Crazy illegals go to Georgia court and DEMAND drivers licenses!!!


Gold Member
May 13, 2012
This is why america is the laughingstock of the world. Of course our laws discriminate against illegals - that's how it's supposed to be. Illegal invaders have no rights at all.

Illegal immigrant seeks to scrap Georgia driver license law |

Posted: 11:51 a.m. Friday, Nov. 2, 2012

An illegal immigrant from Mexico is challenging the constitutionality of the state’s driver license law in a case the Georgia Supreme Court is set to hear Monday.
Fernando Castillo-Solis says the law — which requires motorists who have lived in Georgia for 30 days or more to get a state-issued license before driving — discriminates against illegal immigrants.
At issue is a part of the law that says motorists can’t be convicted of driving without a license if they can later present their licenses in court. Since illegal immigrants are ineligible for Georgia licenses, they don’t have the same protection
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this illegal should be hung and also the lawyer that's representing him. Illegals have no rights and should not be allowed to sue anyone. This guy admits he's illegal so why hasn't he already been deported?
Illegal illegals drive drunk, commit crimes and still get released...
ICE on Release of Illegals: ‘We Have Released Many Individuals Who Have DUI Offenses’
March 19, 2013 – The director of Immigration and Customs Enforcement told members at a House Judiciary Committee hearing Tuesday that some of the 2,228 incarcerated illegal aliens who were released in recent weeks included many who have been convicted of drunk driving.
Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-S.C.) grilled John Morton during a hearing on the releases, which Morton blamed on the federal budget cuts required by the Budget Control Act of 2011. Gowdy asked if Level 2, or illegal aliens convicted of multiple misdemeanors or certain kinds of felonies, that were released included those who had committed Driving Under the Influence or DUI offenses. “Did you release any recidivist drunk drivers?” Gowdy said.

“Yes,” Morton said. “How many?” Gowdy asked. “I don’t have the exact number, but we have released many individuals who had DUI offenses,” Morton said. “Repeat offender DUI?,” Gowdy asked.

“Repeat offender DUIs,” Morton said, adding that most released were “single offenders” but some were repeat offenders. Morton also said that Congress has not prescribed that most misdemeanors, including DUI, be removable offenses for those in the country illegally who are convicted of the crime.


See also:

Conyers: Many Imprisoned Illegals Let Go by ICE ‘Had One or Two Misdemeanors Only’
March 19, 2013 – Rep. John Conyers (D-Mich.) defended the recent release by the Department of Homeland Security’s Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) of 2, 228 incarcerated illegal aliens by saying that only 467 of those had been convicted of a misdemeanor “or two.”
“We learned at a recent hearing before the Homeland Security Appropriations Subcommittee that 72 percent of the people released had no criminal record at all,” Conyers said Tuesday at a House Judiciary Committee hearing, where ICE Director John Morton testified that the releases were done because of federal budget cuts (sequestration) required by the Budget Control Act of 2011. “Another 21 percent had convictions for one or two misdemeanors only,” said Conyers, who is the ranking member on the committee.

Among those 2,228 individuals, ICE initially released eight Level 1 individuals, or those convicted of “serious crimes,” which include homicide, drug trafficking, an aggravated felony and those who pose a threat to national security. At the hearing, Morton said that four of those eight individuals have since been taken back into custody. For the remaining four, Morton only confirmed that one of them was a 68-year-old man who has been a legal permanent resident for 44 years and was determined not to be a threat to public safety.

In his prepared remarks, Conyers praised Morton for the release. “It should tell us something that in a three-week period Director Morton identified more than 2,000 detainees who would not pose any danger to the public if they were released,” Conyers said. Morton, however, said the decision was made by ICE’s chief financial officer, Radha Sekar, and Gary Mead, the chief of ICE’s Enforcement and Removal Operations.

