Consequences of a Shrinking Global Population

I gotta cousin that's had 9 kids.

How do the kids feel about it?

They're as happy as pigs in poop, unlike you, your miserableness.

People who have nine kids should have them taken away for child abuse.

YOU could try, and when those nine kids grow up they could tear you nine new assholes just like you deserve. When large families were the norm nobody bitched about being deprived because they didn’t get some new ‘thing’ on a regular timetable, they grew up in the middle of large usually loving families with lots of support and companionship and lots of love. Who the fuck are you to call that deprivation just because you turned out to be a selfish materialistic jerk off? If most people are choosing to have smaller families today partly for economic reasons, that’s up to them and that’s fine. That does not mean that there is anything wrong with large families.
Love doesn't do much good if your kid has a cleft palate and needs plastic surgery. .....

Here we go. And he needed a new big toe, had bionic leg, a new salivary gland, and three glass eyes. Keep going...
...... Not all large families have lots of love and support and companionship. That all has to be shared among more siblings as well......

Leave it to someone with no understanding of all that is good in humanity to miss the fact that real love doesn't divide but rather multiplies.

Apparently "materialistic" means you care about people having the resources necessary to give their kids a good life. .......

Materialistic means you evaluate the quality of human life based on how frequently you get a new fucking bikey. How fucking empty and shallow can you be?
Seriously though, why would anyone want kids?.....

Because we are human beings, and there is nothing better or more important in life.

Nothing more important except enjoying the one life you get, I suppose. If you don't want kids, you shouldn't feel pressured to give in to idiotic societal expectations about it. Fuck the rest of the world and take care of yourself first. That's the way it should be.
Seriously though, why would anyone want kids?.....

Because we are human beings, and there is nothing better or more important in life.

Nothing more important except enjoying the one life you get, I suppose. If you don't want kids, you shouldn't feel pressured to give in to idiotic societal expectations about it. Fuck the rest of the world and take care of yourself first. That's the way it should be.

That is the thinking of self-obsessed infants. A baby lives according to such impulse because he has no other choice. Adult HUMANS grow beyond it. You have to be an adult human to understand what the fuck I'm talking about.
Seriously though, why would anyone want kids?.....

Because we are human beings, and there is nothing better or more important in life.

Nothing more important except enjoying the one life you get, I suppose. If you don't want kids, you shouldn't feel pressured to give in to idiotic societal expectations about it. Fuck the rest of the world and take care of yourself first. That's the way it should be.

That is the thinking of self-obsessed infants. A baby lives according to such impulse because he has no other choice. Adult HUMANS grow beyond it. You have to be an adult human to understand what the fuck I'm talking about.

Think what you want, but that's the way it is from now on.
Faced with the reality of a future with more old people living longer and fewer young people being born to keep societies afloat, a number of choices will have to be made by most countries. Among these are allowing (if not recruiting) immigrants, particularly those with skills or who are willing to provide services in demand.

The World Can't Afford to Cheat Care Workers

Hello runner
Seriously though, why would anyone want kids?.....

Because we are human beings, and there is nothing better or more important in life.

Nothing more important except enjoying the one life you get, I suppose. If you don't want kids, you shouldn't feel pressured to give in to idiotic societal expectations about it. Fuck the rest of the world and take care of yourself first. That's the way it should be.

That is the thinking of self-obsessed infants. A baby lives according to such impulse because he has no other choice. Adult HUMANS grow beyond it. You have to be an adult human to understand what the fuck I'm talking about.

Think what you want, but that's the way it is from now on.

Seriously though, why would anyone want kids?.....

Because we are human beings, and there is nothing better or more important in life.

Nothing more important except enjoying the one life you get, I suppose. If you don't want kids, you shouldn't feel pressured to give in to idiotic societal expectations about it. Fuck the rest of the world and take care of yourself first. That's the way it should be.

That is the thinking of self-obsessed infants. A baby lives according to such impulse because he has no other choice. Adult HUMANS grow beyond it. You have to be an adult human to understand what the fuck I'm talking about.

Think what you want, but that's the way it is from now on.

