Critique of Intelligent Design

"In the beginning, God created Heaven and Earth" ... that's all we need to know ... we should stay focused on "loving our brothers as we love ourselves" ... that's the beauty of religion, even simpletons can live the lifestyle ...

Evolution is the understanding ... so of course we understand it ... or should I say someone understands it ... or better a lot of different people understand parts of it such that together "we" as a People understand evolution ... exactly the same way Paul the Apostle explains the body of Christ ... each of us our own part and together making a Godly Kingdom ...

I have a textbook here Molecular Biology of the Gene by Robert Watson/1970 ... upper division, say junior level in college ... a full year's course just how DNA functions in day-to-day cellular functions ... it would be a senior level course to learn DNA's role in providing inherited characteristics ... it's complicated, to be sure, but it is possible to understand ... just lots of years of college ..

It's the three dimensional structure of DNA ... atom by atom, electron by electron ... that reveals the Truth of evolution ... it's chemistry, we can show you in a lab ...
No. Religion proves faulty now in Israel and Gaza. Hamas told the hostages that they believe in the Quran.
"In the beginning, God created Heaven and Earth" ... that's all we need to know ... we should stay focused on "loving our brothers as we love ourselves" ... that's the beauty of religion, even simpletons can live the lifestyle ...

Evolution is the understanding ... so of course we understand it ... or should I say someone understands it ... or better a lot of different people understand parts of it such that together "we" as a People understand evolution ... exactly the same way Paul the Apostle explains the body of Christ ... each of us our own part and together making a Godly Kingdom ...

I have a textbook here Molecular Biology of the Gene by Robert Watson/1970 ... upper division, say junior level in college ... a full year's course just how DNA functions in day-to-day cellular functions ... it would be a senior level course to learn DNA's role in providing inherited characteristics ... it's complicated, to be sure, but it is possible to understand ... just lots of years of college ..

It's the three dimensional structure of DNA ... atom by atom, electron by electron ... that reveals the Truth of evolution ... it's chemistry, we can show you in a lab ...
Derrida et al's writings on the spacing of time destroy the idea of a god creating the Universe. So by default, there's more to mandatorily know.
We've tried every possible combination of URL and still does not work, even though we can see the Hedin video @ youtube. The reader is thus forced to visit youtube and search: 'ffrf v. hedin' which will retrieve both of Hedin's videos. The critique will focus on specific points that Hedin makes.
Dover trial video, @ 26 seconds, mentions Michael Behe.

'The objective of this chapter is to shed light on the philosophical aspects of the origin-of-life problem.....The various aspects of the ID movement, including its strategy and tactics in fighting science in general and biological evolution in particular, have been well documented and explored (1. Forrest B, (2007) Understanding the Intelligent Design Creationist Movement: Its True Nature and Goals, in A Position Paper from the Center for Inquiry, Office of Public Policy, Washington, DC: Center for Inquiry, Inc. 2. Forrest and Gross (2004), Creationism's Trojan Horse: The Wedge of Intelligent Design, Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press) 3. PennockRT, The Tower of Babel, Cambridge, Ma: The MIT Press).

I will concentrate here mainly on the contentions made by IDers on the origin of life. As part of their attack, they repudiate the notion of prebiotic natural selection as "a contradiction in terms" (Meyer SC, DNA and the Origin of Life: Information, specification, and Explanation, in Darwinism, Design and Public Education, Eds. J.A. Campbell and S.C. Meyer. East Lansing, Michigan: Michigan State University Press)

However, this is just another pretext to deny the very possibility of a natural origin of life (1. Behe M, (1996) Darwin's Black Box, New York: The Free Press 2. Bradley W, Thaxton C (1994) Information and the Origin of Life, in The Great Hypothesis, Ed. J.P. Moreland, Downers Grove, Ill: InterVarsity Press)).

