Conservative/Republicans, we got the left, and it has already started last night!

Yep, to bad for you we live in a republic, and not a democracy-) Of course, that fact probably escaped you, as you stood at the DNC convention, with your Russian, Mexican, or Cuban flag-)

Again, you are a bit delusional, Cleetus...

Point is, Trump is the ultimate Faustian Bargain, and we all know how those end up.

Now you are reduced to using platitudes, lol.

Joe, Joe, if you do not know your side is screwed, you do not know politics.

But let us say you are correct. Then come crow when you have something, and quit crowing about absolutely nothing, lol. Just do us all a favor-------->

when it comes out in the very near future that what I/we said was 100% correct, be man enough to show your face so we can hammer you-)

You are on your last political legs for at least 2018. Whenever I see you after this has all come to pass, forgive me if I remind you repeatedly! And trust me, most of this board couldn't imagine a more perfect candidate to hose, besides the charming and delightful, Jake Starkey! So at least you can take that away after your rearend is paddled, you are in disgusting; or great company, depending upon how you want to look at it-)
lol, if collusion isn't a crime, as the Trumptards insist, why is the Trump administration so frantic to prove there was no collusion?

Head with antlers with nothing between them, you are awake now! Been watching the OWN network, have ya!

So, I heard you robbed a food bank, lol!

What do you mean you didn't!

Why in the hell are you so frantic to prove you didn't?

Duh, are you really that dumb! Oh yeah, I forgot the head with antlers thing with nothing between them, lol.

Now go back to watching the OWN network. That fits your intelligence level perfectly-)
Most states wanted Trump as President. Just a couple of liberal shit holes didn't want Trump to be President.

10 Million MOre people voted against him than for him.

Giving more voting power to sparsely populated states is just nuts.
Means nothing tard when over 100 million didn't bother you delusional nitwit.
Keep beating that dead horse, you look the total jack ass every time.
On top of ole Smoky, all covered with Leftist crud,

The Leftists are crying, because their collusion/delusion proved out a dud!

It now comes back to bite them, right in their arrogant butt,

What else can you expect, when for President, you support a crooked sl**!
Now you are reduced to using platitudes, lol.

Joe, Joe, if you do not know your side is screwed, you do not know politics.

But let us say you are correct. Then come crow when you have something, and quit crowing about absolutely nothing, lol. Just do us all a favor-------->

when it comes out in the very near future that what I/we said was 100% correct, be man enough to show your face so we can hammer you-)

Guy, Mueller isn't going away. The very fact that Trump is going to his backup position of "Collusion isn't actually illegal" tells me they probably have him on collusion.
It’s just got to happen, right?

Fuck facts, Trump has to go to prison.

Works for me.

Throw him in big boy prison with a big black cellmate and a jar of vasoline.

Joe Cocksucker, please tell me that you won't go into hiding when your scenario doesn't happen. Tell me that when the sealed indictments that are going to lead to the arrest of the Hildbeast, McCain, Pelosi, Comey and other deep state puppets that you will still be here to dine on a heapin' helpin' of crow....instead of scurrying away. Deal???>?
Joe Cocksucker, please tell me that you won't go into hiding when your scenario doesn't happen. Tell me that when the sealed indictments that are going to lead to the arrest of the Hildbeast, McCain, Pelosi, Comey and other deep state puppets that you will still be here to dine on a heapin' helpin' of crow....instead of scurrying away. Deal???>?

Not gonna happen, buddy. You don't really think the Deep State will turn on its own, do you? They'll all do the secret Lizard Man Masonic Handshake and then proceed to turn on Trump. I wouldn't be surprised if Trump is found dead in bed with a Russian Hooker when they are done.

(For the Sarcasm impaired, I'm just having fun with a cocksucking nut who thinks Sandy Hook was a hoax. You can't reason with that level of crazy, so just have fun with them.)

Trump's going down over Russia. Deal with it.

First the people said yes.....hence he is the president....Try reality, its much nicer here

and he isn't...I cant wait until the mass suicides of the left....they've been wanting this and it's not going to to be a tranny commie these days.
First the people said yes.....hence he is the president....Try reality, its much nicer here

No, the people said no. The archaic system developed by Slave Rapists said yes.

and he isn't...I cant wait until the mass suicides of the left....they've been wanting this and it's not going to to be a tranny commie these days.

Buddy, Trump is going down, because he did it. And at a certain point, Republicans are enough of survivors that they aren't going to stand by a guy they didn't want when the mob turns on him, which it will WHEN (not if) the Stock Market bubble bursts.
Russia is as much reality as Obama being born in Kenya and you tards look as ridiculous as the birthers do.

Deal with it

Um, sorry, bud, there's plenty of evidence Flynn, Manafort, and Trump Jr. were meeting with the Russians.

The very fact Trump is floating 'Well, even if there was collusion, that isn't a crime" tells me that the noose is tightening.
Russia is as much reality as Obama being born in Kenya and you tards look as ridiculous as the birthers do.

Deal with it

Um, sorry, bud, there's plenty of evidence Flynn, Manafort, and Trump Jr. were meeting with the Russians

None of which is illegal, but keep living in your fantasy that somehow you’re going to undo the election if that what helps you sleep at night, birther
The whole point is simple--------->

Do you think Lindsey would lie for Trump?

Yes or no? Not a hard question.

Do you think if the FISA warrants were not garnered by using the dossier that every leftist in congress would NOT be saying it was not!

The only real question is----------->how bad is this going to be for the Leftists.

You Leftists might as well start admitting that YOU are going to have to spin this away, and spin the fact that Hillary, the DNC, all tied with Fusion GPS, provided this evidence to SPY on a Presidential candidate, SANCTIONED by someone on high in the Obama Administration.

Spin all you want, but ya better start practicing now, cause you are going to need it for experience, very, very, soon-)

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