Cops held mentally ill man down on scorching asphalt until his skin literally melted off

Again, you ARE an idiot. Now go away.

This is a simple case.
The police totally screwed up, did stupid, harmful, and illegal things.
That is obvious and beyond contention.
So what the heck are you even trying to contest this?
The laws is clear.
Police can NOT legally do this.
There is no way for police to have that kind of authority.
They get their authority from delegation from us.
So if police can do something, that mean we have to authorize them to do it, and that means we have to be able to do it.
So are you REALLY going to try to content that anyone can knock someone else to the ground, under any circumstances?
Damn, you just don't listen, do you? You ARE an idiot. Now GO AWAY.

Because what you seem to be implying, that police legally can impose a penalty through deliberately inflicting pain, without trial.
And if that is what you are trying to say, you are not must wrong, but dangerously crazy.
So you had better start explaining yourself?
..these people DO need their a$$es kicked and some burning--because they are STUPID--you can't rationalize with an irrational/violent/crazy/etc jackass
....I think if you run from cops, you SHOULD get an a$$ beating--it should be legal

Innocent people run from the cops because they are embarrassed, scared, etc.
They will run even more if cops are beating people up even more.

What people deserve is one thing, but letting police pass judgement and impose sentence, is insanely illegal and dangerous.
...innocent people run from the police???!!!! because they are embarrassed?? !!!
..what planet do you live on?
Resisting arrest?

So what if someone is resisting arrest?
That does not mean you have any reason to knock them down on hard, hot, asphalt.
Why not just shoot them all instead of arresting anyone then?
If you allow punishment before trial, then why bother with a trial at all?

To prevent someone from resisting arrest and/or hurting themselves, you place them in a position to limit their movement. The story is an exaggeration at the least and an outright lie at the worst.

Sure, and the position you place them in is on a padded seat in the back of a police car.
If instead you knock them to the ground, you not only risk injuring them, but you have angered them and allowed them to use their feet at much more dangerous weapons than their hands would be.
they are angered ALREADY!!!!!!!! DUH
jesusf christ!!!!!!
they are irrational/ANGERED/violent ALREADY-BEFORE the cops get there's the REAL story that the OP did not link! the Jackass is angered/violent/irrational BEFORE the cops get there
Sacramento Arrest Leaves Man Hospitalized With Third Degree Burns

The guy was angry about something, towards someone.
That does not mean he was angry towards everyone.
The uniform is supposed to identify the cop as a friend or at least neutral.
So you do NOT want to squander that good will by beating on him right away, as these cops did.
Third degree burns are illegal.
The cops violated the law and caused more harm than they were called to handle.
Did the suspect cause any 3rd degree burns to anyone, or anything remotely equivalent?
they usually try other means if possible before '''[ hahahaha ] beating ] just like they tried other things before being forced to take down jackass/resister Rodney dumbass King
To prevent someone from resisting arrest and/or hurting themselves, you place them in a position to limit their movement. The story is an exaggeration at the least and an outright lie at the worst.

Sure, and the position you place them in is on a padded seat in the back of a police car.
If instead you knock them to the ground, you not only risk injuring them, but you have angered them and allowed them to use their feet at much more dangerous weapons than their hands would be.

You don't know jack about what is proper, dumbass! Were you there?

What is the first thing a cop does before arresting someone in a violent situation? He puts them of the ground!

I am old enough to have seen hundreds of violent confrontations with police, and only in the last decade are police so stupid and badly trained as to put people on the ground. It is asking for trouble. It is also illegal.
we have so many Bruce Lees/James Bonds/Chuck Norrises
hahahaha people would talk to irrational/violent/crazy/etc jackasses that want to hurt you--and MAGICALLY--they would listen to you
..OR you would ''incapacitate'' them with a karate chop--with no harm done

What I said is that you handcuff them. What does your post have to do with anything?
DUH!!!!! they don't want to be handcuffed--they RESIST--like jackass Eric the lifelong criminal Garner if someone doesn't want to be handcuffed, please tell me what YOU--Mr Chuck Norris--would do???!!!???
Cops Held Mentally Ill Man Down on Scorching Asphalt Until His Skin Literally Melted Off
(FTP) — A California man is suing the city of Citrus Heights and several of its police officers for the horrific injuries — skin literally melting off — when police forced him onto the ground of a restaurant parking lot when the temperature was more than 100 degrees outside. The city finally settled this lawsuit, but it was just learned that police and officials forced the victim’s attorney and the victim to stay silent about it. Luckily, the press is not subject to the same terms.