I will call attention to the most fundamental anti-scientific tenet of ID creationism -- the belief in supernatural purpose and intention as a causal agent in the natural world (JohnsonPE (1993) Darwin on Trial, Downers Grove, Ill: InterVarsity Press).'
(Fry I, Philosophical Aspects, of the Origin-of-Life Problem: Neither by Chance Nor by Design, Handbook of Astrobiology)
"In the beginning, God created Heaven and Earth" ... that's all we need to know ... we should stay focused on "loving our brothers as we love ourselves" ... that's the beauty of religion, even simpletons can live the lifestyle ...

Evolution is the understanding ... so of course we understand it ... or should I say someone understands it ... or better a lot of different people understand parts of it such that together "we" as a People understand evolution ... exactly the same way Paul the Apostle explains the body of Christ ... each of us our own part and together making a Godly Kingdom ...

I have a textbook here Molecular Biology of the Gene by Robert Watson/1970 ... upper division, say junior level in college ... a full year's course just how DNA functions in day-to-day cellular functions ... it would be a senior level course to learn DNA's role in providing inherited characteristics ... it's complicated, to be sure, but it is possible to understand ... just lots of years of college ..

It's the three dimensional structure of DNA ... atom by atom, electron by electron ... that reveals the Truth of evolution ... it's chemistry, we can show you in a lab ...
Easier to just take creation on faith as part of revelation. Saves the cost of college and is equally beneficial.
So in the Dover trial, the judge tries to encompass ID into the argument ("broadened definition of science" @53 seconds), on the grounds of the claim of the weakness of Darwinism, though Fry has already explained the judge's attempt in post #85 (Johnson, Darwin on Trial [1993]).
Easier to just take creation on faith as part of revelation. Saves the cost of college and is equally beneficial.
Higher IQs should not rely on a writer (John of Patmos) marooned on an island, madly quilling away in his self-glossing delirium.
Higher IQs should not rely on a writer (John of Patmos) marooned on an island, madly quilling away in his self-glossing delirium.
My IQ (pretty high) leads me to trust revelation more than experimentation.

High IQs in the secular world have brought us to the brink of destruction.
My IQ (pretty high) leads me to trust revelation more than experimentation.

High IQs in the secular world have brought us to the brink of destruction.
The notion of IQs has been irrelevant for decades. Only bozos brag about their “ IQ”, which is a fictional number you can literally “buy” on line. The snake oil salesman and huckster selling “ IQ”s is waiting for your call.
The notion of IQs has been irrelevant for decades. Only bozos brag about their “ IQ”, which is a fictional number you can literally “buy” on line. The snake oil salesman and huckster selling “ IQ”s is waiting for your call.
It's a general knowledge and problem-solving test score, just like you get in school. Some get A's, some not.
It's a general knowledge and problem-solving test score, just like you get in school. Some get A's, some not.
No it is not. No such thing as a numerical value for general intellect. Intellectual performance is specific. Its pretty dumb to think so when every person can tell you they can excel in one area but not in others. Also, the tests they give can be improved upon a lot with practice. So much for their validity.
You want further proof. No one uses them at all for anything other than money making scams.
No it is not. No such thing as a numerical value for general intellect. Intellectual performance is specific. Its pretty dumb to think so when every person can tell you they can excel in one area but not in others. Also, the tests they give can be improved upon a lot with practice. So much for their validity.
You want further proof. No one uses them at all for anything other than money making scams.
I've never traded on my score, but time has revealed that I'm actually pretty smart (or damn lucky). As a kid I was so bright my dad called me sunny. :biggrin:
I've never traded on my score, but time has revealed that I'm actually pretty smart (or damn lucky). As a kid I was so bright my dad called me sunny. :biggrin:
If you were smart, you wouldn’t be bragging about an IQ score.
Sounds like you are, sunny. Trump thinks he’s a stable genius when in reality, you’re full of shit.
By meaningful metrics I'm pretty smart (I've always tried to share my wisdom on these boards). :)

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