Cop Shooter Reported Confirmed NBP Party Supporter....Like Obama


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Several news agencies are reporting the terrorist who shot 12 cops, killing 5, is a member / supporter of the violent militant Ne Black Panther Party.

Isn't that a coincidence - Barry is also a big supporter of the NBP Party.

Not only did he send his AG to drop crimial charges on two members who had been arrested for carrying clubs and intimidating white voters at a poling location during an election...

SENATOR Obama proudly displayed their endorsenent on his campaign website...until the media got wind of it:

(Complete with photo of the web site:)

ALERT: Obama Openly Supported the New Black Panthers on Campaign Website [PROOF]
You kill whitey and I'll make it easier by taking their gun rights away, so you don't have to worry about them shooting back.
It is the change you voted for and the scourge Hitlery plans to ratchet up should the stupids elect her.
Remember when whiney Hillary supporters cried like babies because Black Panther party members hung out at polling places during the primaries when she was running against Obama and threatened the Hillary voters with billy clubs.

Good times
Several news agencies are reporting the terrorist who shot 12 cops, killing 5, is a member / supporter of the violent militant Ne Black Panther Party.

Isn't that a coincidence - Barry is also a big supporter of the NBP Party.

Not only did he send his AG to drop crimial charges on two members who had been arrested for carrying clubs and intimidating white voters at a poling location during an election...

SENATOR Obama proudly displayed their endorsenent on his campaign website...until the media got wind of it:

(Complete with photo of the web site:)

ALERT: Obama Openly Supported the New Black Panthers on Campaign Website [PROOF]
You rubes are such gullible and naive fools, but well-trained. ROTFLMAO!

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