Well you got your ggood guys and you got your bad guys but then you have these looons who think they won't get punished because they are on the

Another stupid pig that FNCCEO will no doubt defend that ought to be busted off the force, have the book thrown at and be charged with criminal assault.

SURE, you dumb, fucking jackass! Just lay here burning your skin off until I complete my arrest!
as I stated--these articles leave a lot of facts out
...the police can't say ''pretty please'' to irrational/stupid/crazy/violent/etc people-FORCE has to be used--and if you have to use FORCE on a non-compliant person or item, guess what?? something breaks's not the cops fault -- plain and simple

the OP's article left this out--conveniently:
Security footage inside the KFC shows that Nelson tried to jump the counter and took a swipe at the manager — he also unsuccessfully attempted to steal the manager’s wallet.
he got what he deserved
Sacramento Arrest Leaves Man Hospitalized With Third Degree Burns

The rule of law requires that judges decide what people deserve, not police. When police do it on their own, that is called an illegal dictatorship or police state.
again--you are living in TV LAND--not get some big MOFO that doesn't want to be handcuffed and FIGHTS back--WTF are you going to do??
Cops Held Mentally Ill Man Down on Scorching Asphalt Until His Skin Literally Melted Off
(FTP) — A California man is suing the city of Citrus Heights and several of its police officers for the horrific injuries — skin literally melting off — when police forced him onto the ground of a restaurant parking lot when the temperature was more than 100 degrees outside. The city finally settled this lawsuit, but it was just learned that police and officials forced the victim’s attorney and the victim to stay silent about it. Luckily, the press is not subject to the same terms.

Well you got your ggood guys and you got your bad guys but then you have these looons who think they won't get punished because they are on the
Or you COULD look at it this way - Don't do things that would provoke a police officer(s) to HAVE to take you to the ground. Problem solved.

I agree.

Policemen are not were they to know the person was mentally ill.

They are here to do their duty. :thup:

How were they to know that hot pavement burns?
How were they to know that someone screaming in pain may actually be in pain?
Police are acting criminally, so are you complicit?
Again, you ARE an idiot. Now go away.

This is a simple case.
The police totally screwed up, did stupid, harmful, and illegal things.
That is obvious and beyond contention.
So what the heck are you even trying to contest this?
The laws is clear.
Police can NOT legally do this.
There is no way for police to have that kind of authority.
They get their authority from delegation from us.
So if police can do something, that mean we have to authorize them to do it, and that means we have to be able to do it.
So are you REALLY going to try to content that anyone can knock someone else to the ground, under any circumstances?
Damn, you just don't listen, do you? You ARE an idiot. Now GO AWAY.

Because what you seem to be implying, that police legally can impose a penalty through deliberately inflicting pain, without trial.
And if that is what you are trying to say, you are not must wrong, but dangerously crazy.
So you had better start explaining yourself?
..these people DO need their a$$es kicked and some burning--because they are STUPID--you can't rationalize with an irrational/violent/crazy/etc jackass
....I think if you run from cops, you SHOULD get an a$$ beating--it should be legal

By the time Nelson was brought to the hospital, according to the lawsuit, his body temperature was 108 degrees, and he had second- and third-degree burns over 20 percent of his body. He suffered kidney failure, shock and permanent disfigurement.
To prevent someone from resisting arrest and/or hurting themselves, you place them in a position to limit their movement. The story is an exaggeration at the least and an outright lie at the worst.

