Cruz is agreeing with Trump on everything for two reasons.3

A Perez

Gold Member
Jan 26, 2015
1. he is not going to win the Republican nomination, so his comments don't hurt him anyway, and 2. He wishes that Trump chose him as his vice president
1. he is not going to win the Republican nomination, so his comments don't hurt him anyway, and 2. He wishes that Trump chose him as his vice president
Just curious here. Do you and Cruz have these personal chats often? How long have you been in his inner circle?
1. he is not going to win the Republican nomination, so his comments don't hurt him anyway, and 2. He wishes that Trump chose him as his vice president
Just curious here. Do you and Cruz have these personal chats often? How long have you been in his inner circle?

no kidding. they really need to worry over their three ALL WHITE old fogies they have running. they look and sound like the walking dead. at least the Republicans has some DIVISERTY and choices. can't say they do being a Democrat. but that's the democrat party. they figure they DON'T need any choices, they know they'll march to the polls and vote for them NO MATTER what. so what they roll them in as President on a gurney from old age. they play them like a fiddle. it's so sad to watch
1. he is not going to win the Republican nomination, so his comments don't hurt him anyway, and 2. He wishes that Trump chose him as his vice president
Just curious here. Do you and Cruz have these personal chats often? How long have you been in his inner circle?

no kidding. they really need to worry over their three ALL WHITE old fogies they have running. they look and sound like the walking dead. at least the Republicans has some DIVISERTY and choices. can't say they do being a Democrat. but that's the democrat party. they figure they DON'T need any choices, they know they'll march to the polls and vote for them NO MATTER what. so what they roll them in as President on a gurney from old age. they play them like a fiddle. it's so sad to watch




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Who wants to bet that Ted doesn't repeat the phrase "I like Donald Trump" again while he is still in this race?
If Trump is to move forward, he has to show America a kinder more likable person, more tolerant and less abrasive. It has been a political axiom since day one, "People Vote for People They Like", and Trump is far from being liked among most Americans. Among Hispanics, 80% have an unfavorable opinion of him, among blacks about 85 and probably most disturbing is that independents, moderates, and women have a very unfavorable opinion. This is a huge problem for any candidate because it is not the far right or far left that elect candidates.

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