Crossover voting in primary elections strongly encouraged

The link is to an article encouraging democrat voter to vote in Republican primary elections.
I encourage the exact opposite, but posted this link to discredit Democrat posters in advance.

I intend to request a Democrat ballot in the upcoming az primary and vote for the least popular, most radical and fringe candidates.

This should make it easier to vote Republican in the November general election.

Perfectly legal in az and more ethical than screwing around with ballots and drop boxes.

Man oh man do I love a democratic underdog in a primary election.

By the time November comes around I will have regained my senses, and will cast my vote for republicans.

I am encouraging everyone who can to do the same.

nothing new here, been going on for decades. Where have you been?

The link is to an article encouraging democrat voter to vote in Republican primary elections.
I encourage the exact opposite, but posted this link to discredit Democrat posters in advance.

I intend to request a Democrat ballot in the upcoming az primary and vote for the least popular, most radical and fringe candidates.

This should make it easier to vote Republican in the November general election.

Perfectly legal in az and more ethical than screwing around with ballots and drop boxes.

Man oh man do I love a democratic underdog in a primary election.

By the time November comes around I will have regained my senses, and will cast my vote for republicans.

I am encouraging everyone who can to do the same.

What a rubbish system.
though not illegal in most states its still dishonest and dirty ... not surprising coming from the killers of the unborn .

Were you whining about it when Rush Limbaugh pushed "Operation Chaos" on his radio show trying to get Repubs to do this in the Dem primaries back in 2008?
Republican voters can do the same thing in my state. I encourage it.

Here it will be the only way the GOP can counter the illegal alien vote and 'mail in ballots' scam in some districts, so yes, I encourage it, too.

For instance, Cruz has his Primary locked up, so Republicans could do better in the general election in that race by voting for the extremist nutjob running against 'moderate' Cuellar in the Democratic primaries. Offsetting Democrat crooks is a legitimate tactic given their corruption and illegal voting practices.
CA has gone a step further in queering the election process. Not only are primary elections open, but only the top two candidates with the most votes are listed on the general election ballot. That means that voters are only given a choice between two Democrats for U.S. Senator.
A godawful idea. Instead, Primaries should be exclusively for the members of that political party. Allowing some shithead libtard Dumbocrap to infest her selection criteria into a Republican primary’s choice of nominee dilutes the collective voice of the GOP.
I never understood this in some states. It is fraud because coalitions are built to hinder opposite party candidates.

God Damned libturds should have your testicles sliced off
Remember this has been in high gear since ACORN. Obama is behind it and Joe told us the biggest fraud network had been created. We can see that now.
This sure explains a lot... Liz is in on the take and corruption.


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