‘Cracker Jack’ Now ‘Cracker Jill’

…in order to acknowledge accomplishments of women in sports.
Once again, this obviously means that women must be considered inferior if any accomplishments by them must be noted.
I have to be careful not to get carjilled when I drive through the ‘hood.

Don't jill me around like that, bro, I've had a bad day. I was gonna go the the Jill in the Box to get me some burgers but almost ran over a damned jillrabbit. I blew a tire trying swerving to miss the damned thing and I had to change it. When I looked for the jill in the trunk to jill the car up, it wasn't there. Good thing some passing lumberjills stopped with their load of logs to give a ride to town.
cracker jack fag.jpg
…in order to acknowledge accomplishments of women in sports.
Once again, this obviously means that women must be considered inferior if any accomplishments by them must be noted.
I have to be careful not to get carjilled when I drive through the ‘hood.
So if a woman terrorist gets on a plane and wants to divert it to Cuba, she says "THIS IS A HI-JILL"?

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