Coronavirus Becomes Leading Cause of Death in U.S.


Gold Member
Sep 15, 2012
Coronavirus Becomes Leading Cause of Death in U.S.

COVID-19, the illness caused by the novel coronavirus, is now the deadliest disease in the United States, killing more people per day than cancer or heart disease.

According to a graph published Tuesday by Dr. Maria Danilychev, who practices in San Diego, COVID-19 is the cause of 1,970 deaths in the U.S. per day.

The graph uses data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) for the daily average causes of death and compares them to COVID-19 statistics from









You can see from the death totals for the different first world countries above how Donald Trump has FAILED to protect the American people from this Pathogen! If the United States were doing as well as New Zealand in protecting the public from this Pathogen, the United States would have less than 100 deaths, not over 16,000!
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Sometimes it sucks to be #1.
You can see from the death totals for the different first world countries above how Donald Trump has FAILED to protect the American people from this Pathogen! It the United States were doing as well as New Zealand in protecting the public from this Pathogen, the United States would have less than 100 deaths, not over 16,000!
What happened to Italy, Spain, France. Are they no longer the first world? You're a bit of a disingenuous twat, aren't you?
Canada is getting crushed too. We lost massive jobs and Ontario lost over 40% of all jobs alone, even as the Premier tries to assure us our horse and buggy economy will recover.

We were already in dire straits before this virus, and they has made it so that people who apply for help must have made a MINIMUM in earnings, whereas the U.S uses a MAXIMUM ($99k). This means we have about 3-4x more people in desperate need in Canada with no option, they will just lose their homes, be evicted, not find work.

In an already destroyed economy this is horrible. Our leaders have told us to expect this to be the norm for at least a year! Meaning, we will have full blown communism in place while you are going back to work and crushing the global economies again.

Trump deserves some credit. If you want to place blame on a virus that came from Communist China, blame the Governor or Mayor of NY. If you don't think they are to blame, how is Trump?
Coronavirus Becomes Leading Cause of Death in U.S.

COVID-19, the illness caused by the novel coronavirus, is now the deadliest disease in the United States, killing more people per day than cancer or heart disease.

According to a graph published Tuesday by Dr. Maria Danilychev, who practices in San Diego, COVID-19 is the cause of 1,970 deaths in the U.S. per day.

The graph uses data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) for the daily average causes of death and compares them to COVID-19 statistics from









You can see from the death totals for the different first world countries above how Donald Trump has FAILED to protect the American people from this Pathogen! It the United States were doing as well as New Zealand in protecting the public from this Pathogen, the United States would have less than 100 deaths, not over 16,000!
Of all the things that never happened, this never happened the most!^^
Coronavirus Becomes Leading Cause of Death in U.S.

COVID-19, the illness caused by the novel coronavirus, is now the deadliest disease in the United States, killing more people per day than cancer or heart disease.

According to a graph published Tuesday by Dr. Maria Danilychev, who practices in San Diego, COVID-19 is the cause of 1,970 deaths in the U.S. per day.

The graph uses data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) for the daily average causes of death and compares them to COVID-19 statistics from









You can see from the death totals for the different first world countries above how Donald Trump has FAILED to protect the American people from this Pathogen! It the United States were doing as well as New Zealand in protecting the public from this Pathogen, the United States would have less than 100 deaths, not over 16,000!
What would have made you happy? Shut down all air travel and businesses beginning in January? Your darling New York Governor wanted no part of a quarantine and most other US governors would have agreed. Regular flu has killed hundreds of thousands of Americans. But THIS one is different because Trump is President.
Coronavirus Becomes Leading Cause of Death in U.S.

COVID-19, the illness caused by the novel coronavirus, is now the deadliest disease in the United States, killing more people per day than cancer or heart disease.

According to a graph published Tuesday by Dr. Maria Danilychev, who practices in San Diego, COVID-19 is the cause of 1,970 deaths in the U.S. per day.

The graph uses data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) for the daily average causes of death and compares them to COVID-19 statistics from









You can see from the death totals for the different first world countries above how Donald Trump has FAILED to protect the American people from this Pathogen! It the United States were doing as well as New Zealand in protecting the public from this Pathogen, the United States would have less than 100 deaths, not over 16,000!

Yeah, the MSM loves it when ignorant folks swallow this kind of information. I mean, why talk about population and percentages and even mentioning Europe? Those pesky numbers ruin the narrative and we wouldn't want to do that.

This just proves what useful idiots Democrats are.
Hmm..., Why did you omit Europe in your post? Your TDS is showing like a tattered dirty slip...

America is supposed to be the greatest country in the world. You know, Donald Trump made America great, right? Does this look like greatness to you?

As for Europe, there are only 14 countries in Europe that have more infections per capita than the United States. The United States has the 15th highest infection rate per capita in the world. Saying your doing better than a few countries in Europe that have the worst infection rates in the world, is more proof of how Donald Trump has failed this country.
Hmm..., Why did you omit Europe in your post? Your TDS is showing like a tattered dirty slip...

America is supposed to be the greatest country in the world. You know, Donald Trump made America great, right? Does this look like greatness to you?

As for Europe, there are only 14 countries in Europe that have more infections per capita than the United States. The United States has the 15th highest infection rate per capita in the world. Saying your doing better than a few countries in Europe that have the worst infection rates in the world, is more proof of how Donald Trump has failed this country.

Well China says they are doing better (though they are probably full of shyte). Reports are that they sealed infected citizens in their homes and let them starve to death, even if one case in an entire building was identified, the entire building as trapped.