Sure, and the position you place them in is on a padded seat in the back of a police car.
If instead you knock them to the ground, you not only risk injuring them, but you have angered them and allowed them to use their feet at much more dangerous weapons than their hands would be.

You don't know jack about what is proper, dumbass! Were you there?

What is the first thing a cop does before arresting someone in a violent situation? He puts them of the ground!

I am old enough to have seen hundreds of violent confrontations with police, and only in the last decade are police so stupid and badly trained as to put people on the ground. It is asking for trouble. It is also illegal.

Total and complete bullshit! You are not old enough to say it doesn't happen, when I see it on the news every single day, dumbass!

Read more carefully.
I said it happens.
But I said it only happens in the last decade or so, which shows training has changed for the far worse.
Clearly police must now be trained to illegally knock people to the ground, taze them, and beat them into submission.
Police these days have to be insane or really stupid to follow such ridiculous military training.
Police have forgotten they are actually civilians hired by the people to serve and protect.
They think they are at Bagdhad instead.

It hasn't changed "in the last decade or so". I worked closely with our school resource officers and local police when I was a school administrator in the early 2000s..

Once, we had a fire and power failure that caused us to have to cancel the last half of a football jamboree. The crowd was told to leave the stadium since it was too dark to play. A father and son approached me and the officers wanting to know why it was cancelled. I calmly explained that the faire had taken out the field lights and it was getting too dark to play safely. The man became irate, and refused to leave. Despite numerous warnings, he would still not leave. The officers were given no choice but to threaten arrest. When he still refused to leave, he was told he was being placed under arrest, and then he resisted when the officers tried to take him into custody. The officers, after fair warning, took him face down into the concrete and slapped the cuffs on him. He stopped resisting and the received a free ride and night in jail for being a prick!.

Moral of the story: Don't be a prick and resist arrest, and you won't eat concrete!
Or you COULD look at it this way - Don't do things that would provoke a police officer(s) to HAVE to take you to the ground. Problem solved.

I bet they’d love my viewpoint - thst resistance is tantamount to an admission of guilt and should be met with gunfire.

First of all you have it backwards, in that those who are actually guilty, NEVER resist, as they want to remain as low profile as possible, and negotiate the lowest penalty from the prosecutor. It is only the innocent being incorrectly accused that get angry and resist.
Second is that government and police are NOT a source of any legal authority. The ONLY source of legal authority in a democratic republic is the inherent rights of individuals. Police then exist because they borrow our delegated authority. Which means police then can only do what we authorize, and we can only authorize that which we can do ourselves. So then clearly you have to see it is wrong to believe police can shoot any more than any ordinary person can shoot.

You are a tool and a fool!

You obviously watch too much TV!

Goodbye dumbass! You incapable of rational thought.
Sure, and the position you place them in is on a padded seat in the back of a police car.
If instead you knock them to the ground, you not only risk injuring them, but you have angered them and allowed them to use their feet at much more dangerous weapons than their hands would be.

You don't know jack about what is proper, dumbass! Were you there?

What is the first thing a cop does before arresting someone in a violent situation? He puts them of the ground!

I am old enough to have seen hundreds of violent confrontations with police, and only in the last decade are police so stupid and badly trained as to put people on the ground. It is asking for trouble. It is also illegal.

Total and complete bullshit! You are not old enough to say it doesn't happen, when I see it on the news every single day, dumbass!

Read more carefully.
I said it happens.
But I said it only happens in the last decade or so, which shows training has changed for the far worse.
Clearly police must now be trained to illegally knock people to the ground, taze them, and beat them into submission.
Police these days have to be insane or really stupid to follow such ridiculous military training.
Police have forgotten they are actually civilians hired by the people to serve and protect.
They think they are at Bagdhad instead.

It hasn't changed "in the last decade or so". I worked closely with our school resource officers and local police when I was a school administrator in the early 2000s..

