CRIMINALLY Triggered: Democratic Tennessee Rep. Steve Cohen ... Calls For military Coup?!

Oh, horseshit. You guys are hallucinating conspiracies so bad these days that there is no sense left in any of yas. My first thought, too, was the generals having a sit down with Trump and explaining what is actually going on. Not to go to war, but Trump respects the military. They might have a chance of getting it through that thick skull of his that Putin is playing him like a cheap banjo.

OL, meet the real 'Banjo' who got 'played' by Putin...

Obama White House Knew of Russian Election Hacking, but Delayed Telling

Obama official says they didn't do enough about Russian election hacking: 'We choked'
'Democratic Tennessee Rep. Steve Cohen on Monday called for the “military folks” to save America from President Donald Trump after Trump’s much-criticized press conference with Russian President Vladimir Putin.

“Where are our military folks? The Commander in Chief is in the hands of our enemy!” Cohen wrote on Twitter, using language suggestive of a military coup.'

Lib Media / Dems be like....

View attachment 205481

House Democrat Calls For ‘Military Folks’ To Stop Trump

Ever hear the word hyperbole?
That libs think the military will side with them is hilarious.


If an internet meme says so it must be true
I will give D-TN Rep Cohen the benefit of the doubt, accepting the fact that he was so overcome with butt-hurt and Trump hatred that he simply lost his mind and spewed stupid sh!t.

It certainly would not be the 1st time Democrats did such a thing...

'Democratic Tennessee Rep. Steve Cohen on Monday called for the “military folks” to save America from President Donald Trump after Trump’s much-criticized press conference with Russian President Vladimir Putin.

“Where are our military folks? The Commander in Chief is in the hands of our enemy!” Cohen wrote on Twitter, using language suggestive of a military coup.'

Lib Media / Dems be like....
View attachment 205481

House Democrat Calls For ‘Military Folks’ To Stop Trump

Arrest him for sedition and for calling for the assassination of a sitting president. This leftist nutbag crap stops here.
'Democratic Tennessee Rep. Steve Cohen on Monday called for the “military folks” to save America from President Donald Trump after Trump’s much-criticized press conference with Russian President Vladimir Putin.

“Where are our military folks? The Commander in Chief is in the hands of our enemy!” Cohen wrote on Twitter, using language suggestive of a military coup.'

Lib Media / Dems be like....

View attachment 205481

House Democrat Calls For ‘Military Folks’ To Stop Trump
Oh, horseshit. You guys are hallucinating conspiracies so bad these days that there is no sense left in any of yas.
My first thought, too, was the generals having a sit down with Trump and explaining what is actually going on. Not to go to war, but Trump respects the military. They might have a chance of getting it through that thick skull of his that Putin is playing him like a cheap banjo.
Maybe he’s playing Putin. You have no idea
'Democratic Tennessee Rep. Steve Cohen on Monday called for the “military folks” to save America from President Donald Trump after Trump’s much-criticized press conference with Russian President Vladimir Putin.

“Where are our military folks? The Commander in Chief is in the hands of our enemy!” Cohen wrote on Twitter, using language suggestive of a military coup.'

Lib Media / Dems be like....

View attachment 205481

House Democrat Calls For ‘Military Folks’ To Stop Trump
Technically that's sedition.
I think he needs to answer for that suggestion.
Is the military our last line of defense against the madman in the Oval Office? I sincerely hope not, but the republicans in Congress have aided and abetted him instead of standing up to him. Cowards, all. It's scary to think the the Joint Chiefs are the only people who can stop this crazed individual and save our nation. The military, if patriotic, should refuse all orders from this man. What this rep said was not necessarily a reference to killing trump, but trump should be put in handcuffs and removed from the White House to a jail somewhere.
Is the military our last line of defense against the madman in the Oval Office? I sincerely hope not, but the republicans in Congress have aided and abetted him instead of standing up to him. Cowards, all. It's scary to think the the Joint Chiefs are the only people who can stop this crazed individual and save our nation. The military, if patriotic, should refuse all orders from this man. What this rep said was not necessarily a reference to killing trump, but trump should be put in handcuffs and removed from the White House to a jail somewhere.

All based on your feelings and because libs lost the election. Go pound sand.
'Democratic Tennessee Rep. Steve Cohen on Monday called for the “military folks” to save America from President Donald Trump after Trump’s much-criticized press conference with Russian President Vladimir Putin.

“Where are our military folks? The Commander in Chief is in the hands of our enemy!” Cohen wrote on Twitter, using language suggestive of a military coup.'

Lib Media / Dems be like....

