Credit rating downgraded again.

Hang on Sloopy

Diamond Member
Jul 12, 2015
My God look what you loathsome people are doing

All this election interference to protect the marxist brand. Plugs has already been busted - him and his filthy crackhead sprog were much too stupid to pull off that kind of grift. 20 shell companies wasn't enough - it's not the number of shell companies, dumbfuck, it's the discretion and execution of the grift.

They're worried about this coming back on Hussein, now. That little muzzie faggot is one dumbass laptop away from full exposure. Of course him and his husband participated.... we're not that dumb. They couldn't care less about plugs.... he was always disposible. But they don't want their brown pet to fail... Klaus and Soros probably have a $1 bet like in Trading Places. :laughing0301:

Fitch is more worried about the political climate than the actual dollars amount. About 1/2 of the government has lost touch with reality and the Democrats aren't much better.
Look at home much your debt has ballooned in short order. Time to make some tough decisions. Start by getting rid of corporate welfare and this awful race to the bottom.
My God look what you loathsome people are doing

From the article:

"Fitch said repeated political standoffs and last-minute resolutions over the debt limit have eroded confidence in fiscal management."

You people? It takes two to tango.
My God look what you loathsome people are doing

From the link:

"In Fitch's view, there has been a steady deterioration in standards of governance over the last 20 years, including on fiscal and debt matters, notwithstanding the June bipartisan agreement to suspend the debt limit until January 2025," the rating agency said in a statement.

Fitch is absolutely correct.

It does not matter which party is in power. They are both driving us toward economic destruction at full speed.

The federal debt is the single greatest threat to the future of our country, and no one gives a fuck.

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