Companies are refusing to hire college students who support Hamas terrorism and murder of civilians

Jarlaxle: I get that you're stupid. Ozzie,this is stupid even for you.

We are and have been a nation of immigrants. That is not changing.

First, Ozzie, please learn to use the quote function here. If it's beyond you, have an average ten year old explain it to you. Second, put down the club, your straw man died last year.

I don't know maybe for the same reason I wouldn't hire someone who thought that Jeffrey Dahmer did nothing wrong or who thought 9/11 was justified.

You are a strange, evil bird.

Joey is thepurest, darkest example of undiluted evil on this site. Joey is evil on the level of Vasily Blohkin or Lavernty Beria.
Naw, strange is pretending that a 70 campaign of genocide against the Palestinian people is justified.

You are a strange, evil inbred redneck.

Ok, then you go ahead and hire these guys. Oh yeah, I almost forgot, you aren't in a position to do so. There is a reason for that.
5th post
Does it really matter where the person went to school if they are a terrorists sympathizer? You shouldn't hire the guy to flip burgers along side you if he/she has these beliefs.
I feel that way about the graduates of Liberty or Bob Jones University. It makes my skin crawl to think one might have to work next to them.
Does it really matter where the person went to school if they are a terrorists sympathizer? You shouldn't hire the guy to flip burgers along side you if he/she has these beliefs.

If he gets the job done, I don't care what he does in his personal life.

Hey, you know why big companies are importing people from the North? Because you fucking rednecks couldn't pour piss out of a boot if the instructions were written on the heel.
10th post
If he gets the job done, I don't care what he does in his personal life.

Hey, you know why big companies are importing people from the North? Because you fucking rednecks couldn't pour piss out of a boot if the instructions were written on the heel.

We aren’t importing people from the North, they are coming here because we pay well relative to the cost of living and we have a favorable ennvironment for business. Us “rednecks” are putting people like you to work to help YOU.
We aren’t importing people from the North, they are coming here because we pay well relative to the cost of living and we have a favorable ennvironment for business. Us “rednecks” are putting people like you to work to help YOU.

Well, I'd never move down there. A dear friend of mine did because they offered her a bunch of money to relocate. She hates it down there, the schools suck, most of her neighbors are rednecks (she's Filipina).

Freemdom of speech does not mean freedom from consequences!

Isnt that what the left wing cultists always say?

Welcome to the boomerang, lefties. Those who cancelled are now being cancelled.


Those who support HAMAS should be publicly ridiculed and not allowed to earn a living. Thats the game, correct? Destroy the lives of anyone who disagrees?

Welcome to the Machine of your own making, you WOKE fools.
That's only for Trump voters....
15th post
Well, I'd never move down there. A dear friend of mine did because they offered her a bunch of money to relocate. She hates it down there, the schools suck, most of her neighbors are rednecks (she's Filipina).
Good, we don't want your smug ass here anyway...All you do is try to turn the south into the north through your vote....Stay up north please.
Well, I'd never move down there. A dear friend of mine did because they offered her a bunch of money to relocate. She hates it down there, the schools suck, most of her neighbors are rednecks (she's Filipina).

I guess it depends where you live. I mean, I could move to Chicago to a poor area and live next to some gang bangers or I could live in a more afluent area. You seem to have the idea that even affluent areas of the South(yeah, there are plenty) are chalk full of rednecks. My wife is an MD. My neighbor is a Phd. The average income in my area is well above the national average. We aren’t rednecks. Not a lot of rednecks in my area, in fact, it is a little snooty for my taste. Up the road a bit and more into the country you get mostly just country folks, not rednecks. Rednecks do exist in the South, but they don’t dominate the South any more than white trash or gang bangers dominate the North and Midwest.

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