You can remain a helpless infant all your pointless life if you want, but I reckon there will be some actual men and women that develop from among your generation. But you go ahead and proudly waste oxygen you don't deserve, little baby.
You know, some of the kids from the upcoming generation shock me, and others really impress me.

One guy's middle boy starts talkin' 'bout "Granpa's old, what good is he?"

Meanwhile, hunior there is living on Granpa's land in a place that Grandpa cleared long ago. Papa set him straight right quick on that one.

I've been really impressed by most of the people I've talked to of the younger generation.

Now if we could just stop with the "Everybody has to have a tattoo" thing.
Seriously though, why would anyone want kids? ESPECIALLY women?

Millennials don't want kids. Good thing too, since we can't afford them. The rest of society is just gonna have to deal with that.

Ain't gonna be nobody there to take care of your ass when you get old, dipshit.

That's not the way the world was designed to work, not at all.
So your proposal is infinite expansion of the population?

Did not God say: "Be fruitful, and multiply"? Why yes, I believe he did.
I'm an atheist, so that kind of "logic" just makes me laugh. It's hard to believe that anyone would seriously argue that the population should increase until it reaches infinity.
Should or should not is irrelevant. I do not think that the thread is about weather or not it should but that our current economic system is built around continuous population growth and that growth is curving down. As you pointed out this seems to only effect some populations though so I think we are running into a societal wall here in the west rather than a resource wall.

It is also a fundamental reality of life in general, let alone people, that life attempts to expand indefinitely as often as possible. In the past people have hit that equilibrium where limited resources stabilize the death and birth rates until something changes (like advancements in agriculture that relax those constraints).

We will eventually leave this little rock and continue to expand again after we hit that equilibrium as we have in the past when new resources are uncovered.
Seriously though, why would anyone want kids?.....

Because we are human beings, and there is nothing better or more important in life.
I can think of a lot of things better than having kids

You want to because you have to.

No I didn't want kids because there's a lot more in my life I want to do than raise kids

Besides the go to school, get married, have kids drones like you are a dime a dozen
Seriously though, why would anyone want kids?.....

Because we are human beings, and there is nothing better or more important in life.
I can think of a lot of things better than having kids

You want to because you have to.

No I didn't want kids because there's a lot more in my life I want to do than raise kids.....

Yeah, right.
I love all you assholes who grew up with one or two brothers and sisters ....

Do you love being an asshole who makes blind guesses about other people's families?
You mean like you and Marion Morrison are doing? All this stuff about "love and support" are just blind guesses, aren't they? Furthermore, you're making blind guesses about my family, and that's against the rules.

Apparently "materialistic" means you care about people having the resources necessary to give their kids a good life. .......

Materialistic means you evaluate the quality of human life based on how frequently you get a new fucking bikey. How fucking empty and shallow can you be?
Anyone who thinks your material well being doesn't affect your quality of life is simply a fucking moron. If it doesn't, then why do we have welfare?
How do the kids feel about it?

They're as happy as pigs in poop, unlike you, your miserableness.

People who have nine kids should have them taken away for child abuse.

YOU could try, and when those nine kids grow up they could tear you nine new assholes just like you deserve. When large families were the norm nobody bitched about being deprived because they didn’t get some new ‘thing’ on a regular timetable, they grew up in the middle of large usually loving families with lots of support and companionship and lots of love. Who the fuck are you to call that deprivation just because you turned out to be a selfish materialistic jerk off? If most people are choosing to have smaller families today partly for economic reasons, that’s up to them and that’s fine. That does not mean that there is anything wrong with large families.
Love doesn't do much good if your kid has a cleft palate and needs plastic surgery. .....

Here we go. And he needed a new big toe, had bionic leg, a new salivary gland, and three glass eyes. Keep going...
Are you trying to claim that kids don't sometimes need things that cost big money?
...... Not all large families have lots of love and support and companionship. That all has to be shared among more siblings as well......

Leave it to someone with no understanding of all that is good in humanity to miss the fact that real love doesn't divide but rather multiplies.
Please spare us the idiotic pap. "Real love" can't pay for orthodontia. It takes money.

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