Once, we had a fire and power failure that caused us to have to cancel the last half of a football jamboree. The crowd was told to leave the stadium since it was too dark to play. A father and son approached me and the officers wanting to know why it was cancelled. I calmly explained that the faire had taken out the field lights and it was getting too dark to play safely. The man became irate, and refused to leave. Despite numerous warnings, he would still not leave. The officers were given no choice but to threaten arrest. When he still refused to leave, he was told he was being placed under arrest, and then he resisted when the officers tried to take him into custody. The officers, after fair warning, took him face down into the concrete and slapped the cuffs on him. He stopped resisting and the received a free ride and night in jail for being a prick!.

Moral of the story: Don't be a prick and resist arrest, and you won't eat concrete!
Was the concrete 170 degrees?
If not, how is it relevant to this story?
This is a simple case.
The police totally screwed up, did stupid, harmful, and illegal things.
That is obvious and beyond contention.
So what the heck are you even trying to contest this?
The laws is clear.
Police can NOT legally do this.
There is no way for police to have that kind of authority.
They get their authority from delegation from us.
So if police can do something, that mean we have to authorize them to do it, and that means we have to be able to do it.
So are you REALLY going to try to content that anyone can knock someone else to the ground, under any circumstances?
Damn, you just don't listen, do you? You ARE an idiot. Now GO AWAY.

Because what you seem to be implying, that police legally can impose a penalty through deliberately inflicting pain, without trial.
And if that is what you are trying to say, you are not must wrong, but dangerously crazy.
So you had better start explaining yourself?
..these people DO need their a$$es kicked and some burning--because they are STUPID--you can't rationalize with an irrational/violent/crazy/etc jackass
....I think if you run from cops, you SHOULD get an a$$ beating--it should be legal

Innocent people run from the cops because they are embarrassed, scared, etc.
They will run even more if cops are beating people up even more.

What people deserve is one thing, but letting police pass judgement and impose sentence, is insanely illegal and dangerous.
...innocent people run from the police???!!!! because they are embarrassed?? !!!
..what planet do you live on?

Freddie Grey ran from the police even though he had done nothing wrong. We now understand why.
Damn, you just don't listen, do you? You ARE an idiot. Now GO AWAY.

Because what you seem to be implying, that police legally can impose a penalty through deliberately inflicting pain, without trial.
And if that is what you are trying to say, you are not must wrong, but dangerously crazy.
So you had better start explaining yourself?
..these people DO need their a$$es kicked and some burning--because they are STUPID--you can't rationalize with an irrational/violent/crazy/etc jackass
....I think if you run from cops, you SHOULD get an a$$ beating--it should be legal

Innocent people run from the cops because they are embarrassed, scared, etc.
They will run even more if cops are beating people up even more.

What people deserve is one thing, but letting police pass judgement and impose sentence, is insanely illegal and dangerous.
...innocent people run from the police???!!!! because they are embarrassed?? !!!
..what planet do you live on?

Freddie Grey ran from the police even though he had done nothing wrong. We now understand why.
why is he running from the police!!???!!! hahahahahah he ran from the police, because he was doing nothing wrong, and you blame the police for his death??!!! hahahahahha.....that is some of the dumbest logic I've ever heard
...Freddie Gray Arrest Record, Criminal History, and Rap Sheet = criminals run from the police--not innocent people--unless they are stupid---
Because what you seem to be implying, that police legally can impose a penalty through deliberately inflicting pain, without trial.
And if that is what you are trying to say, you are not must wrong, but dangerously crazy.
So you had better start explaining yourself?
..these people DO need their a$$es kicked and some burning--because they are STUPID--you can't rationalize with an irrational/violent/crazy/etc jackass
....I think if you run from cops, you SHOULD get an a$$ beating--it should be legal

Innocent people run from the cops because they are embarrassed, scared, etc.
They will run even more if cops are beating people up even more.

What people deserve is one thing, but letting police pass judgement and impose sentence, is insanely illegal and dangerous.
...innocent people run from the police???!!!! because they are embarrassed?? !!!
..what planet do you live on?

