If you want an example of corrupt courts, here you go. I include snippets because the article is too long to post the good stuff from the beginning:
If you want an example of corrupt courts, here you go. I include snippets because the article is too long to post the good stuff from the beginning:
Judge dismisses Schindlers' petition
Court asked to explain Schiavo's guardianship in face of ongoing neglect
Posted: July 9, 2004
1:00 a.m. Eastern
By Sarah Foster
© 2004 WorldNetDaily.com
The Rule of Terri's Case
Pat Anderson told WorldNetDaily she was disappointed but not surprised at Greer's dismissal of the Schindlers' petition, since adverse rulings are the norm when it comes to Terri. These are so common that the attorney made up a term describing the phenomenon, though she is at a loss to explain its reason.
"I call it 'The Rule of Terri's Case,'" she said ruefully "All rules and all laws will be suspended if it will hasten Terri's death."
Anderson said she can't explain why this is so, only that it is and it can be seen operating not only in Greer's court, but other lower courts, the appeal court, and even the state Supreme Court.
"If a statute or a rule or a procedure or a rule of law articulated in the case is followed in every other circumstance, it will not be followed in Terri's case if not following it will hasten her death," she said.
"And the converse applies as well: they will move to enforce every rule of law if it will hasten her death."
Since replacing Schiavo with another as guardian would benefit Terri, that's not going to happen, any more than requiring the timely filing of annual care plans.
"It's another example of the Rule of Terri's Case," said Anderson, commenting on Greer's most recent ruling. "This judge, for whatever reason, continues to turn a blind eye to Michael's deliberate flouting of his responsibilities under Florida law. Michael ordered five of Terri's teeth to be extracted this spring after nine years of complete dental neglect and he has not filed the mandatory annual care plan for Terri since 1990.
"Why is this guardian allowed to get away with that? What authority does he have to order her teeth to be pulled or to refuse to have her teeth cleaned?
"What's going on here," she demanded, then answered her own question. "It's the Rule of Terri's Case. You can't ever forget it," she said.