Covid19 -10th man thought experiment...


Diamond Member
Aug 30, 2008
I watched a clip of CDC director Dr. Rochelle Walensky from CNN. She certainly appeared evasive. Could be the Peter Principle...but could it be more?

If you're not familiar with the 10th man rule...I first was exposed to the precept in the movie World War Z.

If nine people agree, the tenth man must proceed in the investigation as though the other nine are wrong...

So...if the consensus is the CDC is being competent and honest about the tenth person...we must either assume they are competent and lying or incompetent.

Incompetence is likely...but boring...

Make the case from known or suspected facts that the CDC is competent and lying...

Example...the CDC is known to have lied about masks to protect themselves and others first from initial infection. We also know that the CDC is mandating masks for people that have been vaccinated even outside. We also know that it has been reported that Covid19 could have escaped from a biolab in China. Back in May 2020 the Pentagon issued a memo "permanently disqualifying" enlistment so anyone with a Covid-19 diagnosis. Permanent...not temporary...permanent. That's like being permanently banned for having the flu. The directive has since been rolled back only after being widely reported.

Do they know more than they are telling us?

Your turn....
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I watched a clip of CDC director Dr. Rochelle Walensky from CNN. She certainly appeared evasive. Could be the Peter Principle...but could it be more?

If you're not familiar with the 10th man rule...I first was exposed to the precept in the movie World War Z.

If nine people agree, the tenth man must proceed in the investigation as though the other nine are wrong...

So...if the consensus is the CDC is being competent and honest about the tenth person...we must either assume they are either competent and lying or incompetent.

Incompetence is likely...but boring...

Make the case from known or suspected facts that the CDC is competent and lying...

Example...the CDC is known to have lied about masks to protect themselves and others first fro. m initial infection. We also know that the CDC is mandating masks for people that have been vaccinated even outside. We also know that it has been reported that Covid19 could have escaped from a biolab in China. Back in May 2020 the Pentagon issued a memo "permanently disqualifying" enlistment so anyone with a Covid-19 diagnosis. Permanent...not temporary...permanent. That's like being permanently banned for having the flu. The directive has since been rolled back only after being widely reported.

Do they know more than they are telling us?

Your turn...

Here's something they know but surely aren't mentioning it: plant based vaccines soon to be out of final trial phase. Canadian based, also trials going on in the UK, with this opportunity is spreading in the states. Some are offering monetary compensation as in Lincoln, NB for participation, but personally wouldn't use that as an incentive... ever.

They are using plants (relative of tobacco) to produce corona-like particles that jump-start the immune system. Plant-based avoids any need to inject the virus into eggs (animal source that leads to various outcomes) with a "clean delivery" since plants lack the core genetic material found in animals that create adverse reactions.

I'll be looking into this one when it's available for myself.

EDIT-meant to add a note of caution about WHO's efforts to increase their "power". Currently they are blaming NIH (National Institute of Health) for holding things up instead of taking the blame for how it played out early 2020. I'm going to say they are about to become more "powerful"....whatever that implies.
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Hard to believe that was Chris Cuomo asking those questions. He sounded more like Rand Paul.

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