Freddie Grey ran from the police even though he had done nothing wrong. We now understand why.
why is he running from the police!!???!!! hahahahahah he ran from the police, because he was doing nothing wrong, and you blame the police for his death??!!! hahahahahha.....that is some of the dumbest logic I've ever heard
...Freddie Gray Arrest Record, Criminal History, and Rap Sheet = criminals run from the police--not innocent people--unless they are stupid---

Freddie ran because he had a deadly weapon in his pocket and didn't want to go back to jail.
Because what you seem to be implying, that police legally can impose a penalty through deliberately inflicting pain, without trial.
And if that is what you are trying to say, you are not must wrong, but dangerously crazy.
So you had better start explaining yourself?
..these people DO need their a$$es kicked and some burning--because they are STUPID--you can't rationalize with an irrational/violent/crazy/etc jackass
....I think if you run from cops, you SHOULD get an a$$ beating--it should be legal

Innocent people run from the cops because they are embarrassed, scared, etc.
They will run even more if cops are beating people up even more.

What people deserve is one thing, but letting police pass judgement and impose sentence, is insanely illegal and dangerous.
...innocent people run from the police???!!!! because they are embarrassed?? !!!
..what planet do you live on?

Freddie Grey ran from the police even though he had done nothing wrong. We now understand why.
why is he running from the police!!???!!! hahahahahah he ran from the police, because he was doing nothing wrong, and you blame the police for his death??!!! hahahahahha.....that is some of the dumbest logic I've ever heard
...Freddie Gray Arrest Record, Criminal History, and Rap Sheet = criminals run from the police--not innocent people--unless they are stupid---

He had most likely encountered the back of the van justice before. Heck, the police killed one of their own in Baltimore to keep him from testifying. You can understand why people would run from that.
If law and order was the goal of society, then we never would have rebelled from England.
No, the goal of society is individual rights, justice, and freedom.
When gov or police do not serve that, they are to be destroyed as fast as possible.

At this point I’m not sure we should have revolted.
Then again you have to understand I don’t believe in individual rights or freedom and my view of Justice is incredibly brutal.

I believe it’s the role of all citizens to report illegal activity so it can be rooted out and destroyed.
..these people DO need their a$$es kicked and some burning--because they are STUPID--you can't rationalize with an irrational/violent/crazy/etc jackass
....I think if you run from cops, you SHOULD get an a$$ beating--it should be legal

Innocent people run from the cops because they are embarrassed, scared, etc.
They will run even more if cops are beating people up even more.

What people deserve is one thing, but letting police pass judgement and impose sentence, is insanely illegal and dangerous.
...innocent people run from the police???!!!! because they are embarrassed?? !!!
..what planet do you live on?

Freddie Grey ran from the police even though he had done nothing wrong. We now understand why.
why is he running from the police!!???!!! hahahahahah he ran from the police, because he was doing nothing wrong, and you blame the police for his death??!!! hahahahahha.....that is some of the dumbest logic I've ever heard
...Freddie Gray Arrest Record, Criminal History, and Rap Sheet = criminals run from the police--not innocent people--unless they are stupid---

Freddie ran because he had a deadly weapon in his pocket and didn't want to go back to jail.

He had a small knife. He was doing nothing illegal and the police had no reason to come after him.
Innocent people run from the cops because they are embarrassed, scared, etc.
They will run even more if cops are beating people up even more.

What people deserve is one thing, but letting police pass judgement and impose sentence, is insanely illegal and dangerous.
...innocent people run from the police???!!!! because they are embarrassed?? !!!
..what planet do you live on?

Freddie Grey ran from the police even though he had done nothing wrong. We now understand why.
why is he running from the police!!???!!! hahahahahah he ran from the police, because he was doing nothing wrong, and you blame the police for his death??!!! hahahahahha.....that is some of the dumbest logic I've ever heard
...Freddie Gray Arrest Record, Criminal History, and Rap Sheet = criminals run from the police--not innocent people--unless they are stupid---

Freddie ran because he had a deadly weapon in his pocket and didn't want to go back to jail.

