but a hack and will only apply the worst motivations to your enemies. What apathetic hack, sorry you guys don't have a decent candidate to glow over, smearing shit is the left's only hope.
Of course Trump knew what was going to happen....just because you have been blinded by his stardom, and don't see his mastery of knowing his bots, doesn't mean the rest of us can't see through him and his artful craftiness.

Trump spoke with Ted two days ago....he knew he would not support him...stop trying to fool yourself.
it's not Trumps job to keep Cruz from acting stupidly.
Mr Trump knew Ted was not going to endorse him and had him as a guest anyway....for the free publicity. TRUMP KNEW his supporters would be upset and boo Ted. This was just Devious Donald using his magical art of using divisiveness for his advantage..... this is clear as day.
What retard voted THAT a winner? Trump said he saw the speech two hours early. He should have canned him? The fallout would have doomed him, it would have been really bad. You are nothing but a hack and will only apply the worst motivations to your enemies. What apathetic hack, sorry you guys don't have a decent candidate to glow over, smearing shit is the left's only hope.
Of course Trump knew what was going to happen....just because you have been blinded by his stardom, and don't see his mastery of knowing his bots, doesn't mean the rest of us can't see through him and his artful craftiness.

Trump spoke with Ted two days ago....he knew he would not support him...stop trying to fool yourself.
Quit trying to sound like you know what you're talking about. You don't. You throw shit then back it up with more shit. That means you are devoid of meaningful content.

You lie and claim I'm blinded by Trump's stardom. I never watched his show and he isn't a star to me. Neither is anybody else. Quit being such a sack of shit.
Mr Trump knew Ted was not going to endorse him and had him as a guest anyway....for the free publicity. TRUMP KNEW his supporters would be upset and boo Ted. This was just Devious Donald using his magical art of using divisiveness for his advantage..... this is clear as day.

Pretty smart move by Trump. Pretty easy to read to. I prefer candidates a little more crafty, I think I give Hillary the edge in craftiness.

Makes it tough for people to decide on which candidate to choose. Do you go with crafty, dishonest 1%er or the read like a book crafty, dishonest 1%er?

Tough choice this election.

1. It seems he knew exactly what Cruz was about to do...could have declined having him speak...pretty smart move by Trump

2. Remember when Lindsey Graham publicized Trumps cell phone Trump had it play a 'Trump For President' commercial?
..pretty smart move by Trump

3. The speechwriter for his wife took responsibility and tried to resign...and Trump wouldn't accept it?
Magnanimous.... ..pretty smart move by Trump tough choice in the election.
Remember the Supreme Court.
what did he do
He stuck to his values instead of endorsing this Liberal in Republican clothing. Everyone riding the Trump train is butthurt.

No. There is only ONE road to victory at this point and that's with Trump.
I'm not disagreeing, and I do wish he had endorsed Trump, but sometimes values and dignity are more important. I'm not saying I agree with his actions, just that I understand them.
and sometimes stepping on a land mine rather than walking around it ends up in a blowed up scenario. Friends and neighbors, dying ted is dead.
No. There is only ONE road to victory at this point and that's with Trump.
I'm not disagreeing, and I do wish he had endorsed Trump, but sometimes values and dignity are more important. I'm not saying I agree with his actions, just that I understand them.

Wrong again. With a Hillary win, you can kiss this country bye bye.
I never said the opposite. I don't think you're reading my posts.

I read your post. What I'm saying is that your values better include saving our country otherwise your values don't mean a damned thing.
Probably, but at least he's no sellout. It's more than what all the 'Republicans' endorsing Hillary can say.
I highly doubt any republican will vote hillary. I just can't accept that. It's all talk and no walk. It ain't gonna happen. Keep dreaming though.
I'm not disagreeing, and I do wish he had endorsed Trump, but sometimes values and dignity are more important. I'm not saying I agree with his actions, just that I understand them.

Wrong again. With a Hillary win, you can kiss this country bye bye.
I never said the opposite. I don't think you're reading my posts.

I read your post. What I'm saying is that your values better include saving our country otherwise your values don't mean a damned thing.
Probably, but at least he's no sellout. It's more than what all the 'Republicans' endorsing Hillary can say.
I highly doubt any republican will vote hillary. I just can't accept that. It's all talk and no walk. It ain't gonna happen. Keep dreaming though.
You're right, no Republican will vote Hillary. There are people claiming to be Republican that will, though.
Wrong again. With a Hillary win, you can kiss this country bye bye.
I never said the opposite. I don't think you're reading my posts.

I read your post. What I'm saying is that your values better include saving our country otherwise your values don't mean a damned thing.
Probably, but at least he's no sellout. It's more than what all the 'Republicans' endorsing Hillary can say.
I highly doubt any republican will vote hillary. I just can't accept that. It's all talk and no walk. It ain't gonna happen. Keep dreaming though.
You're right, no Republican will vote Hillary. There are people claiming to be Republican that will, though.
they lie, or they are not republican.
He stuck to his values instead of endorsing this Liberal in Republican clothing. Everyone riding the Trump train is butthurt.

There is far far more at stake in this election than hurt egos or broken pride. This election could very well spell the end of our Republic. We are teetering on the brink as it is. With Hillary's Supreme Court appointees alone, this country won't resemble anything like what the Founders intended.
You are being hysterical. When you've figured out the exact day and hour of the End, please make sure to let us know.
He stuck to his values instead of endorsing this Liberal in Republican clothing. Everyone riding the Trump train is butthurt.

There is far far more at stake in this election than hurt egos or broken pride. This election could very well spell the end of our Republic. We are teetering on the brink as it is. With Hillary's Supreme Court appointees alone, this country won't resemble anything like what the Founders intended.
You are being hysterical. When you've figured out the exact day and hour of the End, please make sure to let us know.

How is he hysterical? How many Supreme Court nominees are coming up in the near future. I am thinking three, if that is true, then that is a compelling reason to vote for Congress and the President and it is critical. For that reason alone I might pick one of the two mainstream candidates.
Unlike Bernie Sanders, Cruz didn't sell out.

Though I never would have voted for the guy, you have to admit tht he, unlike 99% of the GOP, has a spine.
He stuck to his values instead of endorsing this Liberal in Republican clothing. Everyone riding the Trump train is butthurt.

There is far far more at stake in this election than hurt egos or broken pride. This election could very well spell the end of our Republic. We are teetering on the brink as it is. With Hillary's Supreme Court appointees alone, this country won't resemble anything like what the Founders intended.
You are being hysterical.


Silly old bag lady.

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