*Cost Of Everythings Going Up: Thanks Fucking Obama!*

CWN is a delusional certifiable mental case. In one breath you suggest that Obama has too much power and abuses that which he has been granted legally and the other side of your face blames him for not exorcising powers which he does not have.

Your "suggestions" are rediculous. The president cannot mandate what kinds of cars have to be manufactured. The EPA has the authority to set levels of acceptable polutants and goals the U S is attempting to reach in air quality. Auto manufacturers are not obligated to manufacture anything. They are just discouraged from manufacturing machines that polute our air.

Like so many other conclowns on this board, if Chessie stubbed his toe he would blame Obama for causing it.
The Chevy Volts battery technology is limited from 25-50 miles before there is a need for the conventional gas engine to kick in, which is estimated at 35 miles to the gallon. To recharge the battery through the average home (120 volts) will take 10 hours. There has also been reported a tad bit of a safety concern where the battery has been found to catch fire, through government safety regulated tests. The life of the battery is less than that of the Prius, which Toyota's states only uses 50% of it's capacity, with the Volt's replacement cost between $8,000 - $9,500 after GMs 8 year warrantee runs out. Now because these facts may have deterred a lot of consumers from putting their extra hard earned cash into making a purchase, is HARDLY due to any Republican (that is just contrived B.S.). The Volt still remains an inferior product, when stacked up to the repair costs and capabilities of a conventional gas vehicle. Even WITH the Federal Government incentives, the CONSUMER MARKET simply isn't taking the bribe .... err .... bait, of what the Obama Administration has to offer. Contrary to what you may think... our nation is part of a CONSUMER driven market, not a Federal Government driven dictated market. You can't force people to buy a product that the customer simply doesn't believe is very economical to meet their needs, to do so is simply unAmerican.

Chevy Volt FAQs
Replacing my Chevy Volt Battery in 2020
I've driven a volt and I think it's a pretty nice car. It's just not for everyone. For people who are seriously environmentally conscience and just need a car to drive 15 or 20 mile to work each day, it's a good choice if they have the facility to charge it daily. So far consumer report reliability ratings have been good to excellent.

The hybrid is the future of low gas mileage vehicles. The cost break even point for most drivers is 60,000 to 85,000 miles at current gas prices. The technology is improving and as gas prices rise the hybrid will be the vehicle of choice for most drivers. The hybrids are about 4% of sales and increased their market share 41% last year.

I realize the Volt is not for everyone, that was the point of my post stating it is a consumer driven market with people making their choices based upon their daily needs. If you commute over an hour to work, or your career is centered around your need to travel between states, you are not going to invest in one. When technology improves to satisfy a greater consumer market, I'm sure people will take a second look at a battery car. However the maintenance and repair costs also needs to drop significantly to be more attractive to the basic consumer.
I think a hybrid is the better choice for most people looking for a more energy efficient car. For most people the infrastructure isn't there to support the charging needs of an electric car. Like tens of millions of people, I live in an apartment and there is just no way to charge the vehicle overnight.
when i first started driving gas was around 30 cents a gallon.

Fuck obama !!!!!

when i first started driving, gas was less than 20 cents a gallon and you got a set of steak knives with every fill up and the attendant checked your oil and cleaned your windshield.

Obama fucked up all that, didn't he.

when i first started driving gas was free and so was the car, plus you got a blowjob and a slice of cake with every fillup. Thanks to o'bama's anti-cake policy the dessert is gone :(

Sorry bout that,

........ like fucking what? Such fucking as?

This fucking ought be fucking good... :popcorn:

1. Okay ya *fuck*, he could start with opening up the oil reserves.

-- which would do nothing but leave the SPR depleted, the nation vulnerable, and OPEC to compensate. If it was even worth it. Oh wait, you have no idea how OPEC works, do you?

Mandate how private industry designs cars? You are a socialist. Admit it.

3. If we start using our own natural gas in a large way across this nation, then that alone will bring the demand down for gasoline, which will bring the price back down.

