Computer scientists may have solved the mystery behind the ‘sonic attacks’ in Cuba


Platinum Member
Sep 30, 2011
A team of computer scientists from the University of Michigan may have solved the mystery behind strange sounds heard by American diplomats in Havana, who later suffered a variety of medical disorders.

Professor Kevin Fu and members of the Security and Privacy Research Group at the University of Michigan say they have an explanation for what could have happened in Havana: two sources of ultrasound — such as listening devices — placed too close together could generate interference and provoke the intense sounds described by the victims.

And this may not have been done intentionally to harm diplomats, the scientists concluded in their study, first reported by the Daily Beast.

Those who have followed the case closely say the new theory makes sense.
Computer scientists may have solved the mystery behind the ‘sonic attacks’ in Cuba

Malfunctioning spy technology is not a form of aggression! lol....

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