Conspiracy? Rubber Room? Where? Why?

Hmmm. Reminds me of Jack Reacher going by the names of Yankee first basemen. Or, the writer of the Jessie Stone novels, having Jessie nickname his lead cop as Suitcase Simpson. I like baseball, probably more than any other team sport, but people like you and that dead author actually know
baseball for it to occur to you, which is more impressive than just liking the game as a thinking man's game from player to manager.
Thanks. By the way, i have read every Reacher book. Love that series. Hated Tom Cruise in the title role. But the new guy in the TV series is very good.

Ditto that for all the Bosch books. Titus Welliver shines as Bosch.
Thanks. By the way, i have read every Reacher book. Love that series. Hated Tom Cruise in the title role. But the new guy in the TV series is very good.

Ditto that for all the Bosch books. Titus Welliver shines as Bosch.
I have read most of the Jack Reacher books, have read all of the Jessies stone books (by Robert B Parker before he died) and all the Harry Bosch series by Michael Connelly and have them on my Kindle Fire Table. I liked Tom Selleck as Jessie Stone. You are correct if thinking Tom Cruise to small and too much an unmarked pretty boy for Jack Reacher. I haven't then new guy playing Jack Reacher except shorts on YouTube, as I don't take the right streaming service, but that guy looks better for the part. I have seen none of the Bosch series (same reason) but hope he and the TV writers, do Connelly's source material justice.

I hope you got around to reading the complete Longmire series by Craig Johnson as it is well worth the read. Of course the TV series didn't do the source material justice after the first half of season 1, due to going for drama instead of keying on Walt getting his man, the Indian mysticism, and Walt often going out on his own, and there was miscasting of some major players (though Robert Taylor was fine for Walt).
I have read most of the Jack Reacher books, have read all of the Jessies stone books (by Robert B Parker before he died) and all the Harry Bosch series by Michael Connelly and have them on my Kindle Fire Table. I liked Tom Selleck as Jessie Stone. You are correct if thinking Tom Cruise to small and too much an unmarked pretty boy for Jack Reacher. I haven't then new guy playing Jack Reacher except shorts on YouTube, as I don't take the right streaming service, but that guy looks better for the part. I have seen none of the Bosch series (same reason) but hope he and the TV writers, do Connelly's source material justice.

Mr. Connolly is an executive producer and makes sure they do the series justice.
I hope you got around to reading the complete Longmire series by Craig Johnson as it is well worth the read.

I only recently started. I’m on the second book he wrote. I saw the series first. It was done very well although it didn’t capture all the nuances.

Never read any of the Jessie Stone books. Worthwhile?
Of course the TV series didn't do the source material justice after the first half of season 1, due to going for drama instead of keying on Walt getting his man, the Indian mysticism, and Walt often going out on his own, and there was miscasting of some major players (though Robert Taylor was fine for Walt).
I kind of like that part. I enjoyed the portrayal of Bear. I enjoyed the inclusion of the Indian point of view. Taylor was solid.

The other series I recommend is by the now late author Tony Hillerman: the books are all set in the area of the Navajo Tribal Police. The police procedural components are put together well. But Hillerman won awards also from the Indians for his contribution to the understanding of Indian culture. Finally, the way he depicted the scenery out there was vivid and beautiful.
Maybe they are tired of the guy shitting himself.'re talking about your savior, Trump? Who shits himself every time he opens his mouth.
How does it feel? To know your hero is going to wipe the field of his Republican challengers and then lose badly to the likes of Newsom..Harris...and god forbid..BIDEN..AGAIN!! :auiqs.jpg:'re talking about your savior, Trump? Who shits himself every time he opens his mouth.
How does it feel? To know your hero is going to wipe the field of his Republican challengers and then lose badly to the likes of Newsom..Harris...and god forbid..BIDEN..AGAIN!! :auiqs.jpg:
You have a lot in common with Trump then?
Mr. Connolly is an executive producer and makes sure they do the series justice.

I only recently started. I’m on the second book he wrote. I saw the series first. It was done very well although it didn’t capture all the nuances.

Never read any of the Jessie Stone books. Worthwhile?

I kind of like that part. I enjoyed the portrayal of Bear. I enjoyed the inclusion of the Indian point of view. Taylor was solid.

The other series I recommend is by the now late author Tony Hillerman: the books are all set in the area of the Navajo Tribal Police. The police procedural components are put together well. But Hillerman won awards also from the Indians for his contribution to the understanding of Indian culture. Finally, the way he depicted the scenery out there was vivid and beautiful.
Well, that sounds good and bode well, the originating author retaining some control over the work. All the books are very good if you like mystery police procedurals, based on a few decades ago, and you like the character loner Byronic hero Harry Bosch, with his own demons of the past, (Vietnam as well as childhood) his mission in life, and the mantra lives by "everybody counts or nobody counts".

I really do like the Jessie Stone Books and the books are better than the movies (though the Tom Selleck portrayal of the failed big city, divorced, recovering alcoholic homicide cop, turned small town police chief is quite good to character created), but I only go for the original author.