Again, tell it to the free market. Remember them?

4. Problem solved, yeah, thank me later.....:eusa_eh:

... or not. :cuckoo:

There shouldn't be any mandates dictating what products private industry should be told to create. Rather we should have the Federal Government encourage the exploration of fossils fuels, instead of pushing regulations poised on it's demise like the coal industry. This administration is hurting the economy by pushing government regulations to "dictate" behavior in enforcing policy towards a green ideological agenda. Our nation still depends on fossil fuels to generate our electricity, and if this administration doesn't want to allow a huge expansion of nuclear power plants, they should stay out. Wind power and solar can not effectively supply power in the same manner that conventional fuels can, they are still inferior in their capacity and technology to deliver. Encouraging the private sector in the nation's need for fossil fuel exploration, as well as allowing the "exploring" of green energy together, is the best way to bring our economy back. This micromanaging because our President prefers green energy, Obamacare, more government spending, and higher taxes is what's stifling growth. Government simply needs to get out of the way and allow the private sector to grow, spend, invest, and expand.
Sorry bout that,

1. Okay ya *fuck*, he could start with opening up the oil reserves.

-- which would do nothing but leave the SPR depleted, the nation vulnerable, and OPEC to compensate. If it was even worth it. Oh wait, you have no idea how OPEC works, do you?

Mandate how private industry designs cars? You are a socialist. Admit it.

Again, tell it to the free market. Remember them?

4. Problem solved, yeah, thank me later.....:eusa_eh:

... or not. :cuckoo:

There shouldn't be any mandates dictating what products private industry should be told to create. Rather we should have the Federal Government encourage the exploration of fossils fuels, instead of pushing regulations poised on it's demise like the coal industry. This administration is hurting the economy by pushing government regulations to "dictate" behavior in enforcing policy towards a green ideological agenda. Our nation still depends on fossil fuels to generate our electricity, and if this administration doesn't want to allow a huge expansion of nuclear power plants, they should stay out. Wind power and solar can not effectively supply power in the same manner that conventional fuels can, they are still inferior in their capacity and technology to deliver. Encouraging the private sector in the nation's need for fossil fuel exploration, as well as allowing the "exploring" of green energy together, is the best way to bring our economy back. This micromanaging because our President prefers green energy, Obamacare, more government spending, and higher taxes is what's stifling growth. Government simply needs to get out of the way and allow the private sector to grow, spend, invest, and expand.

You know, it's Monday of a new week --- and the George Washington quote in your sig is still bogus. But let's give it another week, maybe he'll come back and read his script like a good myth.
-- which would do nothing but leave the SPR depleted, the nation vulnerable, and OPEC to compensate. If it was even worth it. Oh wait, you have no idea how OPEC works, do you?

Mandate how private industry designs cars? You are a socialist. Admit it.

Again, tell it to the free market. Remember them?

... or not. :cuckoo:

There shouldn't be any mandates dictating what products private industry should be told to create. Rather we should have the Federal Government encourage the exploration of fossils fuels, instead of pushing regulations poised on it's demise like the coal industry. This administration is hurting the economy by pushing government regulations to "dictate" behavior in enforcing policy towards a green ideological agenda. Our nation still depends on fossil fuels to generate our electricity, and if this administration doesn't want to allow a huge expansion of nuclear power plants, they should stay out. Wind power and solar can not effectively supply power in the same manner that conventional fuels can, they are still inferior in their capacity and technology to deliver. Encouraging the private sector in the nation's need for fossil fuel exploration, as well as allowing the "exploring" of green energy together, is the best way to bring our economy back. This micromanaging because our President prefers green energy, Obamacare, more government spending, and higher taxes is what's stifling growth. Government simply needs to get out of the way and allow the private sector to grow, spend, invest, and expand.

You know, it's Monday of a new week --- and the George Washington quote in your sig is still bogus. But let's give it another week, maybe he'll come back and read his script like a good myth.

