The cost of the medical insured is costing more than if affordable healthcare was offered by the government. Private insurers cannot afford to provide affordable and quality insurance for the uninsured and make a profit.
If private industry took over healthcare for all the un-insured, medical care would be rationed and long waits would be the same a Canada.
Ask any hospital that have closed because of having to treat the un-insured.
Bankrupt hospital serving Hispanic immigrants closing - Hispanic ...
1 post - Last post: Aug 16, 2004The hospital filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection last fall, ... Elastar is the third hospital with an emergency room to close in the ... - Cached - Similar
Turning around financially distressed hospitals - includes related ...
(a) With 70 to 80 hospitals expected to close each year through the 1990s, ... financial distress can lead a hospital to file a bankruptcy petition under ... - Cached - Similar
Westside Hospital Expected to Seek Bankruptcy Protection(70 CA ...
47 posts - 26 authors - Last post: Oct 20, 2007Westside Hospital Expected to Seek Bankruptcy Protection(70 CA hospitals have closed in 11 yrs.) Los Angeles Times ^ | October 20, ...
Westside Hospital Expected to Seek Bankruptcy Protection(70 CA hospitals have closed in 11 yrs.) - Cached - Similar
The cost of the medical insured is costing more than if affordable healthcare was offered by the government. Private insurers cannot afford to provide affordable and quality insurance for the uninsured and make a profit.
If private industry took over healthcare for all the un-insured, medical care would be rationed and long waits would be the same a Canada.
Ask any hospital that have closed because of having to treat the un-insured.
Bankrupt hospital serving Hispanic immigrants closing - Hispanic ...
1 post - Last post: Aug 16, 2004The hospital filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection last fall, ... Elastar is the third hospital with an emergency room to close in the ... - Cached - Similar
Turning around financially distressed hospitals - includes related ...
(a) With 70 to 80 hospitals expected to close each year through the 1990s, ... financial distress can lead a hospital to file a bankruptcy petition under ... - Cached - Similar
Westside Hospital Expected to Seek Bankruptcy Protection(70 CA ...
47 posts - 26 authors - Last post: Oct 20, 2007Westside Hospital Expected to Seek Bankruptcy Protection(70 CA hospitals have closed in 11 yrs.) Los Angeles Times ^ | October 20, ...
Westside Hospital Expected to Seek Bankruptcy Protection(70 CA hospitals have closed in 11 yrs.) - Cached - Similar