Yes, in the Longmire series on TV, the characterization of Henry Standing Bear, played by Lou Diamond Phillips is quite good (one of the closest go source), though the show goes more toward drama even with Bear, not nearly as evident in the books, which went more toward the stoic mysticism rooted in the culture of one of Walt's oldest and closest friends, with friends and relations in the elders of the local tribe. Certainly not to the extent of The Teachings of Don Juan: A Yaqui Way of Knowledge, by Carlos Casteneda, but of course that started as Master’s Thesis in anthropology, and Longmire is a modern day western Sheriff mystery, set in the wilds of Wyoming. The books by Craig Johnson are excellent if you like those two character, and Johnson is very good at fleshing out his characters, far better than on the TV show.

That last one you mention on the tribal police, was there a one or two season TV show on that, that finished a couple of months ago, though I cannot remember the name at the moment. I may have read books in a series like that, also, if I could come up with a name.
Well, that sounds good and bode well, the originating author retaining some control over the work. All the books are very good if you like mystery police procedurals, based on a few decades ago, and you like the character loner Byronic hero Harry Bosch, with his own demons of the past, (Vietnam as well as childhood) his mission in life, and the mantra lives by "everybody counts or nobody counts".

I really do like the Jessie Stone Books and the books are better than the movies (though the Tom Selleck portrayal of the failed big city, divorced, recovering alcoholic homicide cop, turned small town police chief is quite good to character created), but I only go for the original author.

Yes, in the Longmire series on TV, the characterization of Henry Standing Bear, played by Lou Diamond Phillips is quite good (one of the closest go source), though the show goes more toward drama even with Bear, not nearly as evident in the books, which went more toward the stoic mysticism rooted in the culture of one of Walt's oldest and closest friends, with friends and relations in the elders of the local tribe. Certainly not to the extent of The Teachings of Don Juan: A Yaqui Way of Knowledge, by Carlos Casteneda, but of course that started as Master’s Thesis in anthropology, and Longmire is a modern day western Sheriff mystery, set in the wilds of Wyoming. The books by Craig Johnson are excellent if you like those two character, and Johnson is very good at fleshing out his characters, far better than on the TV show.

That last one you mention on the tribal police, was there a one or two season TV show on that, that finished a couple of months ago, though I cannot remember the name at the moment. I may have read books in a series like that, also, if I could come up with a name.
Dark Winds. First season lacked what the writing would have led me to hope. I believe there will be a second season. Lt. Leaphorn is played by an actor you would recognize from Longmire. The chief of their local tribal police department.

And the one who plays Jim Chee is so so in the role. But he replaces — Lou Diamond Phillips from the movie version

I’m gonna read the Stone series once I finish the Longmire novels.
Dark Winds. First season lacked what the writing would have led me to hope. I believe there will be a second season. Lt. Leaphorn is played by an actor you would recognize from Longmire. The chief of their local tribal police department.

And the one who plays Jim Chee is so so in the role. But he replaces — Lou Diamond Phillips from the movie version

I’m gonna read the Stone series once I finish the Longmire novels.
I found Dark Winds because it looked like Yellowstone. I like it. What year is it set in?
I found Dark Winds because it looked like Yellowstone. I like it. What year is it set in?
Early 1970’s. The books are terrific. They won the now late author all kinds of acclaim not just for fiction writing and crime writing but also from Native American Indians. Great material.
Can some one please tell me if anyone has ANY information concerning our President’s ears?

View attachment 758293

Honestly, don’t give a shit if the senile old man has a body double. But it would concern me if the folks behind the “throne” are allowing the body double to do Brandon’s public (and official) speaking.
Makes me happy that there exists SHIT STAINS like yourself that often stoop to the level of "Wow, just Wow".

You Shit Stains have a conspiracy for everything.
History will laugh at you.

Jewish Space Laser
Body Doubles for HC and JB
Stolen Election
Dominion Machines
Witch Hunts

I Hope to live another 40 years to read about POS45 and his Cult.
Makes me happy that there exists SHIT STAINS like yourself that often stoop to the level of "Wow, just Wow".

You Shit Stains have a conspiracy for everything.
History will laugh at you.

Jewish Space Laser
Body Doubles for HC and JB
Stolen Election
Dominion Machines
Witch Hunts

I Hope to live another 40 years to read about POS45 and his Cult.
You’re the piece of shit, winky dinky. You lie incessantly and never manage to ever support you bullshit.

May a painful infestation of fleas once again make you suffer in the taint.
You’re the piece of shit, winky dinky. You lie incessantly and never manage to ever support you bullshit.

May a painful infestation of fleas once again make you suffer in the taint.
And yet you say I lie, yet you can't quote me on a single lie.

Go.........Quote me ya faggot.
The Feds used facial recognition (including ears) to track down political dissidents involved in Jan 6 so it's reasonable to use the same technology to determine if old Joe is really who he says he is.
Early 1970’s. The books are terrific. They won the now late author all kinds of acclaim not just for fiction writing and crime writing but also from Native American Indians. Great material.
I wish I could buy a truck like this.

And yet you say I lie, yet you can't quote me on a single lie.

Go.........Quote me ya faggot.

Remember how hurt Republicans were when Bill lied about a BJ? And they claim it's the media and scientists who are lying to us?

Now Trump's defense for his most recent crimes? That he has the right to lie. Isn't that revealing?
It’s easier to point to your incidents of honesty, ya quiff. There aren’t any.
Noted Failure ^^^^ quiff ??? referring to me as a hairstyle?

Screenshot 2023-08-07 at 12.36.42 PM.png

Find a Quote where I told a Lie.
Quit deflecting, ya pussy.

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