Congratulations, Oklahoma!!


Platinum Member
Jul 20, 2011
Don't harsh my zen, Jen!
Federal judge strikes down Oklahoma ban on same-sex marriage - U.S. News

Oklahoma's ban on same-sex marriage was struck down Tuesday by a federal judge who declared it a fundamental violation of equal rights.

U.S. Senior District Judge Terence Kern ruled in Tulsa that a state constitutional amendment limiting marriage to opposite-sex couples ran afoul of the U.S. Constitution's guarantee of equal protection under the 14th Amendment.

The ruling won't immediately let same-sex couples get married in Oklahoma, however. Kern stayed the ruling pending resolution of a similar challenge to Utah's ban on same-sex marriage, which is being heard by the 10th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in Denver.

Chad Griffin, president of the Human Rights Campaign, a gay rights activist group, said it was clear that Kern "has come to the conclusion that so many have before him — that the fundamental equality of lesbian and gay couples is guaranteed by the United States Constitution."

But Gov. Mary Fallin said she was "disappointed" by the ruling, noting that the restriction was passed by Oklahoma voters nine years ago with 75 percent support.

"The people of Oklahoma have spoken on this issue," Fallin said in a statement. "I support the right of Oklahoma's voters to govern themselves on this and other policy matters."

Policy matters!? This is not about policy matters. Nobody gets to vote on whether people have the same rights you do.

This is major!

Oklahoma is the reddest state so far to have to wake up and smell the expresso.

Marriage equality is here to stay!!

This notion that the will of people is being subverted is false. Appeal to the majority is a fallacy -- a failed argument. That is one reason why we have judicial review; to prevent the will of the majority from trampling on the rights of the minority.

Since the state can not impose one religion over another -- the Christian beliefs of the people of Oklahoma are not as relevant when making state law as due process and equal protection.

The Christians can still have their beliefs. They can define marriage anyway they want. But those beliefs stop at the county clerks window for marriage licenses.

What I'd like to see next are Christian leaders coming forward and pointing out that clinging to one line from Leviticus while ignoring most of the other laws on slaves, women, diet, and customs is not only intellectually dishonest but Spiritually.

Christians will make all kinds of quotes out of context to connect Jesus to the two lines in the OT on homosexuality, but that doesn't explain how they ignore all the laws on slaves and treatment of women. If Christians write off most of Leviticus as archaic tribal culture, pass the pork and shrimp!!, then they have to put the entire book on that same context. It offers us an interesting insight into the life and culture of the levite tribe.
The decision is stayed pending appeal, just like Utah.

The idiots in Utah ran out and got married and now all those marriages are invalid.
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The tide is turning, no matter how badly you don't want it to. Same thing happened to California, funny you left them out of the equation.
The decision is stayed pending appeal, just like Utah.

The idiots in Utah ran out and got married and now all those marriages are invalid.

Well there are definitely a lot of idiots in Utah. I hope they don't do any idiotic things when the ruling is upheld.
now you gone and spoiled the burn 'um at the stake party!
The tide is turning, no matter how badly you don't want it to. Same thing happened to California, funny you left them out of the equation.

The people of California have never passed same sex marriage. We voted against it twice and the last time gay activists couldn't get enough signatures to qualify it for the ballot. Same sex marriage has been imposed on California by a single gay judge. That doesn't signify a turn in public opinon. It's that a judge can overturn the vote.

No matter how many laws are passed, the will of the people cannot really be overcome because if the people reject same sex marriage having a law doesn't make them accept it. They still reject it. It manifests in an underlying cruelty, a pervasive but all encompassing nastiness.

The one thing the law cannot do, and it is being rapidly discovered, is make people be nice. Force people to do something they don't want to do and they seldom take it quietly.
The tide is turning, no matter how badly you don't want it to. Same thing happened to California, funny you left them out of the equation.

California voted against gay marrige, remember? Well we can credit liberals to spend all their energy on this, instead of the economy. This is why that family froze to death. Liberals want social issues done, not economic ones taken care of.
The tide is turning, no matter how badly you don't want it to. Same thing happened to California, funny you left them out of the equation.

The people of California have never passed same sex marriage. We voted against it twice and the last time gay activists couldn't get enough signatures to qualify it for the ballot. Same sex marriage has been imposed on California by a single gay judge. That doesn't signify a turn in public opinon. It's that a judge can overturn the vote.

No matter how many laws are passed, the will of the people cannot really be overcome because if the people reject same sex marriage having a law doesn't make them accept it. They still reject it. It manifests in an underlying cruelty, a pervasive but all encompassing nastiness.

The one thing the law cannot do, and it is being rapidly discovered, is make people be nice. Force people to do something they don't want to do and they seldom take it quietly.
The tide is turning, no matter how badly you don't want it to. Same thing happened to California, funny you left them out of the equation.

The people of California have never passed same sex marriage. We voted against it twice and the last time gay activists couldn't get enough signatures to qualify it for the ballot. Same sex marriage has been imposed on California by a single gay judge. That doesn't signify a turn in public opinon. It's that a judge can overturn the vote.

No matter how many laws are passed, the will of the people cannot really be overcome because if the people reject same sex marriage having a law doesn't make them accept it. They still reject it. It manifests in an underlying cruelty, a pervasive but all encompassing nastiness.

The one thing the law cannot do, and it is being rapidly discovered, is make people be nice. Force people to do something they don't want to do and they seldom take it quietly.

Thankfully this country has proven time and again that oppression of a minority by your "will of the people" is a despicable thing. :cool:
“This is not an issue for the coasts, this is not an issue just for the liberals,” he said. “This is increasingly America’s understanding of what marriage is, and fairness in marriage laws looks like.”

In a statement, Human Rights Campaign President Chad Griffin said that Kern, who was appointed by President Bill Clinton, “has come to the conclusion that so many have before him — that the fundamental equality of lesbian and gay couples is guaranteed by the United States Constitution. With last year’s historic decisions at the Supreme Court guiding the way, it is clear that we are on a path to full and equal citizenship for all lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender Americans.”

:clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2:
Why congratulate Oklahoma? The OK people from the OK state don't want same sex marriages. Congratulate the federal judge who overrode the will of the people.
Why congratulate Oklahoma? The OK people from the OK state don't want same sex marriages. Congratulate the federal judge who overrode the will of the people.

Thankfully this country has proven time and again that oppression of a minority by your "will of the people" is a despicable thing. :cool:

So nice I thought I'd post it twice

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