Is this what you want to "improve the stats"?
You can see from the death totals for the different first world countries above how Donald Trump has FAILED to protect the American people from this Pathogen! It the United States were doing as well as New Zealand in protecting the public from this Pathogen, the United States would have less than 100 deaths, not over 16,000!
What happened to Italy, Spain, France. Are they no longer the first world? You're a bit of a disingenuous twat, aren't you?

The United States is supposed to be the greatest country in the world. As the greatest country in the world, we should be the best at protecting the citizens of this country from this pathogen. That's why the United States should be at or near countries like New Zealand, South Korea, Taiwan, Japan, Australia, and Singapore.

You think Trump deserves a cookie if were doing better than the two countries with the close to worst infection rates in the world like Italy and Spain? Are you kidding me? Whatever happened to KEEP AMERICA GREAT? How is doing better than Italy and Spain keeping American Great? Shouldn't the standard be New Zealand as opposed to Italy?
Canada is getting crushed too. We lost massive jobs and Ontario lost over 40% of all jobs alone, even as the Premier tries to assure us our horse and buggy economy will recover.

We were already in dire straits before this virus, and they has made it so that people who apply for help must have made a MINIMUM in earnings, whereas the U.S uses a MAXIMUM ($99k). This means we have about 3-4x more people in desperate need in Canada with no option, they will just lose their homes, be evicted, not find work.

In an already destroyed economy this is horrible. Our leaders have told us to expect this to be the norm for at least a year! Meaning, we will have full blown communism in place while you are going back to work and crushing the global economies again.

Trump deserves some credit. If you want to place blame on a virus that came from Communist China, blame the Governor or Mayor of NY. If you don't think they are to blame, how is Trump?

Look at New Zealand, only one death from Coronavirus. Why can't the United States protect its people as well as New Zealand has protected its people?
Coronavirus Becomes Leading Cause of Death in U.S.

COVID-19, the illness caused by the novel coronavirus, is now the deadliest disease in the United States, killing more people per day than cancer or heart disease.

According to a graph published Tuesday by Dr. Maria Danilychev, who practices in San Diego, COVID-19 is the cause of 1,970 deaths in the U.S. per day.

The graph uses data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) for the daily average causes of death and compares them to COVID-19 statistics from









You can see from the death totals for the different first world countries above how Donald Trump has FAILED to protect the American people from this Pathogen! If the United States were doing as well as New Zealand in protecting the public from this Pathogen, the United States would have less than 100 deaths, not over 16,000!
The CDC doesn't have a specific determination about cause of death for COVID-19, from American Thinker,

The CDC Confesses to Lying About COVID-19 Death Numbers

April 9, 2020

By Matthew Vadum


It is an open question now that we are learning that the highly respected, world-class Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has been lying to us.

This revelation comes a few days after I wrote here at American Thinker that New York City was lying about COVID-19 deaths. The normal rules about reporting deaths have been violated by that city in the rush to inflate the body count, presumably to steer more taxpayer money to the Big Apple.

That the CDC isn’t telling the truth to Americans is no conspiracy theory: it’s right out there in the open for everyone to see. The CDC openly admits that it is fudging the COVID-19 death figures.

We know this because, among other truth-tellers, a plainspoken small-town physician from Kalispell, Montana, has pulled back the curtain.



The numbers are inflated, possibly as high as 50%, too high.
You can see from the death totals for the different first world countries above how Donald Trump has FAILED to protect the American people from this Pathogen! It the United States were doing as well as New Zealand in protecting the public from this Pathogen, the United States would have less than 100 deaths, not over 16,000!
What happened to Italy, Spain, France. Are they no longer the first world? You're a bit of a disingenuous twat, aren't you?

The United States is supposed to be the greatest country in the world. As the greatest country in the world, we should be the best at protecting the citizens of this country from this pathogen. That's why the United States should be at or near countries like New Zealand, South Korea, Taiwan, Japan, Australia, and Singapore.

You think Trump deserves a cookie if were doing better than the two countries with the close to worst infection rates in the world like Italy and Spain? Are you kidding me? Whatever happened to KEEP AMERICA GREAT? How is doing better than Italy and Spain keeping American Great? Shouldn't the standard be New Zealand as opposed to Italy?
You know, I could compare Einstein's IQ, or even that of a houseplant to yours and prove you're an idiot, but that's not necessary.
Hmm..., Why did you omit Europe in your post? Your TDS is showing like a tattered dirty slip...

America is supposed to be the greatest country in the world. You know, Donald Trump made America great, right? Does this look like greatness to you?

As for Europe, there are only 14 countries in Europe that have more infections per capita than the United States. The United States has the 15th highest infection rate per capita in the world. Saying your doing better than a few countries in Europe that have the worst infection rates in the world, is more proof of how Donald Trump has failed this country.

You sound like a spoiled child. The fact is Trump stopped travel from China long before your masters stopped flapping their gums about how the disease was no problem and Trump was a racist for doing it.

Face it clown boi, it is YOUR leaders who fucked up.

But you are intellectually dishonest so facts don't matter to you
You can see from the death totals for the different first world countries above how Donald Trump has FAILED to protect the American people from this Pathogen! It the United States were doing as well as New Zealand in protecting the public from this Pathogen, the United States would have less than 100 deaths, not over 16,000!
What happened to Italy, Spain, France. Are they no longer the first world? You're a bit of a disingenuous twat, aren't you?
Good one, "disingenuous twat", a MOST apt description of the OP.

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