I've still been waiting all this time for you to be able to provide some facts that backs up your "claim".
You know, it's Monday of a new week --- and the George Washington quote in your sig is still bogus. But let's give it another week, maybe he'll come back and read his script like a good myth.

I've still been waiting all this time for you to be able to provide some facts that backs up your "claim".

You're actually waiting for me to do your job?? What a lazy fuck.

Burden of proof is on you to vet your stuff, Einstein. But if you get someone to read aloud to you, show them this.
Or this.
Or this.
Or this.

But go ahead, show your "source". :popcorn:

Google search took 0.39 seconds. Is the internet, like, a new thing to you?

-- which would do nothing but leave the SPR depleted, the nation vulnerable, and OPEC to compensate. If it was even worth it. Oh wait, you have no idea how OPEC works, do you?

Mandate how private industry designs cars? You are a socialist. Admit it.

Again, tell it to the free market. Remember them?

... or not. :cuckoo:

There shouldn't be any mandates dictating what products private industry should be told to create. Rather we should have the Federal Government encourage the exploration of fossils fuels, instead of pushing regulations poised on it's demise like the coal industry. This administration is hurting the economy by pushing government regulations to "dictate" behavior in enforcing policy towards a green ideological agenda. Our nation still depends on fossil fuels to generate our electricity, and if this administration doesn't want to allow a huge expansion of nuclear power plants, they should stay out. Wind power and solar can not effectively supply power in the same manner that conventional fuels can, they are still inferior in their capacity and technology to deliver. Encouraging the private sector in the nation's need for fossil fuel exploration, as well as allowing the "exploring" of green energy together, is the best way to bring our economy back. This micromanaging because our President prefers green energy, Obamacare, more government spending, and higher taxes is what's stifling growth. Government simply needs to get out of the way and allow the private sector to grow, spend, invest, and expand.

You know, it's Monday of a new week --- and the George Washington quote in your sig is still bogus. But let's give it another week, maybe he'll come back and read his script like a good myth.

The complete unabridged quote for you to meditate on:

"Firearms stand next in importance to the constitution itself. They are the American people's liberty teeth and keystone under independence … from the hour the Pilgrims landed to the present day, events, occurences and tendencies prove that to ensure peace security and happiness, the rifle and pistol are equally indispensable … the very atmosphere of firearms anywhere restrains evil interference — they deserve a place of honor with all that's good.”
You know, it's Monday of a new week --- and the George Washington quote in your sig is still bogus. But let's give it another week, maybe he'll come back and read his script like a good myth.

I've still been waiting all this time for you to be able to provide some facts that backs up your "claim".

You're actually waiting for me to do your job?? What a lazy fuck.

Burden of proof is on you to vet your stuff, Einstein. But if you get someone to read aloud to you, show them this.
Or this.
Or this.
Or this.

But go ahead, show your "source". :popcorn:

Google search took 0.39 seconds. Is the internet, like, a new thing to you?


If YOU want to make accusations that the quote is bogus, then it's up to you to prove it. Try to be more respectful and less of an ignorant ass.
There shouldn't be any mandates dictating what products private industry should be told to create. Rather we should have the Federal Government encourage the exploration of fossils fuels, instead of pushing regulations poised on it's demise like the coal industry. This administration is hurting the economy by pushing government regulations to "dictate" behavior in enforcing policy towards a green ideological agenda. Our nation still depends on fossil fuels to generate our electricity, and if this administration doesn't want to allow a huge expansion of nuclear power plants, they should stay out. Wind power and solar can not effectively supply power in the same manner that conventional fuels can, they are still inferior in their capacity and technology to deliver. Encouraging the private sector in the nation's need for fossil fuel exploration, as well as allowing the "exploring" of green energy together, is the best way to bring our economy back. This micromanaging because our President prefers green energy, Obamacare, more government spending, and higher taxes is what's stifling growth. Government simply needs to get out of the way and allow the private sector to grow, spend, invest, and expand.