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Illegal illegals drive drunk, commit crimes and still get released...
ICE on Release of Illegals: ‘We Have Released Many Individuals Who Have DUI Offenses’
March 19, 2013 – The director of Immigration and Customs Enforcement told members at a House Judiciary Committee hearing Tuesday that some of the 2,228 incarcerated illegal aliens who were released in recent weeks included many who have been convicted of drunk driving.
Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-S.C.) grilled John Morton during a hearing on the releases, which Morton blamed on the federal budget cuts required by the Budget Control Act of 2011. Gowdy asked if Level 2, or illegal aliens convicted of multiple misdemeanors or certain kinds of felonies, that were released included those who had committed Driving Under the Influence or DUI offenses. “Did you release any recidivist drunk drivers?” Gowdy said.

“Yes,” Morton said. “How many?” Gowdy asked. “I don’t have the exact number, but we have released many individuals who had DUI offenses,” Morton said. “Repeat offender DUI?,” Gowdy asked.

“Repeat offender DUIs,” Morton said, adding that most released were “single offenders” but some were repeat offenders. Morton also said that Congress has not prescribed that most misdemeanors, including DUI, be removable offenses for those in the country illegally who are convicted of the crime.

That's inexcusable. Hell - obozo won't even deport his own DUI illegal alien uncle!!!
By all definitions illegal aleins are terrorist and should be treated likewise. They have cause more deaths and harm to this country then than 911 and the two wars aginst terorist. Drugs smugglled and distributed on our streets are killing our children and runing lives forever. They are enemy invaders and occupiers.
They are not crazy, Crazy is they are being aided and abetted by Obamanites who give them the belief that they are entitled.
Glenn Beck claimed that there are three reasons that an illegal immigrant "comes across the border in the middle of the night": "One, they're terrorists; two, they're escaping the law; or three, they're hungry. They can't make a living in their own dirtbag country."
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By all definitions illegal aleins are terrorist and should be treated likewise. They have cause more deaths and harm to this country then than 911 and the two wars aginst terorist. Drugs smugglled and distributed on our streets are killing our children and runing lives forever. They are enemy invaders and occupiers.

In a sensible country, illegals would be shot as spies.
They are not crazy, Crazy is they are being aided and abetted by Obamanites who give them the belief that they are entitled.
Glenn Beck claimed that there are three reasons that an illegal immigrant "comes across the border in the middle of the night": "One, they're terrorists; two, they're escaping the law; or three, they're hungry. They can't make a living in their own dirtbag country."

And they can't make a living because they are stupid and illiterate and unskilled and often criminal too. We only get the trash of mexico and if we give them citizenship all 40 million will go on welfare.
They are not crazy, Crazy is they are being aided and abetted by Obamanites who give them the belief that they are entitled.
Glenn Beck claimed that there are three reasons that an illegal immigrant "comes across the border in the middle of the night": "One, they're terrorists; two, they're escaping the law; or three, they're hungry. They can't make a living in their own dirtbag country."
Has anyone ever thought about the abortion rates in Mexico, as opposed to the ones we have here ? Or is it that Mexico is against abortion as a religious thing in that country, so they just pro-create themselves into oblivion, then run or swim over here for relief of that situation ? Now I am against abortion also, but self control or a culture of self control is always needed in a society, and this is in order that a society last or stays healthy as should be, but undoubtedly they have not a culture of self control in that country, and that is a huge problem for us now.
They are not crazy, Crazy is they are being aided and abetted by Obamanites who give them the belief that they are entitled.
Glenn Beck claimed that there are three reasons that an illegal immigrant "comes across the border in the middle of the night": "One, they're terrorists; two, they're escaping the law; or three, they're hungry. They can't make a living in their own dirtbag country."
Has anyone ever thought about the abortion rates in Mexico, as opposed to the ones we have here ? Or is it that Mexico is against abortion as a religious thing in that country, so they just pro-create themselves into oblivion, then run or swim over here for relief of that situation ? Now I am against abortion also, but self control or a culture of self control is always needed in a society, and this is in order that a society last or stays healthy as should be, but undoubtedly they have not a culture of self control in that country, and that is a huge problem for us now.

What the hell are you talking about?

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