Cop arrests Vet for filming him from his Front Porch.


Platinum Member
Nov 16, 2016
Another in the nearly endless flood of Cops doing stupid shit, but we are supposed to understand that they have a tough job. When they do something wrong, it’s because they have a dangerous job, or something. The stupid wrong things they do are never the fuel thrown onto the fire of animosity towards the cops, it’s people like me, who dare to publicize the abuses.

Marine veteran says he was assaulted for filming, Vallejo officer investigated

In the near future, this Marine Vet is liable to say Fuck the Police, when one of them needs his help, and then who is the bad guy? The Vet who was abused?

This is the problem with heavy handed thugs in uniform. It isn’t that the cops have a dangerous job, it is how they react, how they behave. I’ve pointed out the asinine nature of that excuse more than once. women face sexual assault, but we would not let a woman bash someone over the head because it’s dangerous to be a woman. Truck Drivers risk life and limb on the roads every day, but we would be outraged if a Trucker started pummeling some guy because the job is stressful. Only cops get away with that crap, and they shouldn’t.

The “incident is under investigation”. How long is it going to take? They have the video from the cop, and the Vet who was arrested for filming the cop. If the Vet had popped the Cop upside the head for assaulting him, the investigation would have taken twenty minutes, the investigation into the cop could take twenty years as the Department does everything possible to avoid blaming one of their own.

Want to know why the cops are not liked by the folks in the community? Don’t sit there blaming the community, talk to them, about the abuses they’ve suffered, and seen, and then you’ll know why the cops ain’t loved.
He was not being arrested, his cousin was stopped. He was told to go back in the house. He did not. Refusal to comply, interefere with officer stop.
He was not being arrested, his cousin was stopped. He was told to go back in the house. He did not. Refusal to comply, interefere with officer stop.

He was what, twenty feet away, and on his own porch? Later of course, I’m supposed to beat my breast and wear sack cloth when a cop gets a paper cut,

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