You know, it's Monday of a new week --- and the George Washington quote in your sig is still bogus. But let's give it another week, maybe he'll come back and read his script like a good myth.

The complete unabridged quote for you to meditate on:

"Firearms stand next in importance to the constitution itself. They are the American people's liberty teeth and keystone under independence … from the hour the Pilgrims landed to the present day, events, occurences and tendencies prove that to ensure peace security and happiness, the rifle and pistol are equally indispensable … the very atmosphere of firearms anywhere restrains evil interference — they deserve a place of honor with all that's good.”

-- and you still can't source it.

You couldn't find anybody to read the links to you? You really wanna embarrass yourself to this degree?

>> This quotation, sometimes called the "liberty teeth" quote, appears nowhere in Washington's papers or speeches, and contains several historical anachronisms: the reference to "prairie wagon" in an America which had yet to even begin settling the Great Plains (which were owned by France at the time), the reference to "the Pilgrims" which implies a modern historical perspective, and particularly the attempt by "Washington" to defend the utility of firearms (by use of statistics!) to an audience which would have used firearms in their daily lives to obtain food, defend against hostile Indians, and which had only recently won a war for independence.

The "99 99/100 percent" is also an odd phrase for 18th century America, which tended not to use fractional percentages. It's clear that "Washington" is addressing "gun control" arguments which wouldn't exist for another couple of centuries, not to mention doing so in a style that is uncharacteristic of the period, and uncharacteristic of Washington's addresses to Congress, both of which exhibited a high degree of formality.

This is a false quote, but bits and pieces of it still continue to crop up from time to time. Even national publications, such as Playboy magazine, have been snared by it. (Playboy published the "quote" in December 1995 as part of an article entitled "Once and for All: What the Founding Fathers Said About Guns". After consulting with an assistant editor of the George Washington Papers at the University of Virginia, Playboy published a lengthy correction in March 1996.) << (from the first link, the pro-gun site)

The complete myth-quote is already in that site. And the others, more inclusive than yours -- including the reference to "prairie wagons". Of the future.

Your evidence for its existence: -- Zero.

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I've still been waiting all this time for you to be able to provide some facts that backs up your "claim".

You're actually waiting for me to do your job?? What a lazy fuck.

Burden of proof is on you to vet your stuff, Einstein. But if you get someone to read aloud to you, show them this.
Or this.
Or this.
Or this.

But go ahead, show your "source". :popcorn:

Google search took 0.39 seconds. Is the internet, like, a new thing to you?


If YOU want to make accusations that the quote is bogus, then it's up to you to prove it. Try to be more respectful and less of an ignorant ass.

Wrong, Gummo. You posted it, I called bullshit. Ball's in your court.

And don't even think about "respect" when you're coming in here lying your ass off.
There shouldn't be any mandates dictating what products private industry should be told to create. Rather we should have the Federal Government encourage the exploration of fossils fuels, instead of pushing regulations poised on it's demise like the coal industry. This administration is hurting the economy by pushing government regulations to "dictate" behavior in enforcing policy towards a green ideological agenda. Our nation still depends on fossil fuels to generate our electricity, and if this administration doesn't want to allow a huge expansion of nuclear power plants, they should stay out. Wind power and solar can not effectively supply power in the same manner that conventional fuels can, they are still inferior in their capacity and technology to deliver. Encouraging the private sector in the nation's need for fossil fuel exploration, as well as allowing the "exploring" of green energy together, is the best way to bring our economy back. This micromanaging because our President prefers green energy, Obamacare, more government spending, and higher taxes is what's stifling growth. Government simply needs to get out of the way and allow the private sector to grow, spend, invest, and expand.

You know, it's Monday of a new week --- and the George Washington quote in your sig is still bogus. But let's give it another week, maybe he'll come back and read his script like a good myth.