View attachment 205481

House Democrat Calls For ‘Military Folks’ To Stop Trump
Oh, horseshit. You guys are hallucinating conspiracies so bad these days that there is no sense left in any of yas.
My first thought, too, was the generals having a sit down with Trump and explaining what is actually going on. Not to go to war, but Trump respects the military. They might have a chance of getting it through that thick skull of his that Putin is playing him like a cheap banjo.
Nice try but you shouldn't defend a Congressman for calling for the violent overthrow of a POTUS.
Quote where he said that?
'Democratic Tennessee Rep. Steve Cohen on Monday called for the “military folks” to save America from President Donald Trump after Trump’s much-criticized press conference with Russian President Vladimir Putin.

“Where are our military folks? The Commander in Chief is in the hands of our enemy!” Cohen wrote on Twitter, using language suggestive of a military coup.'

Lib Media / Dems be like....

View attachment 205481

House Democrat Calls For ‘Military Folks’ To Stop Trump
Oh, horseshit. You guys are hallucinating conspiracies so bad these days that there is no sense left in any of yas.
My first thought, too, was the generals having a sit down with Trump and explaining what is actually going on. Not to go to war, but Trump respects the military. They might have a chance of getting it through that thick skull of his that Putin is playing him like a cheap banjo.
Nice try but you shouldn't defend a Congressman for calling for the violent overthrow of a POTUS.
Quote where he said that?
Here's a clue, dummy..."MILITARY".
Is the military our last line of defense against the madman in the Oval Office? I sincerely hope not, but the republicans in Congress have aided and abetted him instead of standing up to him. Cowards, all. It's scary to think the the Joint Chiefs are the only people who can stop this crazed individual and save our nation. The military, if patriotic, should refuse all orders from this man. What this rep said was not necessarily a reference to killing trump, but trump should be put in handcuffs and removed from the White House to a jail somewhere.

All based on your feelings and because libs lost the election. Go pound sand.

Based on his record of discrimination against Americans and his current misconduct in office.
Is the military our last line of defense against the madman in the Oval Office?
Where the hell were you during 8 years of Obama in office?

Obama's 1st act was to declare he was ordering his DOJ NOT to enforce a law passed by Congress - 'DOMA' - because HE did not agree with it. This was an immediate indicator of the type of 'dictator-wanna-be' Obama would be.

Over 8 years the historical records / evidence shows he financed, supplied, supported, armed, trained, aided, abetted, defended and even dragged the US into multiple Un-Constitutional wars to help terrorists - like Al Qaeda, who slaughtered 3,000 Americans on 9/11/01.
-- Over 8 years: The Muslim Brotherhood, Al Qaeda, ISIA, Hezbollah, Hamas, the Hakani Network, the Taliban, Iran, Russia, Mexican Drug Cartels, Human Traffickers, MS13, violent illegals, and even criminal Americans who violate federal law to protect violent criminal illegals.

In 8 years Obama openly violated both Constitution and Rule of Law.
- He illegally spied on Americans, reporters, the media, US Senators, USSC Justices, Presidential candidates, and even a President.

- Despite admitting he did not have the Constitutional authority to affect Immigration Law, he then by-passed Congress t impose his own 'EDICT' in an attempt to make his own personal 'Dreamer Act' law of the land.

- He was found in Contempt of Court for ignoring several Judges' rulings, he as found to have violated the Constitution several times (like the Recess appointments), Un-Constitutionally by-passed Congress again to engage in in authoring and agreeing to a Treaty with out enemy on behalf of the US, rewarding our enemy and endangering US national security while they chanted for our destruction...

- He weaponized the IRS and used it against Americans he called his 'enemies' who legally exercised their rights to oppose his re-election.

He handed over 20% of US uranium while hiding Russian crimes associated with their effort to acquire it, knew what the Russians were doing in 2014 and allowed it to continue, knew Hillary was compromising national security and let it continue....

Obama was / is an ADMITTED student of Communist Fran Marshall Davis, studied and quoted in his Inauguration speech 'Rules For Radicals' by Socialist Saul Alensky, was mentored by a racist hate-spewing anti-American 'pastor' for about a decade, was friends with a domestic terrorist who bombed his own country and killed 1st responders, needlessly sacrificed Americans to terrorists around the world, set new records for criminal refusal to comply with the FOIA and Federal Records Act despite promising to run the 'most transparent administration evuh'...

...ending in an exposed conspiracy to protect felon Hillary from indictment, make sure Trump did not become President, and conduct a political coup should Trump win.

There is enough criminal evidence against Obama, Hillary, Holder, Lynch, Mueller, Comey, McCabe, Strzok, Paige, Brennan, and Clapper to send them to prison for their rest of their lives.

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