Conservative pundits were not impressed with the GOP's disastrous Benghazi hearing

Wow! Clinton used emails to communicate with Sydney Blumenthal

She used cables, memos, secure phone lines and more to communicate with Ambassadors and others.

Crime! Crime I tell you! Why did she NOT use her emails for everything so we can find where she confesses to having Vince Foster murdered?

Idiot......the Vince Foster confession was in the deleted emails
Wow! Clinton used emails to communicate with Sydney Blumenthal

She used cables, memos, secure phone lines and more to communicate with Ambassadors and others.

Crime! Crime I tell you! Why did she NOT use her emails for everything so we can find where she confesses to having Vince Foster murdered?

Idiot......the Vince Foster confession was in the deleted emails

wtf was I thinking? of course. :lol:
Rush thought it was brilliant, this teed up endless ammo for attack ads on Hillary and some debate zingers. Poor libs they just can't catch a break lately.

Rush was only one among MANY talk radio millionaires who thought it was brilliant. I've got to admit that they SURE know how to turn any issue into a personal gold mine.
Rush is a has been

move on
What a bunch of palookas!

Conservative pundits were not impressed with the GOP's disastrous Benghazi hearing

Unless something happens, it's starting to look like Hillary Clinton won't merely survive this hearing -- she will have come out on top.

— Matt Lewis (@mattklewis) October 22, 2015

Hillary = Lucy GOP = Charlie Brown Except the football is a grenade and Charlie Brown wrestles until he grabs it, unpins, and swallows it.

— Michael B Dougherty (@michaelbd) October 22, 2015

Why doesn't Pompeo just go over and swear her in for president now--if he goes on like this he'll practically get her elected

— John Podhoretz (@jpodhoretz) October 22, 2015

Pompeo's second round of questioning was snarky in tone and ineffective in substance. A net negative.

— Stephen Hayes (@stephenfhayes) October 22, 2015

I know what your are saying because people act as if something went wrong but it didn't. There was nothing she could do other than answer a phone. How hard is that? I don't think anyone can answer a phone and order military intervention unless you are the commander in chief.
Rush thought it was brilliant, this teed up endless ammo for attack ads on Hillary and some debate zingers. Poor libs they just can't catch a break lately.

Rush was only one among MANY talk radio millionaires who thought it was brilliant. I've got to admit that they SURE know how to turn any issue into a personal gold mine.
Rush is a has been

move on

Riiiight $50 million a year, 20 million listeners, his own private jet, beach front mansion. If you want an example of a has been look no further than Obama.
20 million listeners
No fucking way he has 20 million listeners, you liar.

Rush says he reaches 20 million listeners a week, I'm sorry if that makes the lefts heads explode. :laugh:

I bet dollars to donuts that he's not talking about 20 million different individuals. I bet that if he had 4 million people who listened 5 days a week, he would still count that as 20 million 'listeners.'

Its an interesting contradiction, liberals blame Rush for virtually everything while claiming he's irrelevant and has hardly any listeners. lol
20 million listeners
No fucking way he has 20 million listeners, you liar.

Rush says he reaches 20 million listeners a week, I'm sorry if that makes the lefts heads explode. :laugh:

I bet dollars to donuts that he's not talking about 20 million different individuals. I bet that if he had 4 million people who listened 5 days a week, he would still count that as 20 million 'listeners.'

Its an interesting contradiction, liberals blame Rush for virtually everything while claiming he's irrelevant and has hardly any listeners. lol

I don't blame Rush for much of anything, except possibly being the catalyst for what ultimately is the biggest boon to liberals while also being the biggest bane to the conservative cause.

What is it, you may ask.

Well, he changed the talk radio landscape which opened the door to people far more extreme (and serious) in their absolutist conservative views than Rush ever was.

So, what happened?

People (mostly self-interested people, I should add) saw talk radio as a way of making a lot of money without actually having to do anything or be accountable to anyone. They got on the airwaves and intuitively knew that controversy translated into higher ratings and consequently a LOT more money.

Enter a head case like Mark Levin who I regularly listen to. Oh, sure he's a dishonest propagandist who routinely spins illogical and even nonsensical arguments. But it doesn't end there. He's a ideological purist who routinely lambasts any and all generally conservative Republican representatives in Congress for a lack of ideological purity. And he does so without much regard for the political reality of governance and the need for representatives to have public policy views that reflect both the reality of the possible (as opposed to some perfect world where wishes come true) and the reality of the makeup of their congressional districts, many of which are not overwhelmingly conservative.

Now, multiply that across the AM talk radio spectrum and what do you get?

You get a talk radio environment which actually undermines the conservative cause because they attack representatives who are actually in their corner simply because they hold public policy views which are a reflection of political reality.

Personally, I get a kick out of listening to Mark Levin undermine conservative causes with his demand for ideological purity from all representatives.
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Rush says he reaches 20 million listeners a week, I'm sorry if that makes the lefts heads explode. :laugh:

And you swallow it whole, nodding like a good little dittohead while doing it.

Yes, YOU SCUM haven't anyone to listen to since Airhead America went bankrupt! Now you have to rely on DNC talking points passed around by the terminally stupid!
Hey guys, let's circle the wagons and get the Clinton wins benghazi circle jerk going again to bury the republican debate threads! Who's with me....!?

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