The complete unabridged quote for you to meditate on:

"Firearms stand next in importance to the constitution itself. They are the American people's liberty teeth and keystone under independence … from the hour the Pilgrims landed to the present day, events, occurences and tendencies prove that to ensure peace security and happiness, the rifle and pistol are equally indispensable … the very atmosphere of firearms anywhere restrains evil interference — they deserve a place of honor with all that's good.”

In short, the Constitution gives us guns to protect ourselves from liberals.
You know, it's Monday of a new week --- and the George Washington quote in your sig is still bogus. But let's give it another week, maybe he'll come back and read his script like a good myth.

The complete unabridged quote for you to meditate on:

"Firearms stand next in importance to the constitution itself. They are the American people's liberty teeth and keystone under independence … from the hour the Pilgrims landed to the present day, events, occurences and tendencies prove that to ensure peace security and happiness, the rifle and pistol are equally indispensable … the very atmosphere of firearms anywhere restrains evil interference — they deserve a place of honor with all that's good.”

In short, the Constitution gives us guns to protect ourselves from liberals.

Actually the point is that the Internets give us fact checks to protect ourselves from morons.
The complete unabridged quote for you to meditate on:

"Firearms stand next in importance to the constitution itself. They are the American people's liberty teeth and keystone under independence … from the hour the Pilgrims landed to the present day, events, occurences and tendencies prove that to ensure peace security and happiness, the rifle and pistol are equally indispensable … the very atmosphere of firearms anywhere restrains evil interference — they deserve a place of honor with all that's good.”

In short, the Constitution gives us guns to protect ourselves from liberals.

Actually the point is that the Internets give us fact checks to protect ourselves from morons.

dear, can you say why the Constitution gives us guns or must you admit you lack the IQ to do so??
In short, the Constitution gives us guns to protect ourselves from liberals.

Actually the point is that the Internets give us fact checks to protect ourselves from morons.

dear, can you say why the Constitution gives us guns or must you admit you lack the IQ to do so??

Fuckface, can you show where George Washington ever uttered any such quote?

No. You can't. Because he didn't. It doesn't exist in history. Somebody made it up. That's what the word "bogus" means.

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Actually the point is that the Internets give us fact checks to protect ourselves from morons.

dear, can you say why the Constitution gives us guns or must you admit you lack the IQ to do so??

Fuckface, can you show where George Washington ever uttered any such quote?

No. You can't. Because he didn't. It doesn't exist in history. Somebody made it up. That's what the word "bogus" means.


for third time:
dear, can you say why the Constitution gives us guns or must you admit you lack the IQ to do so??
dear, can you say why the Constitution gives us guns or must you admit you lack the IQ to do so??

Fuckface, can you show where George Washington ever uttered any such quote?

No. You can't. Because he didn't. It doesn't exist in history. Somebody made it up. That's what the word "bogus" means.


for third time:
dear, can you say why the Constitution gives us guns or must you admit you lack the IQ to do so??

For the fourth time:

Can you not fucking read?
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Fuckface, can you show where George Washington ever uttered any such quote?

No. You can't. Because he didn't. It doesn't exist in history. Somebody made it up. That's what the word "bogus" means.


for third time:
dear, can you say why the Constitution gives us guns or must you admit you lack the IQ to do so??

For the fourth time:

Can you not fucking read?

for forth time:
dear, can you say why the Constitution gives us guns or must you admit you lack the IQ to do so??
for third time:
dear, can you say why the Constitution gives us guns or must you admit you lack the IQ to do so??

For the fourth time:

Can you not fucking read?

for forth time:
dear, can you say why the Constitution gives us guns or must you admit you lack the IQ to do so??

You are the absolutely stupidest hack on planet earth. There is nothing in this conversation about the Constitution. The only time it's mentioned is in a bogus quote.
Which means it is a quote that does not exist.

You understand bogus ------ do you not? Hint: it describes your entire line of posting here.

PS I wouldn't be invoking "IQ" if I couldn't even spell "fourth". Tip for the day.
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