He had a small knife. He was doing nothing illegal and the police had no reason to come after him.
hahahahha JESUS F CHRIST----you people are brainwashed/don't think/don't research/are racist/etc !!!
YES--they did have a reason--HE RAN when he saw the police!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ce,[39] at 8:39 a.m Lieutenant Brian W. Rice, Officer Edward Nero, and Officer Garrett E. Miller were patrolling on bicycles and made eye contact with Gray,[35][40][41] who proceeded to flee on foot "unprovoked upon noticing police presence"
Death of Freddie Gray - Wikipedia
Innocent people run from the cops because they are embarrassed, scared, etc.
They will run even more if cops are beating people up even more.

What people deserve is one thing, but letting police pass judgement and impose sentence, is insanely illegal and dangerous.
...innocent people run from the police???!!!! because they are embarrassed?? !!!
..what planet do you live on?

Freddie Grey ran from the police even though he had done nothing wrong. We now understand why.
why is he running from the police!!???!!! hahahahahah he ran from the police, because he was doing nothing wrong, and you blame the police for his death??!!! hahahahahha.....that is some of the dumbest logic I've ever heard
...Freddie Gray Arrest Record, Criminal History, and Rap Sheet = criminals run from the police--not innocent people--unless they are stupid---

Freddie ran because he had a deadly weapon in his pocket and didn't want to go back to jail.

He had a small knife. He was doing nothing illegal and the police had no reason to come after him.
whenever I see a cop----I run---FAST!!!!
...innocent people run from the police???!!!! because they are embarrassed?? !!!
..what planet do you live on?

Freddie Grey ran from the police even though he had done nothing wrong. We now understand why.
why is he running from the police!!???!!! hahahahahah he ran from the police, because he was doing nothing wrong, and you blame the police for his death??!!! hahahahahha.....that is some of the dumbest logic I've ever heard
...Freddie Gray Arrest Record, Criminal History, and Rap Sheet = criminals run from the police--not innocent people--unless they are stupid---

Freddie ran because he had a deadly weapon in his pocket and didn't want to go back to jail.

He had a small knife. He was doing nothing illegal and the police had no reason to come after him.
whenever I see a cop----I run---FAST!!!!

Good, you get cardio and police get less paperwork.

Win win.
...innocent people run from the police???!!!! because they are embarrassed?? !!!
..what planet do you live on?

Freddie Grey ran from the police even though he had done nothing wrong. We now understand why.
why is he running from the police!!???!!! hahahahahah he ran from the police, because he was doing nothing wrong, and you blame the police for his death??!!! hahahahahha.....that is some of the dumbest logic I've ever heard
...Freddie Gray Arrest Record, Criminal History, and Rap Sheet = criminals run from the police--not innocent people--unless they are stupid---

Freddie ran because he had a deadly weapon in his pocket and didn't want to go back to jail.

He had a small knife. He was doing nothing illegal and the police had no reason to come after him.
hahahahha JESUS F CHRIST----you people are brainwashed/don't think/don't research/are racist/etc !!!
YES--they did have a reason--HE RAN when he saw the police!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ce,[39] at 8:39 a.m Lieutenant Brian W. Rice, Officer Edward Nero, and Officer Garrett E. Miller were patrolling on bicycles and made eye contact with Gray,[35][40][41] who proceeded to flee on foot "unprovoked upon noticing police presence"
Death of Freddie Gray - Wikipedia

This has been covered.
Cops Held Mentally Ill Man Down on Scorching Asphalt Until His Skin Literally Melted Off
(FTP) — A California man is suing the city of Citrus Heights and several of its police officers for the horrific injuries — skin literally melting off — when police forced him onto the ground of a restaurant parking lot when the temperature was more than 100 degrees outside. The city finally settled this lawsuit, but it was just learned that police and officials forced the victim’s attorney and the victim to stay silent about it. Luckily, the press is not subject to the same terms.

Well you got your ggood guys and you got your bad guys but then you have these looons who think they won't get punished because they are on the
Or you COULD look at it this way - Don't do things that would provoke a police officer(s) to HAVE to take you to the ground. Problem solved.

unless you are waco, cliven bundy or ruby ridge...

then you wave your guns around and call the police "jack booted nazis"

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