Crap about to hit the fan in Cleveland!!

Cleveland police officer Michael Brelo to learn verdict - CBS News
A Cleveland police officer charged with voluntary manslaughter in the shooting deaths of two unarmed people in a 137-shot barrage will learn his fate Saturday.

A judge said he reached a verdict in the bench trial of Officer Michael Brelo and will release it at 10 a.m. Brelo, 31, is charged in the November 2012 deaths of Timothy Russell and Malissa Williams after a high-speed car chase.

Brelo is white, the two motorists were black. Community and city leaders braced for the possibility of unrest in response to the verdict, which comes as investigators work toward making a decision on whether charges will be filed in the death of a black 12-year-old boy shot by a white rookie officer late last year.

The chase began after Russell's beat-up Chevy Malibu backfired as it sped past police headquarters, which caused officers to think someone in the car had fired a gun. Thirteen officers fired at the pair's car after the chase, though only Brelo was charged criminally. Prosecutors said he waited until the car had stopped and the occupants were no longer a threat to fire 15 rounds down into the windshield while standing on its hood.

Prosecutors argued Russell and Williams were alive until Brelo's final salvo. Brelo's attorneys argued that other officers fired during the final barrage and that prosecutors couldn't prove in what order the fatal shots were fired.

Russell, 43, and Williams, 30, were each shot more than 20 times.
Well I see the media is there with their cameras in everyone's face on the street...that certainly promotes the likelihood of it turning violent.
Low life media scum. You can tell they are hoping for it to turn ugly, otherwise why would they have 3-4 teams hanging around?
OK, an innocent finding.

The veteran prosecutor fought hard and lost.

Police riot-geared units have retreated into the justice building, the small crowd has moved into the street, a lot of anger, no violence. Doesn't appear there will be any violence.

No inevitable race war anywhere in existence in the country.

Stormfront will have to go elsewhere.
I can't wait for the teapers to start their race war. Let the streets flow red with teaper blood.

Get me some popcorn.
I can't wait for the teapers to start their race war. Let the streets flow red with teaper blood.

Get me some popcorn.

So I guess you wear the same clothes everyday? Eat the same food, and only listen to one song playing over and over?
I am going to go out on a limb here and say that I am pretty sure there are no tea party people on the streets protesting this.
Obama's Legacy War!

Like it better than Johnson's that was fought elsewhere?

Hey, this the first war you don't have to watch on TV.

Just look out your window!

Thank You, Emperor Obummer!,
This is great news and worth celebrating on this memorial day. I know the innocent outstanding cop will. It was foolish to charge him in the deaths of these unarmed feral savages. They were dangerous and a threat to society. They were also disrespecting to white people which is a huge no-no! Judge John O'Donnell made the right decision.

http:// judge excercised white superior intellect in making his decision.

The innocent!

Cleveland cop found innocent in deaths of two suspects amid 137-shot barrage Fox News

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