COUP: Commie Brennan Calls on Republicans in Congress to ‘Abandon Trump’ and Oust Him From Office

There he is with his sharpie! Got a weather map?
Still won’t help illegals get here to vote for you like they did in California hahah
Illegals can't vote in federal elections assfuck.
Hahahahhaha hahahahhaha hahahha
That’s funny
It happens to be the truth. I understand you Trumpettes love to use it as an excuse as to why Drumpf lost the popular vote.
Then why is Pelosi so afraid of a real impeachment inquiry?

You know why. You're just not honest enough to admit it.
Better to let this idiocy go on as long as possible so stupid people who only know what they see on Jimmy Kimmel
vote against Trump, then to actually pursue a case that ends up with acquittal in the Senate and have Russia hoax part deux.
Illegals can't vote in federal elections assfuck.
Yeah...they can't enter this country illegally either, dumb shit.

Yea & crossing an unguarded border point is exactly the same as registering to vote & walking into a government asset to present an ID just to vote.

Why the fuck would someone hiding from the government put themselves in a position to get caught just to to vote?
Yet another dumbass Trumpette who hates the Constitution. You assfucks elected a piece of shit who is working with foreign governments to influence the elections. There is the procedure impeachment, for this purpose. If you don't like it, you should not have elected such a amoral, corrupt candidate. You knew exactly who he is when you voted for him,. So quit pretending this is a surprise.
Then why is Pelosi so afraid of a real impeachment inquiry?

You know why. You're just not honest enough to admit it.
Why do so prematurely, when the inquiry could turn out to only be a censure?

Nancy likely does not want the investigation to turn in to a circus... before they can deliberately gather the evidence and testimony in consideration...

the repubs want a vote now so that they can turn it in to a circus with their obfuscation and subpoenas...

All in due time... if they go for a full vote on impeachment proceedings, the R's will get their subpoena time, if it passes.
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Why do so prematurely, when the inquiry could turn out to only be a censure?

Nancy likely does not want the investigation to turn in to a circus... before they can deliberately gather the evidence and testimony in consideration...

the repubs want a vote now so that they can turn it in to a circus with their obfuscation and subpoenas...

All in due time... if they go for a full vote on impeachment proceedings, the R's will get their subpoena time, if it passes.
That's a weird take.

Pelosi called for the fake impeachment inquiry and prejudged Trump guilty before the transcipt exonerated him.

Shiffft gave a fantasy fake reading of the transcript that was both false and stupid.

And Pelosi is supposed to be worried about a circus?

Not really.
Why do so prematurely, when the inquiry could turn out to only be a censure?

Nancy likely does not want the investigation to turn in to a circus... before they can deliberately gather the evidence and testimony in consideration...

the repubs want a vote now so that they can turn it in to a circus with their obfuscation and subpoenas...

All in due time... if they go for a full vote on impeachment proceedings, the R's will get their subpoena time, if it passes.
That's a weird take.

Pelosi called for the fake impeachment inquiry and prejudged Trump guilty before the transcipt exonerated him.

Shiffft gave a fantasy fake reading of the transcript that was both false and stupid.

And Pelosi is supposed to be worried about a circus?

Not really.
the transcript summary did not exonerate him....not even close! :eek:
Brennan, the commie, is at the pinnacle of his political career since the Democratic party has converted to light communism. He's now a mainstream Democrat instead of a fringe radical. A good idea to him would be to replace our police forces with antifa terrorist groups. Viva Hong Kong. Viva Democracy
Brennan, the commie, is at the pinnacle of his political career since the Democratic party has converted to light communism. He's now a mainstream Democrat instead of a fringe radical. A good idea to him would be to replace our police forces with antifa terrorist groups. Viva Hong Kong. Viva Democracy

Never forget, that John O. Brennan was a devoted supporters of the American Stalin, Gus Hall. HIs hope was to become the next Yezhov.

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